BAM Interceptor Error Messages
When using the WF or WCF BAM interceptors, you may experience issues ranging from an invalid interceptor configuration file to runtime issues extracting context properties or trying to track events from the reply of a one-way WCF operation.
The following table contains a list of each of the possible BAM interceptor errors you may encounter while deploying your solution with bm.exe or while your BAM-interceptor-enabled application is running. Each error includes the cause and one or more potential resolutions.
Event log ID | Error message | Cause | Resolution |
1001 | The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', interceptor configuration for technology '{1}' manifest '{2}' contains schema validation error at ({3}, {4}) : {5}. | The interceptor configuration file does not validate against the common interceptor configuration schema or the technology-specific (Windows Workflow Foundation or Windows Communication Framework) schema. | Find the location mentioned by the error in the interceptor configuration file and modify it to agree with the schema. |
1002 | The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', unable to parse application configuration parameter '{1}' with value '{2}'. | The application configuration contains a setting that cannot be parsed into the correct type. | Fix the setting in the application configuration. |
1003 | The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', the interceptor configuration for EventSource '{1}' has OnEvent '{2}' that contains invalid data operation '{3}'. | Internal error. | Verify the types of operations you are using in the interceptor configuration file. |
1004 | The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', unable to parse data into BAM data type '{1}' during run time for interceptor configuration for EventSource '{2}' OnEvent '{3}'. | Unable to parse tracking data into correct BAM data type DATETIME/INT/FLOAT/NVARCHAR | Fix the interceptor configuration file to use correct data type for this tracking data. |
1010 | The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', unable to parse string '{1}' into BAM data type for interceptor configuration for EventSource '{2}' OnEvent '{3}'. | Internal error. | Verify the data types used by your interceptor configuration file are supported. |
1013 | The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', invalid stack argument '{1}' for Boolean operation during run time for interceptor configuration for EventSource '{2}' OnEvent '{3}'. | Boolean operation (ex. AND) has invalid arguments on stack. | Review interceptor configuration file for error and repair. |
1014 | The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', interceptor configuration for EventSource '{1}' OnEvent '{2}' contains operation '{3}' that expects '{4}' arguments. | Operation received incorrect # arguments in the interceptor configuration file. | Review interceptor configuration file for error and repair. Refer to doc on operation. |
1015 | The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', the interceptor configuration for EventSource '{1}' contains unknown namespace '{2}'. | Operation in the interceptor configuration file belongs to unknown namespace. | Review interceptor configuration file for error and repair. Use common/WF/WCF namespaces only |
1016 | The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', interceptor configuration for EventSource '{1}' OnEvent '{2}' contains operation that expects '{3}' arguments but only '{4}' arguments exist on stack. | Incorrect number of arguments passed to operation from stack. | Review interceptor configuration file for error and adjust the number of arguments for the offending operation. For more information on operations, see [here:wf] and [here:wcf]. |
1017 | The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', interceptor configuration for EventSource '{1}' has OnEvent '{2}' that contains expression that evaluates to '{3}' values. | Expression should evaluate to a single result. | Review interceptor configuration file for error and repair. |
1018 | The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', invalid interceptor setting '{1}' found in application configuration. | Application configuration contains an unknown setting. | Fix setting in application configuration. |
1019 | The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', interceptor configuration for EventSource '{1}' has OnEvent '{2}' that contains data expression that failed evaluation. | Expression failed evaluation during runtime (internal error). | Refer to inner exception. |
1022 | The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', SQL exception was thrown. | Process encountered a SQL error. | Refer to inner SQL exception. You can also use SQL Server Profiler to look for errors. |
1023 | The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', interceptor configuration polling interval '{1}' must be at least '{2}' seconds. | Invalid polling interval. | Fix setting in application configuration. |
1024 | The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', connection string to BAM Primary Import Database must be specified in application configuration. | Must specify connection string to BAM PIT. | Fix setting in application configuration. |
1025 | The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', unable to create additional BAM Interceptor performance counter instance for EventSource '{1}' because index exceeded maximum value '{2}'. | Too many identical (event source, host name) pairs so not possible to create unique index for performance counter instance. This is an unlikely scenario. | Reduce the number of (event source, host name) pairs. |
1026 | The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', unable to find event source name for technology '{1}' and manifest '{2}' to create performance counter instance. | Internal error. | Verify the deployment of your application and the BAM interceptor configuration file. |
1027 | The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', interceptor configuration for technology '{1}' manifest '{2}' has known error. => {3} | The current interceptor configuration file for (tech, manifest) has known validation error. For WF interceptor, this message will continue to be emitted for each new workflow instance until polling detects valid interceptor configuration file. Note: Process = Tracking. | Review interceptor configuration file for error and repair. |
1028 | The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', for EventSource '{1}' OnEvent '{2}' BAM activity '{3}', activity ID evaluated to null or empty string. | Null or empty string. | Review the interceptor configuration file for error and fix the Activity ID so that it does not evaluate to an empty string. |
1029 | The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', for EventSource '{1}' OnEvent '{2}' BAM activity '{3}', continuation from activity ID '{4}' evaluated to null or empty string. | Null or empty string. | Review interceptor configuration file for error and repair. Continuation should never be allowed to evaluate to empty string. |
1031 | The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', interceptor configuration for EventSource '{1}' has OnEvent '{2}' that contains data expression with unknown element '{3}'. | Expression should only contain elements with name 'Operation' | Review the interceptor configuration file and replace unknown element with a supported element. |
1032 | The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', exception was thrown from timer thread. | Timer thread encountered an error. | Refer to the exception message. |
1502 | The BAM Interceptor detected the following warning : In host process '{0}', unable to create performance counters : {1}. | Insufficient rights to create performance counters or other issue blocking the creation of the counters. | Re-register the performance counters using an account with sufficient privileges. For more information see Installing the BAM-Eventing Software. |
1503 | The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : Unable to create BAM Interceptor performance category : {0}. | Insufficient rights to create performance counters or other issue blocking the creation of the counters. | Re-register the performance counters using an account with sufficient privileges. For more information see Installing the BAM-Eventing Software. |
1504 | The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : Unable to delete BAM Interceptor performance category : {0}. | Insufficient rights to create performance counters or other issue blocking the creation of the counters. | Re-register the performance counters using an account with sufficient privileges. For more information see Installing the BAM-Eventing Software. |
2001 | The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', interceptor configuration for EventSource '{1}' OnEvent '{2}' contains invalid context property '{3}'. | Interceptor configuration file error. | Review the interceptor configuration file and verify that you are using a valid context property for the event source. |
2002 | The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', interceptor configuration for EventSource '{1}' has OnEvent '{2}' that contains unsupported workflow tracking event '{3}'. | Interceptor configuration file error. | Review the interceptor configuration file and verify that you are using a supported WF event. |
2006 | The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', interceptor configuration for EventSource '{1}' OnEvent '{2}' has unresolved type from the specified string '{3}'. | Unable to parse .NET type from string. | Correct the offending string in the interceptor configuration file. Also verify that the assembly containing the type has been deployed to the GAC. |
2009 | The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', the interceptor configuration for EventSource '{1}' OnEvent '{2} contains invalid filter expression : The Boolean equals operation must be applied to a constant and a get operation. | Filter pattern is always (Constant, Get operation) or (Get operation, Constant) sets. | Review interceptor configuration file for error and repair. |
2010 | The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', in the interceptor configuration for EventSource '{1}', OnEvent '{2}' creates a workflow track point that tries to extract data from workflow. | Workflow track points cannot extract data from workflow. Refer to WF docs. | Review interceptor configuration file for error and repair. |
2012 | The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', property to be extracted '{1}' cannot be found in workflow type '{2}'. | Interceptor configuration file error. | Review interceptor configuration file for error and repair. Extract property that exists in workflow. |
2014 | The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', workflow instance '{1}' throws exception inside commit. | The Flush method of the EventStream threw an exception. |
Refer to inner exception. |
2015 | The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', interceptor configuration for EventSource '{1}' has OnEvent '{2}' that contains unsupported activity execution status event '{3}'. | Interceptor configuration file error. | Review interceptor configuration file for error and repair. |
2015 | The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', interceptor configuration for EventSource '{1}' has OnEvent '{2}' that contains unsupported activity execution status event '{3}'. | Interceptor configuration file error. | Review interceptor configuration file for error and repair. Refer to doc on supported operations for each track point type. |
2017 | The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', interceptor configuration for EventSource '{1}' has OnEvent '{2}' that contains operations inside BAM events for different track point types. | Interceptor configuration file error. | Review interceptor configuration file for error and repair. For more information on Workflow Foundation track points and operations, see Operations in Windows Workflow Foundation. |
2018 | The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', interceptor configuration for EventSource '{1}' has OnEvent '{2}' that does not have a valid track point type. | Technology specific operations (not AND, EQUALS, CONSTANT) can only appear once inside filter expression. Note: This is because we only support AND and not OR. | Review interceptor configuration file for error and repair. For more information on Workflow Foundation track points and operations, see Operations in Windows Workflow Foundation. |
2019 | The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', interceptor configuration for EventSource '{1}' has OnEvent '{2}' with filter expression that contains the operation '{3}' more than once. | Internal error. | Remove the duplicate operation from the interceptor configuration file. |
2020 | The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', interceptor configuration for EventSource '{1}' has unresolved type from the specified string '{2}'. | System could not resolve the type indicated in the string. | Remove the offending type from the interceptor configuration file. |
2021 | The BAM Interceptor for Windows Workflow Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', BAM Tracking Service can only be added once to the workflow runtime. | An attempt was made to install the BAM Tracking Service more than once. | Only add the BAM Tracking Service once. |
3008 | The BAM Interceptor for Windows Communication Foundation detected the following error : Interceptor configuration for EventSource '{0}' OnEvent '{1}' cannot use XPath operations in filter. | The interceptor configuration file does not validate against common and technology specific schema. | Remove the offending XPath statements from the interceptor configuration file. |