

Compiler Error C2902

'token' : unexpected token following 'template', identifier expected

The token following the keyword template was not an identifier.

This error is obsolete in Visual Studio 2022 and later versions.

The following sample generates C2902:

// C2902.cpp
// compile with: /c
namespace N {
   template<class T> class X {};
   class Y {};
void g() {
   N::template + 1;   // C2902

void f() {
   N::template X<int> x1;   // OK

C2902 can also occur when using generics:

// C2902b.cpp
// compile with: /clr /c
namespace N {
   generic<class T> ref class GC {};

void f() {
   N::generic + 1;   // C2902
   N::generic GC<int>^ x;