

<section> element

Contains a configuration section declaration.




<section name="section name"
         type="configuration section handler class, assembly"
         allowLocation="true|false" />

Required attributes

name Specifies the name of the configuration section.
type Specifies the name of the configuration section handler class that reads the section from the configuration file. The type value has the syntax "fully-qualified-section-handler-class-name, simple-assembly-name". The simple assembly name is the root filename without the .dll file extension.

Optional attributes

The following attributes are applicable only for ASP.NET applications. The configuration system ignores these attributes for other application types.

allowDefinition Specifies which configuration file the section can be used in. Use one of the following values:

Allows the section to be used in any configuration file. This is the default.
Allows the section to be used only in the machine configuration file (Machine.config).
Allows the section to be used in the machine configuration file or the application configuration file.
allowLocation Determines whether the section can be used within the <location> element. Use one of the following values:

Allows the section to be used within the <location> element. This is the default.
Does not allow the section to be used within the <location> element.

Parent elements

<configSections> Element Contains configuration section and namespace declarations.
<sectionGroup> Element Defines a namespace for configuration sections.


A <section> element is a child element of either <configSections> or <sectionGroup> but not both.

Child elements



Declaring a configuration section essentially defines a new element for the configuration file. The new element contains settings that a configuration section handler (that is, a class that implements the IConfigurationSectionHandler interface) reads. The attributes and child elements of a section you define depend on the section handler you use to read your settings.

Declaring a configuration section handler in the Machine.config file enables you to use the configuration section in any application configuration file on that computer, unless the allowDefinition attribute specifies otherwise.


The following example shows how to define a configuration section and define settings for that section:

    <section name="sampleSection"
             allowLocation="false" />
  <sampleSection setting1="Value1"
                 setting2="value two"
                 setting3="third value" />

Configuration file

This element can be used in the application configuration file, machine configuration file (Machine.config), and Web.config files that are not at the application directory level.

See also