Understand the architecture and different components of the WCF LOB Adapter SDK
Read about the WCF LOB Adapter SDK to help understand the different components, and the role of WCF.
The WCF LOB Adapter SDK is a collection of tools and components that provide a consistent framework for developing reusable, metadata-rich adapters for line-of-business systems. Adapters written using the WCF LOB Adapter SDK are surfaced as custom WCF bindings and can be consumed by a WCF-capable client.
Features and components overview
What Is the Windows Communication Foundation Line of Business Adapter SDK provides an overview of the features and components that make up the SDK, and describes the metadata, connection management, and describes the common WCF terms.
Role of WCF
Read how WCF is used by the WCF LOB Adapter SDK explains the relationship with the SDK and WCF.
Architecture Overview
Architecture overview descrbied the internal architecture and the main components of WCF LOB Adapter SDK.
Connection, handler, metadata, custom, and core components
Key Components of the WCF LOB Adapter SDK describes these different components.
BizTalk Server and the SDK
BizTalk Adapter for Oracle Database and the WCF LOB Adapter SDK