

SendPortGroups (BizTalk Server Sample)

The SendPortGroups sample demonstrates how to enumerate and manage send port groups by using the Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM administration classes.


  • You must have BizTalk Server administrative privileges to use the administrative objects in this sample.

  • The Windows PowerShell script requires the Windows PowerShell execution policy to allow script execution. For more information, see about_Execution_Policies.

What This Sample Does

This sample demonstrates using the BtsCatalogExplorer and SendPortGroup classes from the Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM namespace to manage send port groups in a BizTalk Server environment. The sample is written in Microsoft Visual C#. A Windows PowerShell example script is also included in this topic. The sample demonstrates the following operations:

  • Connecting to the BizTalk Management database by using the BtsCatalogExplorer class.

  • Creating a new send port group named “My Send Port Group”.

  • Enumerating send port groups to display the newly created send port group.

  • Deleting the new send port group.

    Additional functions are present in the sample but are not executed in the Visual C# version. Some of the additional functions are demonstrated in the PowerShell example script. The additional functions demonstrate the following functionality:

  • Adding a send port to the newly created send port group (covered in the PowerShell example).

  • Deleting a send port from the send port group (covered in the PowerShell example).

  • Starting the send port group.

  • Stopping the send port group.

Where To Find This Sample

The sample is located in the following SDK location:

<Samples Path>\Admin\ExplorerOM\SendPortGroups

The following table shows the files in this sample and describes their purpose.

File(s) Description
SendPortGroups.cs Visual C# source file for operations demonstrated in this sample.
SendPortGroups.sln, SendPortGroups.csproj, SendPortGroups.suo Solution and project files for the sample.

Building and Running This Sample

To build this sample

  1. In Visual Studio, open the solution file SendPortGroups.sln.

  2. In Solution Explorer, double click SendPortGroups.cs to open the sample code.

  3. Find the root.ConnectionString in the CreateSendPortGroup function. You must change the server specification to correctly point to the SQL server hosting your BizTalk Management database. You can also use a period (.) to connect to the local SQL server. For example:

    root.ConnectionString = "Integrated Security=SSPI;database=BizTalkMgmtDb;server=.";


    This example or guidance references sensitive information, such as a connection string or a username and password. Never hardcode these values in your code, and make sure that you protect confidential data by using the most secure authentication available. For more information, see the following documentation:

  4. Repeat step 3 for the following functions:

    • EnumerateSendPortGroups

    • DeleteSendPortGroup

  5. Save SendPortGroups.cs.

  6. On the main menu, click Build, and then click Build Solution.

To run this sample

  1. Open a command window and navigate to the following folder:

    <Samples Path>\Admin\ExplorerOM\SendPortGroups\bin\Debug

  2. Run the file SendPortGroups.exe.

Windows PowerShell Script Example

The following Windows PowerShell script fragment can be used to demonstrate the same features of the ExplorerOM classes:

Function CreateSendPortGroup($Catalog, $strName)
   #=== Register a trap handler to discard changes on exceptions ===#

   trap { "Exception encountered:`r`n"; $_; "`r`nDiscarding Changes.`r`n";$Catalog.DiscardChanges();exit; }

   #=== Create a new send port group and set its name ===#

   $NewSendPortGroup = $Catalog.AddNewSendPortGroup()
   $NewSendPortGroup.Name = $strName

   #=== Persist new ports to the BizTalk Management database ===#

   Write-Host Adding "`"$($NewSendPortGroup.Name)`"..."
   Write-Host "`r`nCreateSendPortGroup() completed."

Function DeleteSendPortGroup($Catalog,$strName)
   #=== Register a trap handler to discard changes on exceptions ===#

   trap { "Exception encountered DeleteSendPortGroup:`r`n"; $_; "`r`nDiscarding Changes.`r`n";$Catalog.DiscardChanges();}

   #=== Delete this sample's new send ports by name ===#

   $NewSendPortGroup = $Catalog.SendPortGroups[$strName]

   #=== Persist changes to the BizTalk Management database ===#

   Write-Host "Deleting `"$strName`"..."
   Write-Host "DeleteSendPortGroup() completed."

Function EnumerateSendPortGroups($Catalog)
   #=== Register a trap handler to discard changes on exceptions ===#

   trap { "Exception encountered During Enumeration:`r`n"; $_; "`r`n"}

   #=== Display all send port groups by name ===#

   $count = 1
   foreach ($group in $catalog.SendPortGroups)
     Write-Host "$count. $($group.Name)"

   Write-Host "`r`nEnumerateSendPortGroups() completed."

Function PromptForSendPort($Catalog)
   #=== Provide a list of the send ports for the user to make a selection ===#

   Write-Host "Here is a list of send ports:`r`n"
   $count = 1
   foreach($sendport in $Catalog.SendPorts)
      Write-Host ($Count). ($Sendport.Name)

   Write-Host "`r`nChoose a port to add to the group by ordinal (ex. 1,2, etc): " -nonewline
   $selection = read-host
   $selection = $Catalog.SendPorts[([int]$selection)-1]
   Write-Host $Selection.Name selected.

   return $Selection.Name

Function AddSendPortToSendPortGroup($Catalog,$strPortName,$strGroupName)

   #=== Add the user's selected send port to the group ===#

   #=== Presently, we have to use WMI from PowerShell    ===#
   #=== This is because the methods on the collections   ===#
   #=== are marked internal. So unfortunately the        ===#
   #=== following very straightforward code won't work.  ===#

   # $sendportgroup = $Catalog.SendPortGroups[$strName]
   # $sendportgroup.SendPorts.Add($Catalog.SendPorts[$strPortName])
   # $catalog.SaveChanges();

   #=== Get the WMI send port group representation to look up DB and server. ===#
   #=== Expecting only one to match the query in this example.               ===#

   $WQL = "select * from MSBTS_SendPortGroup where Name='" + $strGroupName + "'"
   $groupset = gwmi -query ($WQL) -namespace "root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer"

   #=== Create a new MSBTS_SendPortGroup2SendPort instance to map the port to the group ===#

   $group2port = [WMICLASS]"root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer:MSBTS_SendPortGroup2SendPort"
   $newPortEntry = [WMI] $group2port.psbase.CreateInstance()
   $newPortEntry.MgmtDbServerOverride = $groupset.MgmtDbServerOverride
   $newPortEntry.MgmtDbNameOverride = $groupset.MgmtDbNameOverride
   $newPortEntry.SendPortGroupName = $groupset.Name
   $newPortEntry.SendPortName = $strPortName
   Write-Host "Adding $strPortName to $($groupset.Name)"

   #=== Persist changes to the BizTalk Management database ===#

   #=== POWERSHELL V1 BUG WORKAROUND =============================#
   #=== First method call on a non-cimv2 WMI object can fail.  ===#
   #=== The workaround in PowerShell V1 is to call GetType()   ===#
   #=== as the first method.                                   ===#
   trap {}
   #=== POWERSHELL V1 BUG WORKAROUND =============================#

   [void] $newPortEntry.Put()

   #=== Since we used WMI to update the BizTalk Management database, ===#
   #=== refresh our BtsExplorerCatalog to have an updated DB view.   ===#

   Write-Host "AddSendPortToSendPortGroup() completed."

Function DeleteSendPortFromSendPortGroup($Catalog, $strPortName, $strGroupName)
   #=== Presently, we have to use WMI from PowerShell    ===#
   #=== This is because the methods on the collections   ===#
   #=== are marked internal. So unfortunately the        ===#
   #=== following very straightforward code won't work.  ===#

   # $sendportgroup = $Catalog.SendPortGroups[$strGroupName]
   # $sendportgroup.SendPorts.Remove($Catalog.SendPorts[$strPortName])
   # $catalog.SaveChanges();

   #=== Get the WMI send port to group instance and delete it.               ===#
   #=== Expecting only one to match the query in this example.               ===#

   $WQL = "select * from MSBTS_SendPortGroup2SendPort where " +
          "SendPortName='" + $strPortName + "' and " +
          "SendPortGroupName='" + $strGroupName + "'"

   $groupset = gwmi -query ($WQL) -namespace "root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer"

   write-host "Removing $strPortName from $strGroupName..."

   #=== Since we used WMI to update the BizTalk Management database, ===#
   #=== refresh our BtsExplorerCatalog to have an updated DB view.   ===#

   Write-Host "DeleteSendPortFromSendPortGroup() completed."

#=== Main Script Body ===#

#=== Make sure the ExplorerOM assembly is loaded ===#

[void] [System.reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM")

#=== Connect to the BizTalk Management database ===#

$Catalog = New-Object Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.BtsCatalogExplorer
$Catalog.ConnectionString = "DATABASE=BizTalkMgmtDb;Integrated Security=SSPI;SERVER=."

#=== Exercise the CreateSendPortGroup function to create a new send port group ===#

$SendPortGroupName = "PowerShell Sample Send Port Group"

Write-Host "`r`n============================="
Write-Host "=== CreateSendPortGroup() ==="
Write-Host "=============================`r`n"
CreateSendPortGroup $Catalog $SendPortGroupName

#=== Enumerate all send port groups to view the new one ===#

Write-Host "`r`n================================="
Write-Host "=== EnumerateSendPortGroups() ==="
Write-Host "=================================`r`n"
EnumerateSendPortGroups $Catalog

#=== Add a send port to the group ===#

Write-Host "`r`n===================================="
Write-Host "=== AddSendPortToSendPortGroup() ==="
Write-Host "====================================`r`n"
$SendPortName = PromptForSendPort($Catalog)
AddSendPortToSendPortGroup $Catalog $SendPortName $SendPortGroupName

#=== Remove the send port from the group ===#

Write-Host "`r`n========================================="
Write-Host "=== DeleteSendPortFromSendPortGroup() ==="
Write-Host "=========================================`r`n"
DeleteSendPortFromSendPortGroup $Catalog $SendPortName $SendPortGroupName

#=== Delete the group ===#

Write-Host "`r`n============================="
Write-Host "=== DeleteSendPortGroup() ==="
Write-Host "=============================`r`n"
DeleteSendPortGroup $Catalog $SendPortGroupName


Here is example expected output from running the Windows PowerShell script sample.

PS C:\> .\sendportgroups.ps1

=== CreateSendPortGroup() ===

Adding "PowerShell Sample Send Port Group"...

CreateSendPortGroup() completed.

=== EnumerateSendPortGroups() ===

1. PowerShell Sample Send Port Group

EnumerateSendPortGroups() completed.

=== AddSendPortToSendPortGroup() ===

Here is a list of send ports:

1 . ResendPort
2 . HelloWorldSendPort
3 . ToCustomerSendPort
4 . CBRUSSendPort
5 . CBRCANSendPort
6 . SendportCANOrders

Choose a port to add to the group by ordinal (ex. 1,2, etc): 2
HelloWorldSendPort selected.
Adding HelloWorldSendPort to PowerShell Sample Send Port Group
AddSendPortToSendPortGroup() completed.

=== DeleteSendPortFromSendPortGroup() ===

Removing HelloWorldSendPort from PowerShell Sample Send Port Group...
DeleteSendPortFromSendPortGroup() completed.

=== DeleteSendPortGroup() ===

Deleting "PowerShell Sample Send Port Group"...
DeleteSendPortGroup() completed.

See Also

Admin-ExplorerOM (BizTalk Server Samples Folder)