Start-FinOpsCostExport command
The Start-FinOpsCostExport command runs a Cost Management export for the most recent period using the Run API.
This command was tested with the following API versions:
- 2023-07-01-preview (default) – Enables FocusCost and other datasets.
- 2023-08-01
Start-FinOpsCostExport `
[-Name] <string> `
[-Scope <string>] `
[-StartDate <datetime>] `
[-EndDate <datetime>] `
[-Backfill <number>] `
[-ApiVersion <string>]
Name | Description |
‑Name |
Required. Name of the export. |
‑Scope |
Optional. Resource ID of the scope to export data for. If empty, defaults to current subscription context. |
‑StartDate |
Optional. Day to start pulling the data for. If not set, the export uses the dates defined in the export configuration. |
‑EndDate |
Optional. Last day to pull data for. If not set and -StartDate is set, -EndDate uses the last day of the month. If not set and -StartDate isn't set, the export uses the dates defined in the export configuration. |
‑Backfill |
Optional. Number of months to export the data for. Make note of throttling (429) errors. It only runs once. Failed exports aren't reattempted. Default = 0. |
‑ApiVersion |
Optional. API version to use when calling the Cost Management Exports API. Default = 2023-07-01-preview. |
The following examples demonstrate typical usage of this command.
Export configured period
Start-FinopsCostExport -Name 'CostExport'
Runs an export called 'CostExport' for the configured period.
Export specific dates
Start-FinopsCostExport -Name 'CostExport' -StartDate '2023-01-01' -EndDate '2023-12-31'
Runs an export called 'CostExport' for a specific date range.
Backfill export
Start-FinopsCostExport -Name 'CostExport' -Backfill 12
Runs an export called 'CostExport' for the previous 12 months.
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