

<add> of <issuerChannelBehaviors>

Adds an endpoint behavior to be used when communicating with an STS.


If any endpoint behavior contains a <clientCredentials> element, an exception will be thrown.



<add issuerAddress="string"
     behaviorConfiguration="string" />

Attributes and Elements

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements


Attribute Description
issuerAddress The URI of the security token issuer to communicate with.
behaviorConfiguration The name of an endpoint behavior defined in the same configuration file.

Child Elements


Parent Elements

Element Description
<issuerChannelBehaviors> Contains a collection of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) client endpoint behaviors to be used when communicating with the specified Service Token Services.


issuerAddress contains the URI of the Security Token Service that the client wants to communicate with. behaviorConfiguration points to an endpoint behavior that the application uses in the channels created by Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) to get the issued tokens from the Security Token Services.

See also