

How to: Validate a Message Using an ESB On-Ramp


This section demonstrates how to configure the ESB Dispatcher Disassemble pipeline component to perform message validation for XML messages submitted to an ESB on-ramp.

In this How-to topic, you will complete the following steps:

  • Create an ESB on-ramp that uses the ItinerarySelectReceiveXml pipeline.

  • Configure the ESB Dispatcher Disassemble pipeline component to validate message content.

  • Configure the Itinerary Selector pipeline component to resolve the appropriate itinerary.

  • Test message validation using a valid message and an invalid message.


The procedures in this How-to topic require the completion of the Prerequisites for the Development Activities.

Before You Begin

Complete the following tasks before you perform the steps later in this How-to topic:

  • Create an invalid test message.

  • Create an ESB itinerary domain-specific language (DSL) model.

  • Configure the properties of the itinerary.

  • Define the structure of the itinerary.

  • Export the model to the Itinerary database.

    The following procedures describe how to do each of these.

To create an invalid test message

  1. In Windows Explorer, browse to C:\HowTos.

  2. Create a copy of NAOrderDoc.xml, and then rename the copy Invalid.xml.

  3. In Notepad, open Invalid.xml.

  4. Change <ns0:requestType>10</ns0:requestType> to <ns0:requestType>TEN</ns0:requestType>.

  5. Save Invalid.xml as UTF-8, and then close Notepad.


    By changing the numerical value of this element to text, the message will no longer be valid according to the schema.

To create an ESB itinerary DSL model

  1. In Visual Studio, open C:\HowTos\Patterns\Patterns.sln.

  2. In Solution Explorer, right-click ItineraryLibrary, point to Add, and then click New Itinerary.

  3. In the Add New Item dialog box, type Validation in the Name box, and then click Add.

To configure the properties of the itinerary

  1. In Visual Studio, click the design surface of Validation.itinerary. In the Validation Properties window, configure the following properties:

    1. In the Model Exporter drop-down list, click Database Itinerary Exporter.

    2. Click the ellipsis button (...) next to the Itinerary Database property.

    3. In the Connection Properties dialog box, choose the SQL Server that hosts the itinerary repository database, and then specify the name of the database (the default name is EsbItineraryDb).

  2. In the Itinerary Status drop-down list, click Deployed.


    This step enables you to export the itinerary to a central repository; itineraries can be selected and attached from this repository when the message is received. You will later configure the Itinerary Selector pipeline component to use a static resolver to select the appropriate itinerary from this repository.

To define the structure of the itinerary

  1. From the Toolbox, drag an On-Ramp model element to the design surface. In the OnRamp1 Properties window, configure the following properties:

    1. Click the Name property, and then type ReceiveNAOrder.

    2. In the Extender drop-down list, click On-Ramp ESB Extender.

    3. In the BizTalk Application drop-down list, click Microsoft.Practices.ESB.

    4. In the Receive Port drop-down list, click OnRamp.Itinerary.

  2. From the Toolbox, drag an Off-Ramp model element to the design surface, and then place it to the right of the existing model element. In the OffRamp1 Properties window, configure the following properties:

    1. Click the Name property, and then type SendNAOrder.

    2. In the Extender drop-down list, click Off-Ramp ESB Extender.

    3. In the BizTalk Application drop-down list, click GlobalBank.ESB.

    4. In the Send Port drop-down list, click DynamicResolutionOneWay.

  3. From the Toolbox, drag an Itinerary Service model element to the design surface, and then place it between the ReceiveNAOrder model element and the SendNAOrder model element. In the ItineraryService1 Properties window, configure the following properties:

    1. Click the Name property, and then type SendPortFilter.

    2. In the Itinerary Service Extender drop-down list, click Off-Ramp Extender.

    3. In the Off-Ramp drop-down list, expand SendNAOrder, and then click Send Handlers.

  4. Right-click the Resolver collection of the SendPortFilter element, and then click Add new Resolver. In the Resolver1 Properties window, configure the following properties:

    1. Click the Name property, and then type ConfigureOffRamp.

    2. In the Resolver Implementation drop-down list, click Static Resolver Extension.

    3. In the Transport Name drop-down list, click FILE.

    4. Click the Transport Location property, and then type C:\HowTos\Out\Validated%MessageID%.xml.

  5. In the Toolbox, click Connector. Drag a connection from the ReceiveNAOrder model element to the SendPortFilter model element.

  6. In the Toolbox, click Connector. Drag a connection from the SendPortFilter model element to the SendNAOrder model element.

To export the model to the itinerary database

  1. In Visual Studio, right-click the design surface of the Validation itinerary, and then click Export Model.


    The itinerary has been exported to the itinerary database and can now be used by the Itinerary Selector pipeline component.

  2. Save all project artifacts.


To create and configure an ESB on-ramp

  1. Click Start on the taskbar, point to All Programs, point to BizTalk Server, and then click BizTalk Server Administration.

  2. In the BizTalk Server Administration Console, expand BizTalk Group, expand Applications, and then expand Microsoft.Practices.ESB.

  3. Right-click Receive Locations, point to New, and then click One-way Receive Location.

  4. In the Select a Receive Port dialog box, click OnRamp.Itinerary, and then click OK.

  5. In the Receive Location Properties dialog box, type OnRamp.Itinerary.HowTo in the Name box.

  6. In the Type drop-down list, click FILE, and then click Configure.

  7. In the FILE Transport Properties dialog box, type C:\HowTos\DropFolder in the Receive folder box, and then click OK.

To configure the on-ramp to perform message validation

  1. In the Receive Location Properties dialog box, in the Receive pipeline drop-down list, click ItinerarySelectReceiveXml, and then click the ellipsis button (...).

  2. Use the Configure Pipeline dialog box to configure the following XML disassembler component properties:

    1. Expand the GlobalBank.Esb application, and then click Schemas. Right-click GlobalBank.ESB.DynamicResolution.Schemas.NAOrderDoc, and then click Properties. Copy the Name and Assembly properties and paste them into a text file.

    2. In the Disassemble component, click True in the ValidateDocument drop-down list.

    3. Click the DocumentSpecNames property, and then type the fully qualified name of the schema. The fully qualified name starts with the name and is followed by a comma and the assembly information extracted in step a. The following is an example:

      GlobalBank.ESB.DynamicResolution.Schemas.NAOrderDoc, GlobalBank.ESB.DynamicResolution.Schemas, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c2c8b2b87f54180a


      This is the fully qualified name of the schema to be validated; it is comprised of the schema name and four assembly properties: assembly name, version, culture, and public key token. Multiple values are allowed; separate multiple schemas with a pipe (|) symbol.

To configure the Itinerary Selector Pipeline component

  1. In the Configure Pipeline dialog box, configure the following Itinerary Selector component properties:

    1. Click the ItineraryFactKey property, and then type Resolver.Itinerary.

    2. Click the ResolverConnectionString property, and then type ITINERARY:\\name=Validation;.

    3. Click OK to close the Configure Pipeline dialog box.

  2. Click OK to close the Receive Location Properties dialog box.

  3. In the BizTalk Server Administration Console, right-click the OnRamp.Itinerary.HowTo receive location, and then click Enable.

To test the message validation and itinerary selection

  1. In Windows Explorer, browse to C:\HowTos.

  2. Copy (do not move) NAOrderDoc.xml to the DropFolder folder.

  3. Browse to C:\HowTos\Out. Verify that Validated%MessageID%.xml has been written to the directory.


    The valid message completed its itinerary-based routing, as expected.

  4. Delete Validated%MessageID%.xml from the Out folder.

  5. In Windows Explorer, browse to C:\HowTos.

  6. Copy (do not move) Invalid.xml to the DropFolder folder.

  7. Browse to C:\HowTos\Out. Verify that no new message has been delivered.


    The message could not be validated; therefore, itinerary-based routing could not be completed.

  8. Click Start on the taskbar, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Event Viewer.

  9. In Event Viewer, expand Windows Logs, and then click Application.

  10. Locate a recent event where the Source is BizTalk Server, and the Event ID is 5719.


    The submission and failure of the invalid message resulted in an exception entry to the application event log.

  11. In the BizTalk Server Administration Console, right-click the OnRamp.Itinerary.HowTo receive location, and then click Disable.

  12. After the OnRamp.Itinerary.HowTo receive location is disabled, right-click it, and then click Delete. In the Confirm delete receive location dialog box, click Yes.

Additional Resources

For more information, see the following related topics: