

Download and install the Embedded tooling

In Visual Studio 2022 and later versions, you can use the Visual Studio IDE on Windows to edit and debug embedded projects. Use tools such as the Peripheral View, RTOS View, and the Serial Monitor to help interact with and debug your embedded projects.

To use the embedded development tools in Visual Studio, you must install the required Linux and embedded development with C++ workload.

To install the Linux and embedded development with C++ workload

  1. Enter "Visual Studio Installer" in the Windows search box:

    Screenshot showing the Windows search box.

  2. Open the Visual Studio Installer. In Visual Studio Installer, choose Modify next to your installation of Visual Studio, and then select the Workloads tab. Scroll down to Other toolsets and select the Linux and embedded development with C++ workload.

    Screenshot showing the Visual C++ for Linux Development workload item in Visual Studio Installer.

  3. Choose Modify to continue with the installation.

When installation completes, you're ready to use Visual Studio for embedded development.