

allocator_traits Class

The class template describes an object that supplements an allocator type. An allocator type is any type that describes an allocator object that is used for managing allocated storage. Specifically, for any allocator type Alloc, you can use allocator_traits<Alloc> to determine all the information that is needed by an allocator-enabled container. For more information, see the default allocator Class.


template <class Alloc>
    class allocator_traits;



Name Description
allocator_type This type is a synonym for the template parameter Alloc.
const_pointer This type is Alloc::const_pointer, if that type is well-formed; otherwise, this type is pointer_traits<pointer>::rebind<const value_type>.
const_void_pointer This type is Alloc::const_void_pointer, if that type is well-formed; otherwise, this type is pointer_traits<pointer>::rebind<const void>.
difference_type This type is Alloc::difference_type, if that type is well-formed; otherwise, this type is pointer_traits<pointer>::difference_type.
pointer This type is Alloc::pointer, if that type is well-formed; otherwise, this type is value_type *.
propagate_on_container_copy_assignment This type is Alloc::propagate_on_container_copy_assignment, if that type is well-formed; otherwise, this type is false_type.
propagate_on_container_move_assignment This type is Alloc::propagate_on_container_move_assignment, if that type is well-formed; otherwise, this type is false_type. If the type holds true, an allocator-enabled container copies its stored allocator on a move assignment.
propagate_on_container_swap This type is Alloc::propagate_on_container_swap, if that type is well-formed; otherwise, this type is false_type. If the type holds true, an allocator-enabled container swaps its stored allocator on a swap.
size_type This type is Alloc::size_type, if that type is well-formed; otherwise, this type is make_unsigned<difference_type>::type.
value_type This type is a synonym for Alloc::value_type.
void_pointer This type is Alloc::void_pointer, if that type is well-formed; otherwise, this type is pointer_traits<pointer>::rebind<void>.

Static Methods

The following static methods call the corresponding method on a given allocator parameter.

Name Description
allocate Static method that allocates memory by using the given allocator parameter.
construct Static method that uses a specified allocator to construct an object.
deallocate Static method that uses a specified allocator to deallocate a specified number of objects.
destroy Static method that uses a specified allocator to call the destructor on an object without deallocating its memory.
max_size Static method that uses a specified allocator to determine the maximum number of objects that can be allocated.
select_on_container_copy_construction Static method that calls select_on_container_copy_construction on the specified allocator.


Static method that allocates memory by using the given allocator parameter.

static pointer allocate(Alloc& al, size_type count);

static pointer allocate(Alloc& al, size_type count,
    typename allocator_traits<void>::const_pointer* hint);


An allocator object.

The number of elements to allocate.

A const_pointer that might assist the allocator object in satisfying the request for storage by locating the address of an allocated object prior to the request. A null pointer is treated as no hint.

Return Value

Each method returns a pointer to the allocated object.

The first static method returns al.allocate(count).

The second method returns al.allocate(count, hint), if that expression is well formed; otherwise it returns al.allocate(count).


Static method that uses a specified allocator to construct an object.

template <class Uty, class Types>
static void construct(Alloc& al, Uty* ptr, Types&&... args);


An allocator object.

A pointer to the location where the object is to be constructed.

A list of arguments that is passed to the object constructor.


The static member function calls al.construct(ptr, args...), if that expression is well formed; otherwise it evaluates ::new (static_cast<void *>(ptr)) Uty(std::forward<Types>(args)...).


Static method that uses a specified allocator to deallocate a specified number of objects.

static void deallocate(Alloc al,
    pointer ptr,
    size_type count);


An allocator object.

A pointer to the starting location of the objects to be deallocated.

The number of objects to deallocate.


This method calls al.deallocate(ptr, count).

This method throws nothing.


Static method that uses a specified allocator to call the destructor on an object without deallocating its memory.

template <class Uty>
    static void destroy(Alloc& al, Uty* ptr);


An allocator object.

A pointer to the location of the object.


This method calls al.destroy(ptr), if that expression is well formed; otherwise it evaluates ptr->~Uty().


Static method that uses a specified allocator to determine the maximum number of objects that can be allocated.

static size_type max_size(const Alloc& al);


An allocator object.


This method returns al.max_size(), if that expression is well formed; otherwise it returns numeric_limits<size_type>::max().


Static method that calls select_on_container_copy_construction on the specified allocator.

static Alloc select_on_container_copy_construction(const Alloc& al);


An allocator object.

Return Value

This method returns al.select_on_container_copy_construction(), if that type is well formed; otherwise it returns al.


This method is used to specify an allocator when the associated container is copy-constructed.