Troubleshoot common FinOps toolkit errors
This article describes common FinOps toolkit errors and provides information about solutions. If you get an error when using FinOps toolkit solutions that you don't understand or can't resolve, find the following corresponding error code with mitigation steps to resolve the problem.
Here's a list of common error codes with mitigation information.
If the information provided doesn't resolve the issue, try the Troubleshooting guide.
Severity: Critical
This error typically occurs when updating a FinOps hub deployment with a different storage account configuration than was originally used during creation. While most properties can be changed, there are a few properties that can only be set once when the storage account is created and cannot change. The one known case of this for FinOps hubs is the "requireInfrastructureEncryption" property. If this property was enabled or disabled during the first FinOps hub deployment, then it cannot be changed. You will see the following error when this happens:
The property 'requireInfrastructureEncryption' was specified in the input, but it cannot be updated as it is read-only.
Mitigation: If you did not mean to change this setting, confirm whether your storage account is configured to use infrastructure encryption and re-deploy the FinOps hub template with the same value (either on or off). If you want to change the setting, we recommend deploying a new FinOps hub instance, as this will require reingesting all data.
You can try to delete the existing storage account and redeploy the template with infrastructure encryption changed; however, we have not thoroughly tested this. While we do not anticipate issues, we cannot confirm if it will cause problems.
Severity: Critical
FinOps hubs 0.2 isn't operational. Upgrade to version 0.3 or later.
Mitigation: Upgrade to the latest version of FinOps hubs.
Severity: Critical
Data Explorer ingestion failed. The new data will not be available for reporting.
Mitigation: Review the Data Explorer error message and resolve the issue. Rerun data ingestion for the specified folder using the ingestion_ExecuteETL pipeline in Azure Data Factory. Report unresolved issues at
Severity: Critical
Data Explorer ingestion mapping could not be created for the specified table.
Mitigation: Please fix the error and rerun ingestion for the specified folder path. If you continue to see this error, please report an issue at
Severity: Critical
Data Explorer ingestion timed out after 2 hours while waiting for available capacity.
Mitigation: Please re-run this pipeline to re-attempt ingestion. If you continue to see this error, please report an issue at
Severity: Critical
Data Explorer post-ingestion cleanup (drop extents from the final table) failed. Data from a previous ingestion may be present in reporting, which could result in duplicated and inaccurate costs.
Mitigation: Review the Data Explorer error message and resolve the issue. Rerun data ingestion for the specified folder using the ingestion_ExecuteETL
pipeline in Azure Data Factory. Report unresolved issues at
Severity: Critical
Data Explorer pre-ingestion cleanup (drop extents from the raw table) failed. Ingestion was not completed.
Mitigation: Review the Data Explorer error message and resolve the issue. Rerun data ingestion for the specified folder using the ingestion_ExecuteETL
pipeline in Azure Data Factory. Report unresolved issues at
Severity: Critical
Exports weren't found in the specified storage path.
Mitigation: Confirm that a Cost Management export was created and configured with the correct storage account, container, and storage path. After created, select 'Run now' to start the export process. Exports can take 15-30 minutes to complete depending on the size of the account. If you intended to use FinOps hubs, correct the storage URL to point to the 'ingestion' container. Refer to the storageUrlForPowerBI
output from the FinOps hub deployment for the full URL.
Severity: Critical
FinOps hub data was not found in the specified storage account.
Mitigation: This error assumes you are connecting to a FinOps hub deployment. If using raw exports, please correct the storage path to not reference the ingestion
container. Confirm the following:
- The storage URL should match the
output on the FinOps hub deployment. - Cost Management exports should be configured to point to the same storage account using the
container. - Cost Management exports should show a successful export in the run history.
- FinOps hub data factory triggers should all be started.
- FinOps hub data factory pipelines should be successful.
For more details and debugging steps, see Validate your FinOps hub deployment.
Severity: Critical
Unable to locate parquet files to ingest from the specified folder path.
Mitigation: Confirm the folder path is the full path, including the ingestion container and not starting with or ending with a slash (/). Copy the path from the last successful ingestion_ExecuteETL pipeline run.
Severity: Major
As of November 2024, Cost Management has a known bug where savings plan purchases are internally tracked as both actual and amortized costs. Because of this, FOCUS includes savings plan purchases in the calculation for EffectiveCost
, which leads to inaccurate numbers in FinOps toolkit reports.
Mitigation: File a support request with the Microsoft Cost Management team with details about the issue to fix the underlying data. As of November 2024, the team is aware of the issue, but the fix has not yet been prioritized. In the interim, update to FinOps toolkit 0.7, which includes a workaround for FinOps hubs and storage-based Power BI reports.
Severity: Critical
This file looks like it might be exported from Cost Management but it isn't in the correct container.
Mitigation: Update your Cost Management export to point to the 'msexports' storage container. The 'ingestion' container is only used for querying ingested cost data.
Severity: Critical
FinOps hubs require FOCUS cost exports but this file looks like a legacy Cost Management export.
Mitigation: Create a new Cost Management export for FOCUS cost and either stop the current export or change it to export to a different storage container.
Severity: Critical
FinOps hubs 0.1.1 and earlier don't work with the Data ingestion Power BI report.
Mitigation: Upgrade to the latest version of FinOps hubs or download Power BI reports from release 0.1.1.
Severity: Informational
The export path isn't a valid scope ID. FinOps hubs expect the export path to be an Azure resource ID for the scope the export was created to simplify management. It shouldn't cause failures, but might result in confusing results for scope-related reports.
Mitigation: Update the storage path for the Cost Management export to use the full Azure resource ID for the scope.
Severity: Informational
This error code is shown when the ingested data uses an older version of FOCUS. When found in the x_SourceChanges
column, the code is informational only. When shown in Power BI storage reports when the Costs query fails to load, this means the Deprecated: Perform Extra Query Optimizations parameter is disabled.
FinOps hubs converts data to the latest FOCUS version so this should not cause an issue; however, the modernization transform cannot account for all scenarios and may result in unexpected results in some cases. Refer to documentation for known issues.
Mitigation: There are several ways to mitigate this message, depending on which tool you're using.
If using FinOps hubs with Data Explorer and seeing this in the x_SourceChanges
column of the Costs table or related functions, update Cost Management cost exports to use the latest FOCUS version. No additional changes need to be made all data will be merged during Data Explorer ingestion.
If using storage reports and seeing this in the x_SourceChanges
column of the Costs query, this message is a warning that this FOCUS version will be removed in a future update. While you can safely ignore this message, it will require an update in a future release. To avoid the message, update Cost Management exports to the latest FOCUS version, delete or move any older data using an older FOCUS version, and reexport historical data. If using FinOps hubs, delete or move data outside of the ingestion container. If hosting your own exports in storage, change the Storage URL parameter to a different folder path that does not include older FOCUS versions.
As of FinOps toolkit 0.7, support for older FOCUS versions has been deprecated to improve performance and scalability. We recommend updating to the latest FOCUS version and reexporting data to improve your experience. Set the Deprecated: Perform Extra Query Optimizations parameter to TRUE
to ensure older FOCUS versions are supported and set it to FALSE
to speed up performance and support larger datasets covering more cost or time. As of 0.7, this parameter is enabled by default for backwards compatibility. In FinOps toolkit 0.8, it will be disabled by default, but still available for backwards compatibility until on or after June 2025. If you cannot move off of old FOCUS versions or for the best performance and support for larger accounts or longer periods of time, we recommend using FinOps hubs with Data Explorer.
Severity: Critical
FinOps hub msexports_ExecuteETL pipeline failed to read the Cost Management manifest file.
- If the error occurred on a working hub instance when no changes were made to the hub or export, then Cost Management possibly changed the manifest schema for an existing API version.
- If the error occurred after you create a new or change an existing export, then the export API version might use a new unsupported manifest schema.
- If the error occurred after a hub deployment (initial install or upgrade), then the deployment possibly failed or there could be a bug in the pipeline.
To confirm the manifest schema (#1) or API version (#2):
- Open the hub storage account in the Azure portal or storage explorer.
- If in the Azure portal, go to Storage browser in the menu.
- Select the msexports container.
- Navigate down the file hierarchy for the export with the issue (see the manifest location in the error message).
- Find the manifest.json file and select the menu (⋯), then select View/edit.
- Identify the following properties:
{ "exportConfig": { "resourceId": "<scope-id>/providers/Microsoft.CostManagement/exports/<export-name>", "dataVersion": "<dataset-version>", "apiVersion": "2023-07-01-preview", "type": "<dataset-type>", ... }, ... }
- Confirm they're set to the following supported values:
- resourceId can be any scope ID and any export name, but it must exist with the "Microsoft.CostManagement/exports" resource type. It's case-insensitive.
- type must exist, but shouldn't fail with this error for any non-null value.
- dataVersion must exist, but shouldn't fail with this error for any non-null value.
- apiVersion isn't used explicitly but can signify changes to the manifest schema. See supported API versions for details.
- If you're using a newer API version:
- To track adding support for the new API version, create a change request issue in GitHub.
- Delete the export in Cost Management.
- Create an export using the New-FinOpsCostExport PowerShell command using a supported API version.
If you consider yourself a power user, you may want to try updating the pipeline yourself for the quickest resolution. To do that, open Data Factory, navigate to Author > Pipelines > msexports_ExecuteETL, and select the applicable "Set" activities and update the Settings > Value property as needed. If you do this, you do not need to re-create the export with an older version. Please still report the issue and consider sharing the new JSON from the
icon at the top-right of the pipeline designer._
- If you notice the properties changed for a supported API version:
- To track the breaking change, create a change request issue in GitHub. Include the type, dataVersion, and apiVersion from your manifest.json file.
- File a support request with Cost Management to request their change be reverted as it breaks everyone using FinOps hubs or other custom solutions. Include the following details to help the Cost Management support team identify the issue within their system. Cost Management doesn't have context about FinOps hubs, so you should keep the details focused on Cost Management functionality. Here's an example:
I am using Cost Management exports to pull my cost data into ADLS. I have an ADF pipeline that is processing the data when manifest files are written. My pipeline was built on API version
which expectsexportConfig.resourceId
, andexportConfig.dataVersion
properties to be delivered consistently. I noticed these files are not being included in the manifest file for this API version for my export that ran on<your-export-date>
. My expectation is that the manifest file should never change for an existing API version. Can you please revert these changes?To help you troubleshoot, here is my manifest file: {your-manifest-json}
If the manifest properties look good and it was a new or upgraded FinOps hub instance, confirm the deployment:
- Open the hub resource group in the Azure portal.
- Select Settings > Deployments in the menu on the left.
- Confirm all deployments are successful. Specifically, look for the following deployment names:
- main
- hub
- dataFactoryResources
- storage
- keyVault
- If any deployments failed, review the error message to determine if it's something you can resolve yourself (for example, name conflict, fixable policy violation).
- If the error seems transient, try deploying again.
- If the error persists, create a discussion to see if anyone else if facing an issue or knows of a possible workaround (especially for policy issues).
- If the error is clearly a bug or feature gap, create a bug or feature request issue in GitHub.
We try to respond to issues and discussions within two business days.
Severity: Informational
This error code is shown in the x_SourceChanges
column when ContractedCost
is either null or 0 and EffectiveCost
is greater than 0. The error indicates Microsoft Cost Management didn't include ContractedCost
for the specified rows, which means savings can't be calculated.
Mitigation: As a workaround to the missing data, FinOps toolkit reports copy the EffectiveCost
into the ContractedCost
column for rows flagged with this error code. Savings aren't available for these records.
To calculate complete savings, you can join cost and usage data with prices. For more information, see issue #873.
Severity: Informational
This error code is shown in the x_SourceChanges
column when ContractedUnitPrice
is either null or 0 and EffectiveUnitPrice
is greater than 0. The error indicates Microsoft Cost Management didn't include ContractedUnitPrice
for the specified rows, which means savings can't be calculated.
Mitigation: As a workaround to the missing data, FinOps toolkit reports copy the EffectiveUnitPrice
into the ContractedUnitPrice
column for rows flagged with this error code. Savings aren't available for these records.
To calculate complete savings, you can join cost and usage data with prices. For more information, see issue #873.
Severity: Informational
This error code is shown in the x_SourceChanges
column when ListCost
is either null or 0 and ContractedCost
is greater than 0. The error indicates Microsoft Cost Management didn't include ListCost
for the specified rows, which means savings can't be calculated.
Mitigation: As a workaround to the missing data, FinOps toolkit reports copy the ContractedCost
into the ListCost
column for rows flagged with this error code. Savings aren't available for these records.
To calculate complete savings, you can join cost and usage data with prices. For more information, see issue #873.
Severity: Informational
This error code is shown in the x_SourceChanges
column when ListUnitPrice
is either null or 0 and ContractedUnitPrice
is greater than 0. The error indicates Microsoft Cost Management didn't include ListUnitPrice
for the specified rows, which means savings can't be calculated.
Mitigation: As a workaround to the missing data, FinOps toolkit reports copy the ContractedUnitPrice
into the ListUnitPrice
column for rows flagged with this error code. Savings aren't available for these records.
To calculate complete savings, you can join cost and usage data with prices. For more information, see issue #873.
Severity: Informational
This error code is shown in the x_SourceChanges
column when ProviderName
is null. The error indicates the provider of the dataset (for example, Microsoft Cost Management) did not include a ProviderName
value for the specified rows.
Mitigation: As a workaround to the missing data, FinOps toolkit reports attempt to identify the provider based on the available columns.
Query '...' references other queries steps
Severity: Minor
The source of this error is unknown. This error may be surfaced randomly.
Mitigation: If you receive this error, select Apply change again.
Power BI: An exception of the 'Microsoft.Mashup.Engine.Interface.ResourceAccessForbiddenException' type was thrown
Indicates that the account loading data in Power BI doesn't have the Storage Blob Data Reader role. Grant this role to the account loading data in Power BI.
If you deleted FinOps Hubs and are attempting to redeploy it with the same values, including the Managed Identity name, you might encounter the following known issue:
"code": "RoleAssignmentUpdateNotPermitted",
"message": "Tenant ID, application ID, principal ID, and scope are not allowed to be updated."
To fix that issue you have to remove the stale identity:
- Navigate to the storage account and select Access control (IAM) in the menu.
- Select the Role assignments tab.
- Find any role assignments with an "unknown" identity and delete them.
Severity: Critical
FinOps hub msexports_ETL_ingestion pipeline failed to load the schema file.
Mitigation: Review the error message to note the dataset type and version, which are formatted with an underscore (for example, <type>_<version>
or FocusCost_1.0
). Confirm that the dataset and type are both supported by the deployed version of FinOps hubs. See supported datasets for details.
Severity: Critical
FinOps hub msexports_ExecuteETL pipeline wasn't able to find the schema mapping file for the exported dataset.
Mitigation: Confirm the dataset type and version are supported. See supported datasets for details. If the dataset is supported, confirm the hub version with the Data ingestion report.
To add support for another dataset, create a custom mapping file and save it to config/schemas/<dataset-type>_<dataset-version>.json
. The <dataset-type>
values much match what Cost Management uses. To identify the datatype for each column, use an existing schema file as a template. Some datasets have different schemas for EA and Microsoft Customer Agreement (MCA). They can't be identified via these attributes and might cause an issue if you have both account types. We're working on adding datasets and account for the EA and MCA differences by aligning to FOCUS.
Severity: Informational
The file in hub storage doesn't look like it was exported from Cost Management. File is ignored.
Mitigation: The msexports container is intended for Cost Management exports only. Move other files in another storage container.
Severity: Informational
This error code is shown in the x_SourceChanges
column when a FOCUS version could not be identified.
Mitigation: Validate that the FOCUS dataset is using a supported FOCUS version. Report this issue with an anonymized sample of the data at to investigate further.
Severity: Critical
Unable to identify the version of FinOps hubs from the settings file. Verify settings are correct. FinOps hubs 0.1.1 and earlier doesn't work with this Power BI report.
Mitigation: Upgrade to the latest version of FinOps hubs or download Power BI reports from the FinOps toolkit v0.1.1 release.
Severity: Critical
Unable to ingest the specified export file because the file type isn't supported.
Mitigation: Either convert the file to a supported file format before adding to the msexports container or add support for converting the new file type to the msexports_ETL_ingestion pipeline.
Severity: Warning
The export manifest in hub storage indicates the export was for an unsupported dataset. Exported data is reported as ingestion errors.
Mitigation: Create a new Cost Management export for FOCUS cost and either stop the current export or change it to export to a different storage container.
The <name> resource provider isn't registered in subscription <guid>
Open the subscription in the Azure portal, then select Settings > Resource providers, select the resource provider row (for example, Microsoft.EventGrid), then select the Register command at the top of the page. Registration might take a few minutes.
x_PricingSubcategory shows the commitment discount ID
Cost Management exports before February 28, 2024 had a bug where x_PricingSubcategory
was being set incorrectly for committed usage. You should expect to see values like Committed Spend
and Committed Usage
. Instead, you might see values like:
Committed /providers/Microsoft.BillingBenefits/savingsPlanOrders/###/savingsPlans/###
Committed /providers/Microsoft.Capacity/reservationOrders/###/reservations/###
If you see these values, re-export the cost data for that month. If you need to export data for an older month that isn't available, contact support to request the data be exported for you to resolve the data quality issue from the previous export runs.
Power BI: Reports are missing data for specific dates
If your report is missing all data for one or more months, check the Number of Months, RangeStart, and RangeEnd parameters to ensure the data isn't being filtered out.
To check parameters, select Transform data > Edit parameters in the ribbon or select the individual parameters in the 🛠️ Setup folder from the query editor window.
- If you want to always show a specific number of recent months, set Number of Months to the number of closed (completed) months. The current month is an extra month in addition to the closed number of months.
- If you want a fixed date range that doesn't change over time (for example, fiscal year reporting), set RangeStart and RangeEnd.
- If you want to report on all data available, confirm that all three date parameters are empty.
For more information, see Set up your first report.
Power BI: Reports are empty (no data)
If you don't see any data in your Power BI or other reports or tools, try the following based on your data source:
- If using the Cost Management connector in Power BI, check the
Billing Account ID
andNumber of Months
parameters to ensure they're set correctly. Keep in mind old billing accounts might not have data in recent months. - If using FinOps hubs, check the storage account to ensure data is populated in the ingestion container. You should see either a providers or subscriptions folder. Use the following sections to troubleshoot further.
FinOps hubs: Ingestion container is empty
If the ingestion container is empty, open the Data Factory instance in Data Factory Studio and select Manage > Author > Triggers and verify the msexports_FileAdded trigger is started. If not, start it.
If the trigger fails to start with a "resource provider isn't registered" error, open the subscription in the Azure portal, then select Settings > Resource providers, select the Microsoft.EventGrid row, then select the Register command at the top of the page. Registration might take a few minutes.
After registration completes, start the msexports_FileAdded trigger again.
After the trigger is started, rerun all connected Cost Management exports. Data should be fully ingested within 10-20 minutes, depending on the size of the account.
If the issue persists, check if Cost Management exports are configured with file partitioning enabled. If you find it disabled, turn it on and rerun the exports.
Confirm the ingestion container is populated and refresh your reports or other connected tools.
FinOps hubs: Files available in the ingestion container
If the ingestion container isn't empty, confirm whether you have parquet or csv.gz files by drilling into the folders.
Once you know, verify the FileType parameter is set to .parquet
or .gz
in the Power BI report. See Connect to your data for details.
If you're using another tool, ensure it supports the file type you're using.
Power BI: The remote name couldn't be resolved: '<storage-account>'
Indicates that the storage account name is incorrect. If using FinOps hubs, verify the StorageUrl parameter from the deployment. See Connect to your data for details.
Power BI: We can't convert the value null to type Logical
Indicates that the Billing Account ID parameter is empty. If using FinOps hubs, set the value to the desired billing account ID. If you don't have access to the billing account or don't want to include commitment purchases and refunds, set the value to 0
and open the CostDetails query in the advanced editor and change the 2
to a 1
. It informs the report to not load actual/billed cost data from the Cost Management connector. See Connect to your data for details.
Applicable versions: 0.1 - 0.1.1 (fixed in 0.2)
FinOps hubs: We can't convert the value null to type Table
This error typically indicates that data wasn't ingested into the ingestion container.
If you just upgraded to FinOps hubs 0.2, the problem could result from the Power BI report being old (from 0.1.x) or because you aren't using FOCUS exports. See the Upgrade guide for details.
See Reports are empty (no data) for more troubleshooting steps.
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If you don't see the error you're experiencing, walk through the troubleshooting guide. If you have any questions, start a discussion or create an issue in GitHub.