

Compiler Error C2678

binary 'operator' : no operator defined which takes a left-hand operand of type 'type' (or there is no acceptable conversion)

To use the operator, you must overload it for the specified type or define a conversion to a type for which the operator is defined.

C2678 can occur when the left-hand operand is const-qualified but the operator is defined to take a non-const argument.


The following sample generates C2678 and shows how to fix it:

// C2678a.cpp
// Compile by using: cl /EHsc /W4 C2678a.cpp
struct Combo {
   int number;
   char letter;

inline Combo& operator+=(Combo& lhs, int rhs) {
   lhs.number += rhs;
   return lhs;

int main() {
   Combo const combo1{ 42, 'X' };
   Combo combo2{ 13, 'Z' };

   combo1 += 6; // C2678
   combo2 += 9; // OK - operator+= matches non-const Combo

C2678 can also occur if you do not pin a native member before calling a member function on it.

The following sample generates C2678 and shows how to fix it.

// C2678.cpp
// compile with: /clr /c
struct S { int _a; };

ref class C {
   void M( S param ) {
      test = param;   // C2678

      // OK
      pin_ptr<S> ptest = &test;
      *ptest = param;
   S test;