

Compiler Error C2914

'identifier' : cannot deduce type argument as function argument is ambiguous

The compiler cannot determine which overloaded functions to use for a generic or template argument.

The following sample generates C2914:

// C2914.cpp
// compile with: /c
void f(int);
void f(double);
template<class T> void g(void (*) (T));
void h() { g(f); }   // C2914
// try the following line instead
// void h() { g<int>(f); }

C2914 can also occur when using generics. The following sample generates C2914:

// C2914b.cpp
// compile with: /clr /c
void f(int);
void f(double);

template<class T>
void gf(void (*) (T));

void h() { gf(f);}   // C2914
// try the following line instead
void h() { gf<int>(f); }