
LevelCollection Class


Represents a collection of Level objects. This class cannot be inherited.

public sealed class LevelCollection : Microsoft.AnalysisServices.NamedComponentCollection
type LevelCollection = class
    inherit NamedComponentCollection
Public NotInheritable Class LevelCollection
Inherits NamedComponentCollection



Gets the number of ModelComponent objects in the ModelComponentCollection.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)

Gets the demand loading service for the collection.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)

Gets a value indicating whether the ModelComponentCollection has a fixed size.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)

Gets a value indicating whether the ModelComponentCollection is read-only.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)

Gets a value indicating whether access to the ModelComponentCollection is synchronized (thread-safe).

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)

Gets the Level, at the specified index, from the collection.


Gets the Level, with the specified identifier, from the collection.


Gets the Type of objects that can be contained by the ModelComponentCollection.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)

Gets the parent IModelComponent of the IModelComponentCollection.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)

Gets a value indicating whether the collection can be preloaded.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)

Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the ModelComponentCollection.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)



Creates a new Level object using a generated unique Name and identifier, adds it to the end of the collection and returns the new Level created.


Adds the specified Level to the end of the collection.

Add(ModelComponent, Boolean)

Adds a ModelComponent object to the ModelComponentCollection.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)

Adds a ModelComponent object to the NamedComponentCollection.

(Inherited from NamedComponentCollection)
Add(String, IModelComponent, Boolean)

Adds a IModelComponent object to the ModelComponentCollection.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)
Add(String, IModelComponent)

Adds a IModelComponent object to the ModelComponentCollection.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)
Add(String, String)

Creates a new Level object using the specified name and identifier, adds it to the end of the collection and returns the new Level created.


Creates a new Level object using the specified name, adds it to the end of the collection and returns the new Level created.

AddNew(String, String, Type)

Adds a new IModelComponent to the collection.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)
AddNew(String, Type)

Adds a new IModelComponent to the collection.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)
CanAdd(ModelComponent, String)

Indicates whether the specifed ModelComponent can be added to the collection.

(Inherited from NamedComponentCollection)
ChangeKey(String, String)

Changes the specified keys to the collection.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)

Removes all elements from the ModelComponentCollection.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)

Determines whether the specified item is in the collection.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)

Indicates whether the collection contains the specified Level.


Indicates whether the collection contains a Level with the specified identifier.


Indicates whether the component with the specified name is containd in the collection.

(Inherited from NamedComponentCollection)
CopyTo(Array, Int32)

Copies the entire ModelComponentCollection to a one-dimensional Array, starting at the specified index of the target array.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)

Ensures the collection is loaded.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)

Gets the Level that has the specified identifier from the collection.


Gets the Level that has the specified name from the collection.


Gets the Level that has the specified name from the collection.


Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the ModelComponentCollection.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)
GetItem(String, Boolean, String)

Gets a reference to the specified component.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)

Gets a new unique ID for a component in the collection.

(Inherited from NamedComponentCollection)

Gets the value for the new unique ID for a component in the collection with the specified name prefix.

(Inherited from NamedComponentCollection)

Gets a unique new name for a component in the collection.

(Inherited from NamedComponentCollection)

Gets a unique new name for a component in the collection with the specified name prefix.

(Inherited from NamedComponentCollection)

Searches for the specified item and returns its zero-based index within the collection.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)

Searches for the specified Level and returns the zero-based index of it in the collection.


Searches for a Level with the specified identifier and returns the zero-based index of it in the collection.


Gets the index of the NamedComponent, identified by name, in the collection.

(Inherited from NamedComponentCollection)
Insert(IModelComponent, String, Int32, Boolean)

Inserts an IModelComponent in the ModelComponentCollection.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)
Insert(IModelComponent, String, Int32)

Inserts an IModelComponent in the ModelComponentCollection.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)
Insert(Int32, Level)

Inserts the specified Level to the collection at the specified index.

Insert(Int32, ModelComponent)

Inserts a ModelComponent in the specified index of the collection.

(Inherited from NamedComponentCollection)
Insert(Int32, String, String)

Creates a new Level object using the specified name and identifier, inserts it to the collection at the specified index and returns the new Level created.

Insert(Int32, String)

Creates a new Level object using the specified name, inserts it to the collection at the specified index and returns the new Level created.


Creates a new Level object using a generated unique Name and identifier, inserts it to the collection at the specified index and returns the new Level created.

IsValidID(String, String)

Determines whether the provided identifier is valid for a component in the collection.

(Inherited from NamedComponentCollection)
IsValidID(String, Type, String)

Determines whether the provided identifier is valid for a component in the collection.

(Inherited from NamedComponentCollection)

Determines whether the provided identifier is valid for a component in the collection.

(Inherited from NamedComponentCollection)
IsValidName(String, String)

Determines whether the provided name is valid for a component in the collection.

(Inherited from NamedComponentCollection)
IsValidName(String, Type, String)

Determines whether the provided name is valid for a component in the collection.

(Inherited from NamedComponentCollection)

Determines whether the provided name is valid for a component in the collection.

(Inherited from NamedComponentCollection)
Move(Int32, Int32)

Moves a Level in the collection from the current position to a new one.

Move(Level, Int32)

Moves the specified Level to a new position in the collection.

Move(String, Int32)

Moves a Level, with the specified identifier, to a new position in the collection.


Removes the specified IModelComponent from the collection.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)
Remove(Level, Boolean)

Removes the specified Level from the collection.


Removes the specified Level from the collection.

Remove(String, Boolean)

Removes the Level with the specified identifier from the collection.


Removes the Level with the specified identifier from the collection.

RemoveAt(Int32, Boolean)

emoves the IModelComponent at the specified index from the ModelComponentCollection.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)

Removes the IModelComponent at the specified index from the ModelComponentCollection.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)



Occurs when the collection changes.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)

Occurs when the collection is changing.

(Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)

Explicit Interface Implementations

IList.Add(Object) (Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)
IList.Clear() (Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)
IList.Contains(Object) (Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)
IList.IndexOf(Object) (Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)
IList.Insert(Int32, Object) (Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)
IList.Item[Int32] (Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)
IList.Remove(Object) (Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)
IList.RemoveAt(Int32) (Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)
IModelComponentCollection.Contains(IModelComponent) (Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)
IModelComponentCollection.Remove(IModelComponent, Boolean) (Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)
IModelComponentCollection.Remove(IModelComponent) (Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)
IOnDemandLoadableCollection.BlockOnDemandLoad(Boolean) (Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)
IOnDemandLoadableCollection.Loaded (Inherited from ModelComponentCollection)

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