
IServiceCollection Interface


Specifies the contract for a collection of service descriptors.

public interface class IServiceCollection : System::Collections::Generic::ICollection<Microsoft::Extensions::DependencyInjection::ServiceDescriptor ^>, System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable<Microsoft::Extensions::DependencyInjection::ServiceDescriptor ^>, System::Collections::Generic::IList<Microsoft::Extensions::DependencyInjection::ServiceDescriptor ^>
public interface IServiceCollection : System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor>, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor>, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor>
type IServiceCollection = interface
    interface IList<ServiceDescriptor>
    interface ICollection<ServiceDescriptor>
    interface seq<ServiceDescriptor>
    interface IEnumerable
Public Interface IServiceCollection
Implements ICollection(Of ServiceDescriptor), IEnumerable(Of ServiceDescriptor), IList(Of ServiceDescriptor)



Gets the number of elements contained in the ICollection<T>.

(Inherited from ICollection<T>)

Gets a value indicating whether the ICollection<T> is read-only.

(Inherited from ICollection<T>)

Gets or sets the element at the specified index.

(Inherited from IList<T>)



Adds an item to the ICollection<T>.

(Inherited from ICollection<T>)

Removes all items from the ICollection<T>.

(Inherited from ICollection<T>)

Determines whether the ICollection<T> contains a specific value.

(Inherited from ICollection<T>)
CopyTo(T[], Int32)

Copies the elements of the ICollection<T> to an Array, starting at a particular Array index.

(Inherited from ICollection<T>)

Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.

(Inherited from IEnumerable)

Determines the index of a specific item in the IList<T>.

(Inherited from IList<T>)
Insert(Int32, T)

Inserts an item to the IList<T> at the specified index.

(Inherited from IList<T>)

Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the ICollection<T>.

(Inherited from ICollection<T>)

Removes the IList<T> item at the specified index.

(Inherited from IList<T>)

Extension Methods

AddServiceLogEnricher(IServiceCollection, IConfigurationSection)

Adds an instance of the service enricher to the IServiceCollection.

AddServiceLogEnricher(IServiceCollection, Action<ApplicationLogEnricherOptions>)

Adds an instance of the service enricher to the IServiceCollection.


Adds an instance of the service enricher to the IServiceCollection.

AddApplicationMetadata(IServiceCollection, IConfigurationSection)

Adds an instance of ApplicationMetadata to a dependency injection container.

AddApplicationMetadata(IServiceCollection, Action<ApplicationMetadata>)

Adds an instance of ApplicationMetadata to a dependency injection container.


Adds default implementations for IAsyncState, IAsyncContext<T>, and Microsoft.Extensions.AsyncState.IAsyncLocalContext`1 services. Please note that implementations of these interfaces are not thread safe.

ActivateKeyedSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type, Object)

Enforces keyed singleton activation at startup time rather than at runtime.

ActivateKeyedSingleton<TService>(IServiceCollection, Object)

Enforces keyed singleton activation at startup time rather than at runtime.

ActivateSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type)

Enforces singleton activation at startup time rather than at runtime.


Enforces singleton activation at startup time rather than at runtime.

AddActivatedKeyedSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type, Object, Func<IServiceProvider,Object,Object>)

Adds an auto-activated keyed singleton service.

AddActivatedKeyedSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type, Object, Type)

Adds an auto-activated keyed singleton service.

AddActivatedKeyedSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type, Object)

Adds an auto-activated keyed singleton service.

AddActivatedKeyedSingleton<TService>(IServiceCollection, Object, Func<IServiceProvider,Object,TService>)

Adds an auto-activated keyed singleton service.

AddActivatedKeyedSingleton<TService>(IServiceCollection, Object)

Adds an auto-activated keyed singleton service.

AddActivatedKeyedSingleton<TService,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, Object, Func<IServiceProvider,Object,TImplementation>)

Adds an auto-activated keyed singleton service.

AddActivatedKeyedSingleton<TService,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, Object)

Adds an auto-activated keyed singleton service.

AddActivatedSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type, Func<IServiceProvider,Object>)

Adds an auto-activated singleton service.

AddActivatedSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type, Type)

Adds an auto-activated singleton service.

AddActivatedSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type)

Adds an auto-activated singleton service of the type specified in serviceType to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddActivatedSingleton<TService>(IServiceCollection, Func<IServiceProvider,TService>)

Adds an auto-activated singleton service.


Adds an auto-activated singleton service.

AddActivatedSingleton<TService,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, Func<IServiceProvider,TImplementation>)

Adds an auto-activated singleton service.


Adds an auto-activated singleton service.

TryAddActivatedKeyedSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type, Object, Func<IServiceProvider,Object,Object>)

Tries to add an auto-activated keyed singleton service.

TryAddActivatedKeyedSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type, Object, Type)

Tries to add an auto-activated keyed singleton service.

TryAddActivatedKeyedSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type, Object)

Tries to add an auto-activated keyed singleton service.

TryAddActivatedKeyedSingleton<TService>(IServiceCollection, Object, Func<IServiceProvider,Object,TService>)

Tries to add an auto-activated keyed singleton service.

TryAddActivatedKeyedSingleton<TService>(IServiceCollection, Object)

Tries to add an auto-activated keyed singleton service.

TryAddActivatedKeyedSingleton<TService,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, Object)

Tries to add an auto-activated keyed singleton service.

TryAddActivatedSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type, Func<IServiceProvider,Object>)

Tries to add an auto-activated singleton service.

TryAddActivatedSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type, Type)

Tries to add an auto-activated singleton service.

TryAddActivatedSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type)

Tries to add an auto-activated singleton service.

TryAddActivatedSingleton<TService>(IServiceCollection, Func<IServiceProvider,TService>)

Tries to add an auto-activated singleton service.


Tries to add an auto-activated singleton service.


Tries to add an auto-activated singleton service.

AddChatClient(IServiceCollection, IChatClient, ServiceLifetime)

Registers a singleton IChatClient in the IServiceCollection.

AddChatClient(IServiceCollection, Func<IServiceProvider,IChatClient>, ServiceLifetime)

Registers a singleton IChatClient in the IServiceCollection.

AddKeyedChatClient(IServiceCollection, Object, IChatClient, ServiceLifetime)

Registers a keyed singleton IChatClient in the IServiceCollection.

AddKeyedChatClient(IServiceCollection, Object, Func<IServiceProvider,IChatClient>, ServiceLifetime)

Registers a keyed singleton IChatClient in the IServiceCollection.

AddTelemetryHealthCheckPublisher(IServiceCollection, IConfigurationSection)

Registers a health check publisher which emits telemetry representing the application's health.

AddTelemetryHealthCheckPublisher(IServiceCollection, Action<TelemetryHealthCheckPublisherOptions>)

Registers a health check publisher which emits telemetry representing the application's health.


Registers a health check publisher which emits telemetry representing the application's health.


Adds services required for using contextual options.

Configure<TOptions>(IServiceCollection, Action<IOptionsContext,TOptions>)

Registers an action used to configure a particular type of options.

Configure<TOptions>(IServiceCollection, Func<IOptionsContext,CancellationToken,ValueTask<IConfigureContextualOptions<TOptions>>>)

Registers an action used to configure a particular type of options.

Configure<TOptions>(IServiceCollection, String, Action<IOptionsContext,TOptions>)

Registers an action used to configure a particular type of options.

Configure<TOptions>(IServiceCollection, String, Func<IOptionsContext,CancellationToken,ValueTask<IConfigureContextualOptions<TOptions>>>)

Registers an action used to configure a particular type of options.

ConfigureAll<TOptions>(IServiceCollection, Action<IOptionsContext,TOptions>)

Registers an action used to configure all instances of a particular type of options.

ConfigureAll<TOptions>(IServiceCollection, Func<IOptionsContext,CancellationToken,ValueTask<IConfigureContextualOptions<TOptions>>>)

Registers an action used to configure all instances of a particular type of options.

AddEmbeddingGenerator<TInput,TEmbedding>(IServiceCollection, IEmbeddingGenerator<TInput,TEmbedding>, ServiceLifetime)

Registers a singleton embedding generator in the IServiceCollection.

AddEmbeddingGenerator<TInput,TEmbedding>(IServiceCollection, Func<IServiceProvider,IEmbeddingGenerator<TInput,TEmbedding>>, ServiceLifetime)

Registers a singleton embedding generator in the IServiceCollection.

AddKeyedEmbeddingGenerator<TInput,TEmbedding>(IServiceCollection, Object, IEmbeddingGenerator<TInput,TEmbedding>, ServiceLifetime)

Registers a keyed singleton embedding generator in the IServiceCollection.

AddKeyedEmbeddingGenerator<TInput,TEmbedding>(IServiceCollection, Object, Func<IServiceProvider,IEmbeddingGenerator<TInput,TEmbedding>>, ServiceLifetime)

Registers a keyed singleton embedding generator in the IServiceCollection.

AddWebEncoders(IServiceCollection, Action<WebEncoderOptions>)

Adds HtmlEncoder, JavaScriptEncoder and UrlEncoder to the specified services.


Adds HtmlEncoder, JavaScriptEncoder and UrlEncoder to the specified services.

AddLogEnricher(IServiceCollection, ILogEnricher)

Registers a log enricher instance.


Registers a log enricher type.

AddStaticLogEnricher(IServiceCollection, IStaticLogEnricher)

Registers a static log enricher instance.


Registers a static log enricher type.

AddExceptionSummarizer(IServiceCollection, Action<IExceptionSummarizationBuilder>)

Registers an exception summarizer into a dependency injection container.


Registers an exception summarizer into a dependency injection container.

Add(IServiceCollection, ServiceDescriptor)

Adds the specified descriptor to the collection.

Add(IServiceCollection, IEnumerable<ServiceDescriptor>)

Adds a sequence of ServiceDescriptor to the collection.

RemoveAll(IServiceCollection, Type)

Removes all services of type serviceType in IServiceCollection.


Removes all services of type T in IServiceCollection.

RemoveAllKeyed(IServiceCollection, Type, Object)

Removes all services of type serviceType in IServiceCollection.

RemoveAllKeyed<T>(IServiceCollection, Object)

Removes all services of type T in IServiceCollection.

Replace(IServiceCollection, ServiceDescriptor)

Removes the first service in IServiceCollection with the same service type as descriptor and adds descriptor to the collection.

TryAdd(IServiceCollection, ServiceDescriptor)

Adds the specified descriptor to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAdd(IServiceCollection, IEnumerable<ServiceDescriptor>)

Adds the specified descriptors to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddEnumerable(IServiceCollection, ServiceDescriptor)

Adds a ServiceDescriptor if an existing descriptor with the same ServiceType and an implementation that does not already exist in services.

TryAddEnumerable(IServiceCollection, IEnumerable<ServiceDescriptor>)

Adds the specified ServiceDescriptors if an existing descriptor with the same ServiceType and an implementation that does not already exist in services.

TryAddKeyedScoped(IServiceCollection, Type, Object, Func<IServiceProvider,Object,Object>)

Adds the specified service as a Scoped service using the factory specified in implementationFactory to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddKeyedScoped(IServiceCollection, Type, Object, Type)

Adds the specified service as a Scoped service with the implementationType implementation to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddKeyedScoped(IServiceCollection, Type, Object)

Adds the specified service as a Scoped service to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddKeyedScoped<TService>(IServiceCollection, Object, Func<IServiceProvider,Object,TService>)

Adds the specified TService as a Scoped service using the factory specified in implementationFactory to the services if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddKeyedScoped<TService>(IServiceCollection, Object)

Adds the specified TService as a Scoped service to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddKeyedScoped<TService,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, Object)

Adds the specified TService as a Scoped service implementation type specified in TImplementation to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddKeyedSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type, Object, Func<IServiceProvider,Object,Object>)

Adds the specified service as a Singleton service using the factory specified in implementationFactory to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddKeyedSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type, Object, Type)

Adds the specified service as a Singleton service with the implementationType implementation to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddKeyedSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type, Object)

Adds the specified service as a Singleton service to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddKeyedSingleton<TService>(IServiceCollection, Object, TService)

Adds the specified TService as a Singleton service with an instance specified in instance to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddKeyedSingleton<TService>(IServiceCollection, Object, Func<IServiceProvider,Object,TService>)

Adds the specified TService as a Singleton service using the factory specified in implementationFactory to the services if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddKeyedSingleton<TService>(IServiceCollection, Object)

Adds the specified TService as a Singleton service to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddKeyedSingleton<TService,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, Object)

Adds the specified TService as a Singleton service implementation type specified in TImplementation to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddKeyedTransient(IServiceCollection, Type, Object, Func<IServiceProvider,Object,Object>)

Adds the specified service as a Transient service using the factory specified in implementationFactory to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddKeyedTransient(IServiceCollection, Type, Object, Type)

Adds the specified service as a Transient service with the implementationType implementation to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddKeyedTransient(IServiceCollection, Type, Object)

Adds the specified service as a Transient service to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddKeyedTransient<TService>(IServiceCollection, Object, Func<IServiceProvider,Object,TService>)

Adds the specified TService as a Transient service using the factory specified in implementationFactory to the services if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddKeyedTransient<TService>(IServiceCollection, Object)

Adds the specified TService as a Transient service to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddKeyedTransient<TService,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, Object)

Adds the specified TService as a Transient service implementation type specified in TImplementation to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddScoped(IServiceCollection, Type, Func<IServiceProvider,Object>)

Adds the specified service as a Scoped service using the factory specified in implementationFactory to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddScoped(IServiceCollection, Type, Type)

Adds the specified service as a Scoped service with the implementationType implementation to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddScoped(IServiceCollection, Type)

Adds the specified service as a Scoped service to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddScoped<TService>(IServiceCollection, Func<IServiceProvider,TService>)

Adds the specified TService as a Scoped service using the factory specified in implementationFactory to the services if the service type hasn't already been registered.


Adds the specified TService as a Scoped service to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.


Adds the specified TService as a Scoped service implementation type specified in TImplementation to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type, Func<IServiceProvider,Object>)

Adds the specified service as a Singleton service using the factory specified in implementationFactory to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type, Type)

Adds the specified service as a Singleton service with the implementationType implementation to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type)

Adds the specified service as a Singleton service to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddSingleton<TService>(IServiceCollection, TService)

Adds the specified TService as a Singleton service with an instance specified in instance to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddSingleton<TService>(IServiceCollection, Func<IServiceProvider,TService>)

Adds the specified TService as a Singleton service using the factory specified in implementationFactory to the services if the service type hasn't already been registered.


Adds the specified TService as a Singleton service to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.


Adds the specified TService as a Singleton service implementation type specified in TImplementation to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddTransient(IServiceCollection, Type, Func<IServiceProvider,Object>)

Adds the specified service as a Transient service using the factory specified in implementationFactory to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddTransient(IServiceCollection, Type, Type)

Adds the specified service as a Transient service with the implementationType implementation to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddTransient(IServiceCollection, Type)

Adds the specified service as a Transient service to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

TryAddTransient<TService>(IServiceCollection, Func<IServiceProvider,TService>)

Adds the specified TService as a Transient service using the factory specified in implementationFactory to the services if the service type hasn't already been registered.


Adds the specified TService as a Transient service to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.


Adds the specified TService as a Transient service implementation type specified in TImplementation to the collection if the service type hasn't already been registered.

AddFakeLogging(IServiceCollection, IConfigurationSection)

Configures fake logging.

AddFakeLogging(IServiceCollection, Action<FakeLogCollectorOptions>)

Configures fake logging.


Configures fake logging with default options.

AddFakeRedaction(IServiceCollection, Action<FakeRedactorOptions>)

Registers the fake redactor provider that always returns fake redactor instances.


Registers the fake redactor provider that always returns fake redactor instances.


Adds the HealthCheckService to the container, using the provided delegate to register health checks.

AddHttpClient(IServiceCollection, String, Action<IServiceProvider,HttpClient>)

Adds the IHttpClientFactory and related services to the IServiceCollection and configures a named HttpClient.

AddHttpClient(IServiceCollection, String, Action<HttpClient>)

Adds the IHttpClientFactory and related services to the IServiceCollection and configures a named HttpClient.

AddHttpClient(IServiceCollection, String)

Adds the IHttpClientFactory and related services to the IServiceCollection and configures a named HttpClient.


Adds the IHttpClientFactory and related services to the IServiceCollection.

AddHttpClient<TClient>(IServiceCollection, Action<IServiceProvider,HttpClient>)

Adds the IHttpClientFactory and related services to the IServiceCollection and configures a binding between the TClient type and a named HttpClient. The client name will be set to the type name of TClient.

AddHttpClient<TClient>(IServiceCollection, Action<HttpClient>)

Adds the IHttpClientFactory and related services to the IServiceCollection and configures a binding between the TClient type and a named HttpClient. The client name will be set to the type name of TClient.

AddHttpClient<TClient>(IServiceCollection, String, Action<IServiceProvider,HttpClient>)

Adds the IHttpClientFactory and related services to the IServiceCollection and configures a binding between the TClient type and a named HttpClient.

AddHttpClient<TClient>(IServiceCollection, String, Action<HttpClient>)

Adds the IHttpClientFactory and related services to the IServiceCollection and configures a binding between the TClient type and a named HttpClient.

AddHttpClient<TClient>(IServiceCollection, String)

Adds the IHttpClientFactory and related services to the IServiceCollection and configures a binding between the TClient type and a named HttpClient.


Adds the IHttpClientFactory and related services to the IServiceCollection and configures a binding between the TClient type and a named HttpClient. The client name will be set to the type name of TClient.

AddHttpClient<TClient,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, Action<IServiceProvider,HttpClient>)

Adds the IHttpClientFactory and related services to the IServiceCollection and configures a binding between the TClient type and a named HttpClient. The client name will be set to the type name of TClient.

AddHttpClient<TClient,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, Action<HttpClient>)

Adds the IHttpClientFactory and related services to the IServiceCollection and configures a binding between the TClient type and a named HttpClient. The client name will be set to the type name of TClient.

AddHttpClient<TClient,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, Func<HttpClient,TImplementation>)

Adds the IHttpClientFactory and related services to the IServiceCollection and configures a binding between the TClient type and a named HttpClient.

AddHttpClient<TClient,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, Func<HttpClient,IServiceProvider,TImplementation>)

Adds the IHttpClientFactory and related services to the IServiceCollection and configures a binding between the TClient type and a named HttpClient.

AddHttpClient<TClient,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, String, Action<IServiceProvider,HttpClient>)

Adds the IHttpClientFactory and related services to the IServiceCollection and configures a binding between the TClient type and a named HttpClient.

AddHttpClient<TClient,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, String, Action<HttpClient>)

Adds the IHttpClientFactory and related services to the IServiceCollection and configures a binding between the TClient type and a named HttpClient.

AddHttpClient<TClient,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, String, Func<HttpClient,TImplementation>)

Adds the IHttpClientFactory and related services to the IServiceCollection and configures a binding between the TClient type and a named HttpClient.

AddHttpClient<TClient,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, String, Func<HttpClient,IServiceProvider,TImplementation>)

Adds the IHttpClientFactory and related services to the IServiceCollection and configures a binding between the TClient type and a named HttpClient.

AddHttpClient<TClient,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, String)

Adds the IHttpClientFactory and related services to the IServiceCollection and configures a binding between the TClient type and a named HttpClient.


Adds the IHttpClientFactory and related services to the IServiceCollection and configures a binding between the TClient type and a named HttpClient. The client name will be set to the type name of TClient.

ConfigureHttpClientDefaults(IServiceCollection, Action<IHttpClientBuilder>)

Adds a delegate that will be used to configure all HttpClient instances.

AddHttpClientLatencyTelemetry(IServiceCollection, IConfigurationSection)

Adds a DelegatingHandler to collect latency information and enrich outgoing request log for all http clients.

AddHttpClientLatencyTelemetry(IServiceCollection, Action<HttpClientLatencyTelemetryOptions>)

Adds a DelegatingHandler to collect latency information and enrich outgoing request log for all http clients.


Adds a DelegatingHandler to collect latency information and enrich outgoing request log for all http clients.

AddExtendedHttpClientLogging(IServiceCollection, IConfigurationSection)

Adds an IHttpClientAsyncLogger to emit logs for outgoing requests for all HTTP clients created with IHttpClientFactory.

AddExtendedHttpClientLogging(IServiceCollection, Action<LoggingOptions>)

Adds an IHttpClientAsyncLogger to emit logs for outgoing requests for all HTTP clients created with IHttpClientFactory.


Adds an IHttpClientAsyncLogger to emit logs for outgoing requests for all HTTP clients created with IHttpClientFactory.


Adds an enricher instance of T to the IServiceCollection to enrich HttpClient logs.

AddDownstreamDependencyMetadata(IServiceCollection, IDownstreamDependencyMetadata)

Adds dependency metadata.


Adds dependency metadata.

AddHybridCache(IServiceCollection, Action<HybridCacheOptions>)

Adds support for multi-tier caching services.


Adds support for multi-tier caching services.

AddKubernetesProbes(IServiceCollection, IConfigurationSection)

Registers liveness, startup and readiness probes using the configured options.

AddKubernetesProbes(IServiceCollection, Action<KubernetesProbesOptions>)

Registers liveness, startup and readiness probes using the configured options.


Registers liveness, startup and readiness probes using the default options.

AddConsoleLatencyDataExporter(IServiceCollection, IConfigurationSection)

Add latency data exporter for the console.

AddConsoleLatencyDataExporter(IServiceCollection, Action<LatencyConsoleOptions>)

Add latency data exporter for the console.


Add latency data exporter for the console.

AddLatencyContext(IServiceCollection, IConfigurationSection)

Adds latency context.

AddLatencyContext(IServiceCollection, Action<LatencyContextOptions>)

Adds latency context.


Adds latency context.

RegisterCheckpointNames(IServiceCollection, String[])

Registers a set of checkpoint names for a latency context.

RegisterMeasureNames(IServiceCollection, String[])

Registers a set of measure names for a latency context.

RegisterTagNames(IServiceCollection, String[])

Registers a set of tag names for a latency context.

AddLocalization(IServiceCollection, Action<LocalizationOptions>)

Adds services required for application localization.


Adds services required for application localization.

AddLogging(IServiceCollection, Action<ILoggingBuilder>)

Adds logging services to the specified IServiceCollection.


Adds logging services to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddDistributedMemoryCache(IServiceCollection, Action<MemoryDistributedCacheOptions>)

Adds a default implementation of IDistributedCache that stores items in memory to the IServiceCollection. Frameworks that require a distributed cache to work can safely add this dependency as part of their dependency list to ensure that there is at least one implementation available.


Adds a default implementation of IDistributedCache that stores items in memory to the IServiceCollection. Frameworks that require a distributed cache to work can safely add this dependency as part of their dependency list to ensure that there is at least one implementation available.

AddMemoryCache(IServiceCollection, Action<MemoryCacheOptions>)

Adds a non distributed in-memory implementation of IMemoryCache to the IServiceCollection.


Adds a non distributed in-memory implementation of IMemoryCache to the IServiceCollection.

AddMetrics(IServiceCollection, Action<IMetricsBuilder>)

Adds metrics services to the specified IServiceCollection.


Adds metrics services to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddNamedSingleton<TService>(IServiceCollection, String, Func<IServiceProvider,TService>)

Adds a singleton named service of the type specific in TService to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddNamedSingleton<TService>(IServiceCollection, String)

Adds a singleton named service of the type specific in TService to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddNamedSingleton<TService,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, String)

Adds a singleton named service of the type specific in TService to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddNamedTransient<TService>(IServiceCollection, String, Func<IServiceProvider,TService>)

Adds a transient named service of the type specific in TService to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddNamedTransient<TService>(IServiceCollection, String)

Adds a transient named service of the type specific in TService to the specified IServiceCollection.


Adds a no-op latency context to a dependency injection container.

AddPooled<TService>(IServiceCollection, Action<DependencyInjectionPoolOptions>)

Adds an ObjectPool<T> and lets DI return scoped instances of TService.

AddPooled<TService,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, Action<DependencyInjectionPoolOptions>)

Adds an ObjectPool<T> and lets DI return scoped instances of TService.

ConfigurePool<TService>(IServiceCollection, Action<DependencyInjectionPoolOptions>)

Registers an action used to configure the DependencyInjectionPoolOptions of a typed pool.

ConfigurePools(IServiceCollection, IConfigurationSection)

Configures DI pools.

Configure<TOptions>(IServiceCollection, IConfiguration, Action<BinderOptions>)

Registers a configuration instance that TOptions will bind against.

Configure<TOptions>(IServiceCollection, IConfiguration)

Registers a configuration instance that TOptions will bind against.

Configure<TOptions>(IServiceCollection, String, IConfiguration, Action<BinderOptions>)

Registers a configuration instance that TOptions will bind against.

Configure<TOptions>(IServiceCollection, String, IConfiguration)

Registers a configuration instance that TOptions will bind against.


Adds services required for using options.

AddOptions<TOptions>(IServiceCollection, String)

Gets an options builder that forwards Configure calls for the same named TOptions to the underlying service collection.


Gets an options builder that forwards Configure calls for the same TOptions to the underlying service collection.

AddOptionsWithValidateOnStart<TOptions>(IServiceCollection, String)

Adds services required for using options and enforces options validation check on start rather than at run time.

AddOptionsWithValidateOnStart<TOptions,TValidateOptions>(IServiceCollection, String)

Adds services required for using options and enforces options validation check on start rather than at run time.

Configure<TOptions>(IServiceCollection, Action<TOptions>)

Registers an action used to configure a particular type of options. Note: These are run before all PostConfigure<TOptions>(IServiceCollection, Action<TOptions>).

Configure<TOptions>(IServiceCollection, String, Action<TOptions>)

Registers an action used to configure a particular type of options. Note: These are run before all PostConfigure<TOptions>(IServiceCollection, Action<TOptions>).

ConfigureAll<TOptions>(IServiceCollection, Action<TOptions>)

Registers an action used to configure all instances of a particular type of options.

ConfigureOptions(IServiceCollection, Object)

Registers an object that will have all of its IConfigureOptions<TOptions>, IPostConfigureOptions<TOptions>, and IValidateOptions<TOptions> registered.

ConfigureOptions(IServiceCollection, Type)

Registers a type that will have all of its IConfigureOptions<TOptions>, IPostConfigureOptions<TOptions>, and IValidateOptions<TOptions> registered.


Registers a type that will have all of its IConfigureOptions<TOptions>, IPostConfigureOptions<TOptions>, and IValidateOptions<TOptions> registered.

PostConfigure<TOptions>(IServiceCollection, Action<TOptions>)

Registers an action used to initialize a particular type of options. Note: These are run after all Configure<TOptions>(IServiceCollection, Action<TOptions>).

PostConfigure<TOptions>(IServiceCollection, String, Action<TOptions>)

Registers an action used to configure a particular type of options. Note: These are run after all Configure<TOptions>(IServiceCollection, Action<TOptions>).

PostConfigureAll<TOptions>(IServiceCollection, Action<TOptions>)

Registers an action used to post configure all instances of a particular type of options. Note: These are run after all Configure<TOptions>(IServiceCollection, Action<TOptions>).

AddPolicyRegistry(IServiceCollection, IPolicyRegistry<String>)

Registers the provided IPolicyRegistry<TKey> in the service collection with service types IPolicyRegistry<TKey>, and IReadOnlyPolicyRegistry<TKey> and returns the provided registry.

AddPolicyRegistry(IServiceCollection, Action<IServiceProvider,IPolicyRegistry<String>>)

Registers an empty PolicyRegistry in the service collection with service types IPolicyRegistry<TKey>, and IReadOnlyPolicyRegistry<TKey> and returns the newly created registry.

AddPool<TDefinition>(IServiceCollection, Action<PoolOptions>)

Adds an ObjectPool<T> and lets DI return scoped instances of T.

AddPool<TDefinition,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, Action<PoolOptions>)

Adds an ObjectPool<T> and let DI return scoped instances of T.

ConfigurePools(IServiceCollection, IConfigurationSection)

Configures DI pools.

AddProcessLogEnricher(IServiceCollection, IConfigurationSection)

Adds an instance of the host enricher to the IServiceCollection.

AddProcessLogEnricher(IServiceCollection, Action<ProcessLogEnricherOptions>)

Adds an instance of the process enricher to the IServiceCollection.


Adds an instance of the process enricher to the IServiceCollection.

AddRedaction(IServiceCollection, Action<IRedactionBuilder>)

Registers an implementation of IRedactorProvider in the IServiceCollection and configures available redactors.


Registers an implementation of IRedactorProvider in the IServiceCollection.

AddDistributedRedisCache(IServiceCollection, Action<RedisCacheOptions>)

Adds resilience enrichers.

AddResourceMonitoring(IServiceCollection, Action<IResourceMonitorBuilder>)

Configures and adds an IResourceMonitor implementation to a service collection.


Configures and adds an IResourceMonitor implementation to a service collection.

BuildServiceProvider(IServiceCollection, ServiceProviderOptions)

Creates a ServiceProvider containing services from the provided IServiceCollection optionally enabling scope validation.

BuildServiceProvider(IServiceCollection, Boolean)

Creates a ServiceProvider containing services from the provided IServiceCollection optionally enabling scope validation.


Creates a ServiceProvider containing services from the provided IServiceCollection.

AddHostedService<THostedService>(IServiceCollection, Func<IServiceProvider,THostedService>)

Add an IHostedService registration for the given type.


Add an IHostedService registration for the given type.

AddKeyedScoped(IServiceCollection, Type, Object, Func<IServiceProvider,Object,Object>)

Adds a scoped service of the type specified in serviceType with a factory specified in implementationFactory to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddKeyedScoped(IServiceCollection, Type, Object, Type)

Adds a scoped service of the type specified in serviceType with an implementation of the type specified in implementationType to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddKeyedScoped(IServiceCollection, Type, Object)

Adds a scoped service of the type specified in serviceType to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddKeyedScoped<TService>(IServiceCollection, Object, Func<IServiceProvider,Object,TService>)

Adds a scoped service of the type specified in TService with a factory specified in implementationFactory to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddKeyedScoped<TService>(IServiceCollection, Object)

Adds a scoped service of the type specified in TService to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddKeyedScoped<TService,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, Object, Func<IServiceProvider,Object,TImplementation>)

Adds a scoped service of the type specified in TService with an implementation type specified in TImplementation using the factory specified in implementationFactory to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddKeyedScoped<TService,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, Object)

Adds a scoped service of the type specified in TService with an implementation type specified in TImplementation to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddKeyedSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type, Object, Func<IServiceProvider,Object,Object>)

Adds a singleton service of the type specified in serviceType with a factory specified in implementationFactory to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddKeyedSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type, Object, Object)

Adds a singleton service of the type specified in serviceType with an instance specified in implementationInstance to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddKeyedSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type, Object, Type)

Adds a singleton service of the type specified in serviceType with an implementation of the type specified in implementationType to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddKeyedSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type, Object)

Adds a singleton service of the type specified in serviceType to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddKeyedSingleton<TService>(IServiceCollection, Object, TService)

Adds a singleton service of the type specified in TService with an instance specified in implementationInstance to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddKeyedSingleton<TService>(IServiceCollection, Object, Func<IServiceProvider,Object,TService>)

Adds a singleton service of the type specified in TService with a factory specified in implementationFactory to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddKeyedSingleton<TService>(IServiceCollection, Object)

Adds a singleton service of the type specified in TService to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddKeyedSingleton<TService,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, Object, Func<IServiceProvider,Object,TImplementation>)

Adds a singleton service of the type specified in TService with an implementation type specified in TImplementation using the factory specified in implementationFactory to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddKeyedSingleton<TService,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, Object)

Adds a singleton service of the type specified in TService with an implementation type specified in TImplementation to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddKeyedTransient(IServiceCollection, Type, Object, Func<IServiceProvider,Object,Object>)

Adds a transient service of the type specified in serviceType with a factory specified in implementationFactory to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddKeyedTransient(IServiceCollection, Type, Object, Type)

Adds a transient service of the type specified in serviceType with an implementation of the type specified in implementationType to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddKeyedTransient(IServiceCollection, Type, Object)

Adds a transient service of the type specified in serviceType to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddKeyedTransient<TService>(IServiceCollection, Object, Func<IServiceProvider,Object,TService>)

Adds a transient service of the type specified in TService with a factory specified in implementationFactory to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddKeyedTransient<TService>(IServiceCollection, Object)

Adds a transient service of the type specified in TService to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddKeyedTransient<TService,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, Object, Func<IServiceProvider,Object,TImplementation>)

Adds a transient service of the type specified in TService with an implementation type specified in TImplementation using the factory specified in implementationFactory to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddKeyedTransient<TService,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, Object)

Adds a transient service of the type specified in TService with an implementation type specified in TImplementation to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddScoped(IServiceCollection, Type, Func<IServiceProvider,Object>)

Adds a scoped service of the type specified in serviceType with a factory specified in implementationFactory to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddScoped(IServiceCollection, Type, Type)

Adds a scoped service of the type specified in serviceType with an implementation of the type specified in implementationType to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddScoped(IServiceCollection, Type)

Adds a scoped service of the type specified in serviceType to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddScoped<TService>(IServiceCollection, Func<IServiceProvider,TService>)

Adds a scoped service of the type specified in TService with a factory specified in implementationFactory to the specified IServiceCollection.


Adds a scoped service of the type specified in TService to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddScoped<TService,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, Func<IServiceProvider,TImplementation>)

Adds a scoped service of the type specified in TService with an implementation type specified in TImplementation using the factory specified in implementationFactory to the specified IServiceCollection.


Adds a scoped service of the type specified in TService with an implementation type specified in TImplementation to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type, Func<IServiceProvider,Object>)

Adds a singleton service of the type specified in serviceType with a factory specified in implementationFactory to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type, Object)

Adds a singleton service of the type specified in serviceType with an instance specified in implementationInstance to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type, Type)

Adds a singleton service of the type specified in serviceType with an implementation of the type specified in implementationType to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type)

Adds a singleton service of the type specified in serviceType to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddSingleton<TService>(IServiceCollection, TService)

Adds a singleton service of the type specified in TService with an instance specified in implementationInstance to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddSingleton<TService>(IServiceCollection, Func<IServiceProvider,TService>)

Adds a singleton service of the type specified in TService with a factory specified in implementationFactory to the specified IServiceCollection.


Adds a singleton service of the type specified in TService to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddSingleton<TService,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, Func<IServiceProvider,TImplementation>)

Adds a singleton service of the type specified in TService with an implementation type specified in TImplementation using the factory specified in implementationFactory to the specified IServiceCollection.


Adds a singleton service of the type specified in TService with an implementation type specified in TImplementation to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddTransient(IServiceCollection, Type, Func<IServiceProvider,Object>)

Adds a transient service of the type specified in serviceType with a factory specified in implementationFactory to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddTransient(IServiceCollection, Type, Type)

Adds a transient service of the type specified in serviceType with an implementation of the type specified in implementationType to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddTransient(IServiceCollection, Type)

Adds a transient service of the type specified in serviceType to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddTransient<TService>(IServiceCollection, Func<IServiceProvider,TService>)

Adds a transient service of the type specified in TService with a factory specified in implementationFactory to the specified IServiceCollection.


Adds a transient service of the type specified in TService to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddTransient<TService,TImplementation>(IServiceCollection, Func<IServiceProvider,TImplementation>)

Adds a transient service of the type specified in TService with an implementation type specified in TImplementation using the factory specified in implementationFactory to the specified IServiceCollection.


Adds a transient service of the type specified in TService with an implementation type specified in TImplementation to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddDistributedSqlServerCache(IServiceCollection, Action<SqlServerCacheOptions>)

Adds Microsoft SQL Server distributed caching services to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddStackExchangeRedisCache(IServiceCollection, Action<RedisCacheOptions>)

Adds Redis distributed caching services to the specified IServiceCollection.

AddTcpEndpointProbe(IServiceCollection, IConfigurationSection)

Registers health status reporting using a TCP port if service is considered as healthy IHealthCheck.

AddTcpEndpointProbe(IServiceCollection, Action<TcpEndpointProbesOptions>)

Registers health status reporting using a TCP port if service is considered as healthy IHealthCheck.

AddTcpEndpointProbe(IServiceCollection, String, IConfigurationSection)

Registers health status reporting using a TCP port if service is considered as healthy IHealthCheck.

AddTcpEndpointProbe(IServiceCollection, String, Action<TcpEndpointProbesOptions>)

Registers health status reporting using a TCP port if service is considered as healthy IHealthCheck.

AddTcpEndpointProbe(IServiceCollection, String)

Registers health status reporting using a TCP port if service is considered as healthy IHealthCheck.


Registers health status reporting using a TCP port if service is considered as healthy IHealthCheck.

AddKubernetesHealthCheckPublisher(IServiceCollection, IConfigurationSection)

Registers a health status publisher which opens a TCP port if the application is considered healthy.

AddKubernetesHealthCheckPublisher(IServiceCollection, Action<KubernetesHealthCheckPublisherOptions>)

Registers a health status publisher which opens a TCP port if the application is considered healthy.


Registers a health status publisher which opens a TCP port if the application is considered healthy.

AddTelemetryHealthCheckPublisher(IServiceCollection, IConfigurationSection)

Registers a health check publisher which emits telemetry representing the application's health.

AddTelemetryHealthCheckPublisher(IServiceCollection, Action<TelemetryHealthCheckPublisherOptions>)

Registers a health check publisher which emits telemetry representing the application's health.


Registers a health check publisher which emits telemetry representing the application's health.


Configures the lifetime of the IHost built from services to SystemdLifetime, provides notification messages for application started and stopping, and configures console logging to the systemd format.

AddStartupInitialization(IServiceCollection, IConfigurationSection)

Adds function that will be executed before application starts.

AddStartupInitialization(IServiceCollection, Action<StartupInitializationOptions>)

Adds function that will be executed before application starts.


Adds function that will be executed before application starts.

AddWindowsService(IServiceCollection, Action<WindowsServiceLifetimeOptions>)

Configures the lifetime of the IHost built from services to WindowsServiceLifetime and enables logging to the event log with the application name as the default source name.


Configures the lifetime of the IHost built from services to WindowsServiceLifetime and enables logging to the event log with the application name as the default source name.

AddDefaultHttpClientLatencyTelemetry(IServiceCollection, IConfigurationSection)

Adds a DelegatingHandler to collect latency information and enrich outgoing request log for all http clients.

AddDefaultHttpClientLatencyTelemetry(IServiceCollection, Action<HttpClientLatencyTelemetryOptions>)

Adds a DelegatingHandler to collect latency information and enrich outgoing request log for all http clients.


Adds a DelegatingHandler to collect latency information and enrich outgoing request log for all http clients.

AddDefaultHttpClientLogging(IServiceCollection, IConfigurationSection)

Adds an IHttpClientAsyncLogger to emit logs for outgoing requests for all HTTP clients created with IHttpClientFactory.

AddDefaultHttpClientLogging(IServiceCollection, Action<LoggingOptions>)

Adds an IHttpClientAsyncLogger to emit logs for outgoing requests for all HTTP clients created with IHttpClientFactory.


Adds an IHttpClientAsyncLogger to emit logs for outgoing requests for all HTTP clients created with IHttpClientFactory.


Adds an enricher instance of T to the IServiceCollection to enrich HttpClient logs.

AddFakeLogging(IServiceCollection, IConfigurationSection)

Configure fake logging.

AddFakeLogging(IServiceCollection, Action<FakeLogCollectorOptions>)

Configure fake logging.


Configure fake logging with default options.

AddValidatedOptions<TOptions>(IServiceCollection, String)

Adds named options that are automatically validated during startup using a built-in validator.

AddValidatedOptions<TOptions,TValidateOptions>(IServiceCollection, String)

Adds named options that are automatically validated during startup using a custom validator.

AddConsoleLatencyDataExporter(IServiceCollection, IConfigurationSection)

Add latency data exporter for the console.

AddConsoleLatencyDataExporter(IServiceCollection, Action<LarencyConsoleOptions>)

Add latency data exporter for the console.


Add latency data exporter for the console.

AddAsyncPipeline(IServiceCollection, String)

Create an async processing pipeline with the provided pipelineName.

WithPipelineDelegateFactory(IServiceCollection, Func<IServiceProvider,IPipelineDelegateFactory>)

Configures the delegate factory for IServiceCollection.

ToFrozenDictionary<TSource,TKey>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource,TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>)

Creates a FrozenDictionary<TKey,TValue> from an IEnumerable<T> according to specified key selector function.

ToFrozenDictionary<TSource,TKey,TElement>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource,TKey>, Func<TSource,TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>)

Creates a FrozenDictionary<TKey,TValue> from an IEnumerable<T> according to specified key selector and element selector functions.

ToFrozenSet<T>(IEnumerable<T>, IEqualityComparer<T>)

Creates a FrozenSet<T> with the specified values.


Creates an immutable array from the specified collection.

ToImmutableDictionary<TSource,TKey>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource,TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>)

Constructs an immutable dictionary based on some transformation of a sequence.

ToImmutableDictionary<TSource,TKey>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource,TKey>)

Constructs an immutable dictionary from an existing collection of elements, applying a transformation function to the source keys.

ToImmutableDictionary<TSource,TKey,TValue>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource,TKey>, Func<TSource,TValue>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TValue>)

Enumerates and transforms a sequence, and produces an immutable dictionary of its contents by using the specified key and value comparers.

ToImmutableDictionary<TSource,TKey,TValue>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource,TKey>, Func<TSource,TValue>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>)

Enumerates and transforms a sequence, and produces an immutable dictionary of its contents by using the specified key comparer.

ToImmutableDictionary<TSource,TKey,TValue>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource,TKey>, Func<TSource,TValue>)

Enumerates and transforms a sequence, and produces an immutable dictionary of its contents.

ToImmutableHashSet<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, IEqualityComparer<TSource>)

Enumerates a sequence, produces an immutable hash set of its contents, and uses the specified equality comparer for the set type.


Enumerates a sequence and produces an immutable hash set of its contents.


Enumerates a sequence and produces an immutable list of its contents.

ToImmutableSortedDictionary<TSource,TKey,TValue>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource,TKey>, Func<TSource,TValue>, IComparer<TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TValue>)

Enumerates and transforms a sequence, and produces an immutable sorted dictionary of its contents by using the specified key and value comparers.

ToImmutableSortedDictionary<TSource,TKey,TValue>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource,TKey>, Func<TSource,TValue>, IComparer<TKey>)

Enumerates and transforms a sequence, and produces an immutable sorted dictionary of its contents by using the specified key comparer.

ToImmutableSortedDictionary<TSource,TKey,TValue>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource,TKey>, Func<TSource,TValue>)

Enumerates and transforms a sequence, and produces an immutable sorted dictionary of its contents.

ToImmutableSortedSet<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, IComparer<TSource>)

Enumerates a sequence, produces an immutable sorted set of its contents, and uses the specified comparer.


Enumerates a sequence and produces an immutable sorted set of its contents.

CopyToDataTable<T>(IEnumerable<T>, DataTable, LoadOption, FillErrorEventHandler)

Copies DataRow objects to the specified DataTable, given an input IEnumerable<T> object where the generic parameter T is DataRow.

CopyToDataTable<T>(IEnumerable<T>, DataTable, LoadOption)

Copies DataRow objects to the specified DataTable, given an input IEnumerable<T> object where the generic parameter T is DataRow.


Returns a DataTable that contains copies of the DataRow objects, given an input IEnumerable<T> object where the generic parameter T is DataRow.


Creates a new IAsyncEnumerable<T> that iterates through source.

Applies to