

UI Automation Support for the StatusBar Control Type


This documentation is intended for .NET Framework developers who want to use the managed UI Automation classes defined in the System.Windows.Automation namespace. For the latest information about UI Automation, see Windows Automation API: UI Automation.

This topic provides information about UI Automation support for the StatusBar control type. In UI Automation, a control type is a set of conditions that a control must meet in order to use the ControlTypeProperty property. The conditions include specific guidelines for UI Automation tree structure, UI Automation property values and control patterns.

A status bar control displays information about an object being viewed in a window of an application, the object's component, or contextual information that relates to that object's operation within your application.

The following sections define the required UI Automation tree structure, properties, control patterns, and events for the StatusBar control type. The UI Automation requirements apply to all status bar controls, whether Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Win32, or Windows Forms.

Required UI Automation Tree Structure

The following table depicts the control view and the content view of the UI Automation tree that pertains to status bar controls and describes what can be contained in each view. For more information on the UI Automation tree, see UI Automation Tree Overview.

Control View Content View

- Edit (0 or more)
- Progress Bar (0 or many)
- Image (0 or many)
- Button (0 or many)

- Edit (0 or more)
- ProgressBar (0 or many)
- Image (0 or many)
- Button (0 or many)

Required UI Automation Properties

The following table lists the UI Automation properties whose value or definition is especially relevant to progress bar controls. For more information about UI Automation properties, see UI Automation Properties for Clients.

UI Automation Property Value Notes
AutomationIdProperty See notes. The value of this property needs to be unique across all controls in an application.
BoundingRectangleProperty See notes. The bounding rectangle of a status bar must encompass all of the controls contained within it.
ClickablePointProperty See notes. Supported if there is a bounding rectangle. If not every point within the bounding rectangle is clickable, and you perform specialized hit testing, then override and provide a clickable point.
IsKeyboardFocusableProperty See notes. If the control can receive keyboard focus, it must support this property.
NameProperty See notes. The status bar control does not need a name unless more than one is used within an application. In this case, distinguish each bar with names such as "Internet Status" or "Application Status."
LabeledByProperty Null The status bar control usually does not have a label.
ControlTypeProperty StatusBar This value is the same for all UI frameworks.
LocalizedControlTypeProperty "status bar" Localized string corresponding to the StatusBar control type.
IsContentElementProperty True The status bar control always contains content.
IsControlElementProperty True The status bar control is always a control.
IsOffscreenProperty Depends A status bar control will return True for this property if it is not currently visible on the screen.
OrientationProperty Depends The value of the control's orientation: horizontal or vertical.
IsKeyboardFocusableProperty False Not applicable
AcceleratorKeyProperty Null Status bars do not have accelerator keys.

Required UI Automation Control Patterns

The following table lists the UI Automation control patterns required to be supported by status bar controls. For more information about control patterns, see UI Automation Control Patterns Overview.

Control Pattern Support Notes
IGridProvider Optional Status bar controls should support the Grid control pattern so that individual pieces can be monitored and easily referenced for information.

Required UI Automation Events

The following table lists the UI Automation events required to be supported by all status bar controls. For more information about events, see UI Automation Events Overview.

UI Automation Event Support Notes
BoundingRectangleProperty property-changed event. Required None
IsOffscreenProperty property-changed event. Required None
IsEnabledProperty property-changed event. Required None
AutomationFocusChangedEvent Required None
StructureChangedEvent Required None

See also