Subscribing to Alerts
To subscribe to an alert
Open the Portal Alerts Page to see a list of existing alerts and your current subscriptions to these alerts.
In the Action column, click the AddSubscriber icon for an existing alert. This opens the Add Alert Subscription and Edit Subscription Pages.
The portal sends alert notifications to the e-mail address associated with the account you use to access the portal. If you want to use a different e-mail address, select the check box next to the Custom Email text box, and then type the preferred e-mail address in the text box.
Select the check box in the Schedule section if you want to specify a period when the portal should send alerts to you, and then specify the start and end times for the period in the Start Time and EndTime drop-down lists.
If there is a period when you will be unable to receive and act upon alerts, type the start and end dates in the Black-out Period boxes.
Select an Interval in Minutes during which the portal will compare alerts raised and send only one when multiple instances of the same alert occur. This prevents a rapidly occurring fault from creating a large number of identical alert messages.
Click the Save button to create the new subscription.
To edit an existing alert subscription
Open the Portal Alerts Page to see a list of existing alerts and your current subscriptions to these alerts.
Click the Edit link next to the subscription you want to modify in the list in the My Subscriptions section of the page to open the Add Alert Subscription and Edit Subscription Pages.
The portal sends alert notifications to the e-mail address associated with the account you use to access the portal. If you want to use a different e-mail address, select the check box next to the Custom Email text box, and then type the preferred e-mail address in the text box.
Select the check box in the Schedule section if you want to specify a period when the portal should send alerts to you, and then specify the start and end times for the period in the Start Time and EndTime drop-down lists.
Type the start and end dates for a Black-out Period if there is a period when you will be unable to receive and act upon alerts.
Select an Interval in Minutes during which the portal will compare alerts raised and will send only one when multiple instances of the same alert occur. This prevents a rapidly occurring fault from creating a large number of identical alert messages.
Click the Save button to update the subscription.
To delete an existing alert subscription
Open the Portal Alerts Page to see a list of existing alerts and your current subscriptions to these alerts.
Click the Delete link next to the subscription you want to delete in the list in the My Subscriptions section of the page.