

File Adapter (BizTalk Server Sample)

The File Adapter sample is written in Microsoft Visual C# .NET to work with Microsoft BizTalk Server. It provides code to build either a dynamic or a static adapter. However, the following procedure only outlines the static adapter. A static adapter is an adapter with a static set of schemas and no custom user interface. A dynamic adapter has a custom user interface and potentially a dynamic set of schemas. Both static and dynamic adapters use the Add Adapter Wizard to add their schemas to a BizTalk project.


The File adapter sample is not the same as the native FILE adapter that ships with BizTalk Server. Thus when selecting the transport type in using this sample select "static" instead of FILE.

The dynamic adapter with a custom user interface and potentially dynamic set of schemas will require additional code in the adapter management side. To better understand use of the dynamic set of schemas, see Dynamic Design-Time Adapter Configuration.

What This Sample Does

The sample adapter copies files from a file folder, submits to BizTalk as messages, or takes messages from BizTalk Server and drops to a file folder. It provides code to build either a dynamic or a static adapter; however, the following procedure only outlines the static adapter. A static adapter is an adapter with a static set of schemas and no custom user interface. A dynamic adapter has a custom user interface and potentially a dynamic set of schemas. Both static and dynamic adapters use the Add Adapter Wizard to add their schemas to a BizTalk project.

You can use the sample file adapter as a template on which to create other custom adapters.

Where to Find This Sample

<Samples Path>\AdaptersDevelopment\File Adapter


The default location for <Samples Path> is %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft BizTalk Server\SDK\Samples when BizTalk Server is installed on a computer running a 32-bit version of Windows. The default location for <Samples Path> is %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft BizTalk Server\SDK\Samples when BizTalk Server is installed on a computer running a 64-bit version of Windows. To determine the values associated with the %ProgramFiles% or %ProgramFiles(x86)% environment variables type echo %ProgramFiles% or echo %ProgramFiles(x86)% at a command prompt and press ENTER. If running this sample on a 64-bit operating system, you will need to change all references in any of the .reg files from %ProgramFiles% to %ProgramFiles(x86)% before running the .reg files.

The following tables show the files in this sample and describe their purpose.

\File Adapter files Description
\BizTalk Project files Contains the adapter harness project, used to test the sample adapter.
\Design Time files Contains the design time and management project (AdapterManagement.csproj).
\Runtime files Contains the run-time file-copy receive and transmit projects (DotNetFile.csproj).
DynamicAdapterManagement.reg Registers the sample dynamic adapter.
Instance.xml Sample file to pass through the file adapter.
StaticAdapterManagement.reg Registers the sample static adapter.
\BizTalk Project\Adapter Harness files Description
AdapterHarness.odx, AdapterHarness.sln, AdapterHarnessProject.btproj Provides project, solution, and related files for the BizTalk project.
mySchema.xsd Provides the Instance.xml schema expected by the harness orchestration from the receive part of the adapter, as well as the schema of the Instance.xml handed to the send part of the adapter by the orchestration.
\Design Time\Adapter Management files Description
AdapterManagement.cs, AdapterManagement.csproj, AdapterManagement.sln Project, solution, and related files for the adapter design-time.
AssemblyInfo.cs Contains assembly information for this sample.
CategorySchema2.xml Not used by the sample adapter.
CategorySchema.xml Contains the service organization tree for the static adapter.
DotNetFileResource.resx Contains resources.
ReceiveHandler.xsd, ReceiveLocation.xsd Contains receive side handler and endpoint custom property schemas
service1.wsdl Contains operation definitions for the adapter.
TransmitHandler.xsd, TransmitLocation.xsd Contains transmit side handler and endpoint custom property schemas
\Runtime files Description
DotNetFile.csproj, DotNetFile.sln,


DotNetFileExceptions.cs, DotNetFileProperties.cs, DotNetFileReceiver.cs, DotNetFileReceiverEndPoint.cs, DotNetFileTransmitter.cs,



Files for the run-time file-copy send and receive adapters. You can modify and save these files under a new name for custom components.

DotNetFile.csproj and DotNetFile.sln are the project and solution files.

AssemblyInfo.cs contains assembly information for this sample.

DotNetFileReceiver.cs reads the files from the receive locations and submits them to BizTalk Server.

DotNetFileExceptions.cs,implements code to handle exceptions during message processing

DotNetFileProperties.cs, contains common properties for both Receive and Send operations

BatchMessage.cs, implements batch messaging.

DotNetFileReceiverEndPoint.cs, is a class corresponding to a Receive Location/URI. It handles polling the given folder for new messages

DotNetFileTransmitter.cs is a singleton class for DotNetFile send adapter. All the messages, going to various send ports of this adapter type go through this class

DotNetFileTransmitterEndpoint.cs,handles transmitting messages.
\SDK\Samples\AdaptersDevelopment\BaseAdapter\v1.0.2 files Description
Adapter.cs, AdapterException.cs, AsyncTransmitter.cs, batch.cs, ConfigProperties.cs, ControlledTermination.cs, IManageEndpoints.cs, Receiver.cs, ReceiverEndpoint.cs Provides classes that constitute the Base Adapter. You can use these to create your own adapters.

How to Use This Sample

Use the sample file adapter as a template on which to create other custom adapters.

Building This Sample


If the BizTalk installation is 64-bit or the location of installation is modified, OutboundAssemblyPath, InboundAssemblyPath, AdapterMgmtAssemblyPath would need to be changed accordingly.

Use the following procedures to build and initialize the File Adapter sample.

To create a strong name key for the DotNetFileAdapter projects and the Base Adapter project

  1. Start Visual Studio Command Prompt.


    Run the command prompt as an Administrator.

  2. Change the current directory to the <Samples Path>\AdaptersDevelopment\BaseAdapter\v1.0.2 directory.

  3. At the command prompt, type sn –k BaseAdapter.snk and then press ENTER. This .snk file may already exist as a result of other samples being run previously. If so, you can go right to step 4 and skip this step.

  4. Change the current directory to the <Samples Path>\AdaptersDevelopment\File Adapter\Runtime directory.

  5. At the command prompt, type sn –k DotNetFileAdapter.snk and then press ENTER.

  6. At the command prompt, type exit and then press ENTER to close the command prompt window.

To build the receiver run-time project

  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Windows Explorer.

  2. Navigate to the <Samples Path>”\AdaptersDevelopment\File Adapter\Runtime” directory, and then double-click DotNetFile.sln.

  3. To rebuild the Adapter Receiver run-time project, in Solution Explorer, right-click DotNetFile, and then click Rebuild.

  4. From the File menu, click Exit to close Visual Studio.

To build the adapter design-time project

  1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the <Samples Path>”\AdaptersDevelopment\File Adapter\Design Time\Adapter Management” directory, and then double-click AdapterManagement.sln.

  2. In Solution Explorer, right-click AdapterManagement, and then click Rebuild.

  3. From the File menu, click Exit to close Visual Studio.

To register the sample static adapter

  1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the <Samples Path>”\AdaptersDevelopment\File Adapter” directory.

  2. To add the sample adapter to the registry, double-click StaticAdapterManagement.reg.


    StaticAdapterManagement.reg includes hard-coded paths to C:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server\. If you did not install BizTalk Server in the %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft BizTalk Server\ directory, if you upgraded your BizTalk Server installation from BizTalk Server 2009 or BizTalk Server 2006 R2, or if you installed BizTalk Server on a computer that is running a 64-bit version of Windows, you must modify the file StaticAdapterManagement.reg with the appropriate paths. By default, BizTalk Server is installed into the %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft BizTalk Server\ directory on computers that are running a 64-bit version of Windows. Update the paths associated with the "InboundAssemblyPath", "OutboundAssemblyPath" and "AdapterMgmtAssemblyPath" values to point to the correct location of the specified files.


    If you install BizTalk on a 64 bit machine, change all instances of the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\ registry entry to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\CLSID\ in the StaticAdapterManagement.reg registry file.

  3. In the Registry Editor dialog box, click Yes to add the sample adapter to the registry, and then click OK.

  4. To close Windows Explorer, on the File menu, click Close.

To install the sample static adapter

  1. Click Start, select All Programs, select Microsoft BizTalk Server 20xx, and then select BizTalk Server Administration.

  2. In the BizTalk Server Administration console, click to expand BizTalk Server Administration, click to expand BizTalk Group, and click to expand Platform Settings.

  3. Right click Adapters, click New, and then click Adapter.

  4. In the Add Adapter dialog box, do the following.

    Use this To do this
    Name Type Static.
    Adapter Select Static DotNetFile from the drop-down list.
    Comment Type Sample Adapter.
  5. Click OK.

    The static adapter now appears in the list of adapters in the right window of the BizTalk Administration console.

To stop and restart the host instance

  1. Click Start, select All Programs, select Microsoft BizTalk Server 20xx, and select BizTalk Server Administration.

  2. In the BizTalk Server Administration console, click to expand BizTalk Server Administration, click to expand BizTalk Group, click to expand Platform Settings and click Host Instances. Select the BizTalkServerApplication in the right pane.

  3. In the results pane, right-click the host instance (typically, the computer name), and then click Restart.

Running This Sample

To run the File Adapter sample
  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Windows Explorer.

  2. Create the following folders on the BizTalk Server installation drive:

    • <drive>:\Temp

    • <drive>:\Temp\Send

    • <drive>:\Temp\Receive

  3. To close Windows Explorer, on the File menu, click Close.

  4. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft BizTalk Server 20xx, and then click BizTalk Server Administration.

  5. Right-click the BizTalk Server Administration node and select Connect to Existing Group.

  6. In the Connect to Existing BizTalk Server Configuration Database dialog box, do the following.


    The BizTalk Management database is also referred to as the BizTalk Configuration database.

    Use this To do this
    SQL Server Type . (a period).
    Database Select the name of the BizTalk Management database that was created by the Configuration Wizard. The default database name used by the Configuration Wizard is BizTalkMgmtDb.
  7. Click OK.

  8. Expand the BizTalk Group[server name] node in the BizTalk Server Administration console, expand the Applications node, expand the BizTalk Application 1 node.

  9. Right-click the Send Ports node, and then click New, select Static One-Way Send Port, and then click OK.

  10. In the Send Port Properties dialog box, select General, and do the following.

    Use this To do this
    Name Type AdapterSend.
    Transport Type Select Static from the drop-down list and click Configure.

    - In the Directory box, type <drive>:\Temp\Send.
    - In the File Mode box, select CreateNew.
    - In the File Name box, type %MessageID%.xml.
    - Click OK.
    - The URI field should show <drive>:\Temp\Send\%MessageID%.xml.
    Send pipeline Select PassThruTransmit (Microsoft.BizTalk.DefaultPipelines.PassThruTransmit), and then click OK.
  11. Under the BizTalk Application 1 node click Receive Ports, and select New / One-Way Receive Port.

  12. In the Create New Receive Port dialog box, in the Specify the type of Receive Port box, select One-way Receive Port from the drop-down list, and then click OK.

  13. In the Receive Port Properties dialog box, in the Name box, type AdapterReceive, and then click OK.

  14. Under the BizTalk Application 1 node right click Receive Locations, and select New / One-way Receive Location.

  15. In the Select a Receive Port dialog, select AdapterReceive then click OK.

  16. In the Receive Location Properties dialog box, do the following.

    Use this To do this
    Name Type AdapterReceiveLocation
    Transport Type Select Static from the drop-down list and hit Configure to access these remaining properties.
    URI - Click the ellipsis button ().
    - In the Number Of Files In Batch box, type 20.
    - In the Directory box, type <drive>:\Temp\Receive.
    - Ensure the File Mask property is set to *.xml.
    - In the Polling Interval box, type 5, and click OK.
    - Ensure the URI label contains <drive>:\Temp\Receive\*.xml.
    Receive Handler Select BizTalkServerApplication from the drop-down list.
    Receive Pipeline Select XMLReceive from the drop-down list.
  17. Click OK.

    Proceed to Building, Deploying, and Binding the Sample Adapter.

Building, Deploying, and Binding the Sample Adapter

Before the adapter goes live, you must build the project, bind the orchestration with the ports, and enlist the adapter.

To create a strong name key for the static adapter
  1. Start Visual Studio Command Prompt.

  2. At the command prompt, change the current directory to the <Samples Path>\AdaptersDevelopment\File Adapter\BizTalk Project\Adapter Harness directory.

  3. At the command prompt, type sn –k AdapterHarness.snk, and then pressENTER.

  4. Click OK.

To build the Adapter Harness project
  • In Solution Explorer, right-click AdapterHarnessProject, and then click Rebuild.
To deploy the Adapter Harness project
  1. In Solution Explorer, when the project has rebuilt, right-click AdapterHarnessProject, and then click Deploy.

  2. In BizTalk Server Administration console, select the project you have deployed, and then click Refresh.

To bind the orchestration with the ports
  1. In BizTalk Server Administration console, under the appropriate BizTalk Server application, expand the Orchestrations node.

  2. Right-click AdapterHarness.AdapterHarnessType, and then click Bind.

  3. In the Port Binding Properties - AdapterHarness.AdapterHarnessType- Binding Configurations dialog box, do the following.

    Use this To do this
    AdapterFileReceivePort Select AdapterReceive from the drop-down list.
    AdapterFileSendPort Select AdapterSend from the drop-down list.
  4. In the left pane, click Host.

  5. In the Host box, select BizTalkServerApplication from the drop-down list, and then click OK.

    Proceed to Administering the Sample Adapter.

Administering the Sample Adapter

You complete administration tasks for the sample adapter in the BizTalk Administration console.

To administer the File Adapter sample
  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft BizTalk Server 20xx, and then click BizTalk Server Administration.

  2. In the left pane, click to expand Applications, click to expand BizTalk Application 1, and click Receive Locations.

  3. Ensure the AdapterReceive status is Enabled.

    If the status is not Enabled, right-click AdapterReceive in the right pane, and then click Enable.

  4. In the left pane, click Orchestrations and ensure that AdapterHarness.AdapterHarnessType is Enlisted. Right click AdapterHarness.AdapterHarnessType, and then click Enlist (if AdapterHarness.AdapterHarnessType is already enlisted, the Enlist menu option is unavailable).

  5. Right-click AdapterHarness.AdapterHarnessType and select Start. The status of this orchestration should change to Running.

    Proceed to Testing the Sample Adapter.

Testing the Sample Adapter

After you deploy the sample adapter, you must stop and restart the host instance. It is critical that you test the sample adapter before you place it into production.

To stop and restart the host instance
  1. In the BizTalk Server Administration console, click to expand BizTalk Server Administration, click to expand BizTalk Group, click to expand Platform Settings and click Host Instances. Select the BizTalkServerApplication in the right pane.

  2. Right-click the host instance (typically, the computer name), and then click Stop.

    The status of the host instance changes to Stopped.

  3. Right-click the host instance, and then click Start.

    The status of the host instance changes to Running.

To test the sample static adapter runtime
  1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the <Samples Path>\AdaptersDevelopment\File Adapter directory, and copy the InstanceXML.xml file to your clipboard.

  2. Navigate to <drive>:\Temp\Receive and paste the Instance.xml file into the folder.

    If the transmit and receive adapters are working, the file should move from the <drive>:\Temp\Receive folder to the <drive>:\Temp\Send folder.

To test the sample Add Adapter Wizard functionality for the sample static adapter
  1. In Visual Studio, in Solution Explorer, right-click AdapterHarnessProject, point to Add, and then click Add Generated Items.

  2. In the Add Generated Items - AdapterHarnessProject dialog box, click Add Adapter Metadata, and then click Open.

    The list of registered adapters appears.

  3. Select Static DotNetFile, and then click Next.

    The service organization exposed by the adapter appears.

  4. Expand Service Organization, Health Care, and then click Administrative.

    Notice that Eligibility displays differently from the other nodes. Eligibility is a service node that you can select. The other nodes are organization nodes that do not describe any specific service.

  5. Select the Eligibility node, and then click Finish.

    BizTalk imports an .odx file and an .xsd file into the project.

    You can now use the schemas, PortTypes, Operations, and MessageTypes imported from the adapter in the schedule for the BizTalk project.

Classes or Methods used in this Sample

Interfaces: IBaseMessage, IPropertyBag, IBTTransportProxy

Classes (from Base Adapter): AsyncTransmitterEndpoint, AsyncTransmitter, BatchMessage, ControlledTermination, ReceiverEndpoint, DotNetFileCommonProperties, BatchOperationType


After completing the sample adapter, you can modify the sample adapter to create a custom static or dynamic adapter For more information, see Adapter Design-Time Configuration.

See Also

Adapter Samples - Usage
Registering an Adapter