

Compiler Error C3915

'type' has no default indexed property (class indexer)

A type does not have a default, indexed property.

For more information, see property.


The following sample generates C3915.

// C3915.cpp
// compile with: /clr
ref class X {
// uncomment property to resolve this C3915
//   property int default[]
//   {
//      int get(int i)
//      {
//         return 863;
//      }
//   }

int main() {
   X^ x = new X;
   System::Console::WriteLine(x[1]);   // C3915

C3915 can also occur if you attempt to consume a default indexer in the same compiland where it was defined with DefaultMemberAttribute.

The following sample generates C3915.

// C3915_b.cpp
// compile with: /clr
using namespace System;

ref struct A {
   property Double XXX[Double] {
      Double get(Double data) {
         return data*data;

ref struct B {
   property Double default[Double] {
      Double get(Double data) {
         return data*data;

int main() {
   A ^ mya = gcnew A();
   Console::WriteLine("{0}", mya[3]);   // C3915

   B ^ myb = gcnew B();
   Console::WriteLine("{0}", myb[3]);   // OK