
Get-FinOpsCostExport command

The Get-FinOpsCostExport command gets a list of Cost Management exports for a given scope.

This command was tested with the following API versions:

  • 2023-07-01-preview (default) – Enables FocusCost and other datasets.
  • 2023-08-01
  • 2023-03-01


Get-FinOpsCostExport `
    [-Name <string>] `
    [-Scope <string>] `
    [-DataSet <string>] `
    [-StorageAccountId <string>] `
    [-StorageContainer <string>] `
    [-RunHistory] `
    [-ApiVersion <string>]


Name Description
‑Name Optional. Name of the export. Supports wildcards.
‑Scope Optional. Resource ID of the scope the export was created for. If empty, defaults to current subscription context.
‑DataSet Optional. Dataset to get exports for. Allowed values = "ActualCost", "AmortizedCost". Default = null (all exports).
‑StorageAccountId Optional. Resource ID of the storage account to get exports for. Default = null (all exports).
‑StorageContainer Optional. Name of the container to get exports for. Supports wildcards. Default = null (all exports).
‑RunHistory Optional. Indicates whether the run history should be expanded. Default = false.
‑ApiVersion Optional. API version to use when calling the Cost Management exports API. Default = 2023-07-01-preview.

Return value

FinOpsCostExport object

Property Type JSON path
Name String name
Id String id
Type String type
eTag String eTag
Description String properties.exportDescription
Dataset String properties.definition.type
DatasetVersion String properties.definition.configuration.dataVersion
DatasetFilters String properties.definition.configuration.filter
DatasetTimeFrame String properties.definition.timeframe
DatasetStartDate DateTime properties.definition.timePeriod.from
DatasetEndDate DateTime properties.definition.timePeriod.to
DatasetGranularity String properties.definition.dataset.granularity
ScheduleStatus String properties.schedule.status
ScheduleRecurrence String properties.schedule.recurrence
ScheduleStartDate DateTime properties.schedule.recurrencePeriod.from
ScheduleEndDate DateTime properties.schedule.recurrencePeriod.to
NextRuntimeEstimate DateTime properties.nextRunTimeEstimate
Format String properties.format
StorageAccountId String properties.deliveryInfo.destination.resourceId
StorageContainer String properties.deliveryInfo.destination.container
StoragePath String properties.deliveryInfo.destination.rootfolderpath
OverwriteData Boolean properties.deliveryInfo.dataOverwriteBehavior == "OverwritePreviousReport"
PartitionData Boolean properties.deliveryInfo.partitionData
CompressionMode String properties.deliveryInfo.compressionMode
RunHistory FinOpsCostExportRunHistory[] properties.runHistory.value

FinOpsCostExportRunHistory object

Property Type JSON path
Id String properties.runHistory.value[].id
ExecutionType String properties.runHistory.value[].properties.executionType
FileName String properties.runHistory.value[].fileName
StartTime DateTime properties.runHistory.value[].processingStartTime
EndTime DateTime properties.runHistory.value[].processingEndTime
Status String properties.runHistory.value[].status
SubmittedBy String properties.runHistory.value[].submittedBy
SubmittedTime DateTime properties.runHistory.value[].submittedTime


Get all cost exports for a subscription

Get-FinOpsCostExport `
    -Scope "/subscriptions/aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e"

Gets all exports for a subscription. Doesn't include exports in nested resource groups.

Get exports matching a wildcard name

Get-FinOpsCostExport `
    -Name mtd* `
    -Scope "providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/00000000"

Gets export with name matching wildcard mtd* within the specified billing account scope. Doesn't include exports in nested resource groups.

Get all amortized cost exports

Get-FinOpsCostExport `
    -DataSet "AmortizedCost"

Gets all exports within the current context subscription scope and filtered by dataset AmortizedCost.

Get exports using a specific storage account

Get-FinOpsCostExport `
    -Scope "/subscriptions/aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e"`
    -StorageAccountId "/subscriptions/aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e/resourceGroups/MyResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/MyStorageAccount"

Gets all exports within the subscription scope filtered by a specific storage account.

Get exports using a specific container

Get-FinOpsCostExport `
    -Scope "/subscriptions/aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e" `
    -StorageContainer "MyContainer*"

Gets all exports within the subscription scope for a specific container. Supports wildcard.

Get exports using a specific API version

Get-FinOpsCostExport `
    -Scope "/subscriptions/aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e"
    -StorageContainer "mtd*"
    -ApiVersion "2023-08-01"
    -StorageContainer "MyContainer*"

Gets all exports within the subscription scope for a container matching wildcard pattern and using a specific API version.

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