

Compiler Error C3739

'class': syntax is only supported when the 'layout_dependent' parameter of event_receiver is true

You tried to hook an entire interface of events but layout_dependent on event_receiver attribute is not true; you must hook a single event at a time.

The following sample generates C3739:

// C3739.cpp
struct A
   __event void e();

// event_receiver is implied
// [ event_receiver(layout_dependent=false)]

// use the following line instead
// [event_receiver(com, layout_dependent=true), coclass ]
struct B
   void f();
   B(A* a)
      __hook(A, a, &B::f);   // C3739
      // use the following line instead to hook a single event
      // __hook(&A::e, a, &B::f);

int main()