

Source Control and the BizTalk Project System

Source control is a mechanism in which a central piece of software stores and tracks file versions and controls who can access the files. When you use source control, you can:

  • Limit the possibility of overwriting important files.

  • Apply version numbers to your files.

  • Archive older versions of a source-controlled file.

  • Keep track of who modified a file, when they modified it, and what they modified.

    Visual Studio enables you to integrate with any Microsoft Source Code Control Interface (MSSCCI)-compliant system. BizTalk Server provides support for Team Foundation Server, and enables development teams to leverage the integrated source control, bug tracking, support for team development, integration with Microsoft Office Project Server, and support for automating builds by using MSBuild. The BizTalk project system also supports Microsoft Visual SourceSafe.

    For more information about source control, see Source Control in Visual Studio.

See Also

Working with BizTalk Projects