

Key features in the SAP Adapter

This section lists the new and deprecated features in Microsoft BizTalk Adapter for mySAP Business Suite.


This topic has been used from the previous version of Microsoft BizTalk Adapter for mySAP Business Suite Help.

Features in the SAP Adapter

The following are the features introduced in the previous releases of the SAP adapter.

Feature Comment
Using the Data Provider for SAP with SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). Client programs can now use the Data Provider for SAP to import data from an SAP backend into an SSRS project and generate reports out of the data. For more information on how to use the Data Provider for SAP with SSRS, see Use the Data Provider for SAP with SSRS. For more information about SSRS, see SQL Server Reporting Services.
Support for invoking queries defined in an SAP system The Data Provider for SAP exposes an operation, EXECQUERY, that can be used to execute queries defined in an SAP system. For more information on how to use the EXECQUERY feature, see [Support for Executing SAP Queries

|Support for using the SAP adapter with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS)|You can use the adapters to present data from the SAP system onto a MOSS portal. For more information, see Use the SAP Adapter with SharePoint.|

Feature Comment
DataTypesBehavior binding property The SAP adapter shipped with BizTalk Adapter Pack provides a complex binding property, DataTypesBehavior, that enables adapter clients to control the adapter behavior when special values are encountered in the SAP system. For a detailed discussion about this binding property, see Read about BizTalk Adapter for mySAP Business Suite Binding Properties.
Feature Comment
Support for invoking external programs required by an RFC The SAP adapter provides a binding property, RfcAllowStartProgram that can be set to enable the RFC client library to invoke external programs, if any, required by a particular RFC. For more information about this binding property, see Read about BizTalk Adapter for mySAP Business Suite Binding Properties.
Support for sending multiple IDOCs in a single call The SAP adapter now supports sending multiple IDOCs of the same type in a single adapter call.

Other Features

Feature Comment
New way of using the adapter in BizTalk Server The SAP adapter can be used in BizTalk either as a WCF-Custom port or a WCF-SAP port. If you want to use the SAP adapter through a WCF-Custom port, you do not need to add the WCF-Custom port to the BizTalk Server Administration console because the WCF-Custom port is added to the BizTalk Server Administration console by default. However, if you want to use the SAP adapter through a WCF-SAP port, you must first add the WCF-SAP adapter to the BizTalk Server Administration console. For more information, see Add the SAP Adapter to BizTalk Server Administration Console.

Deprecated Features in the SAP Adapter

The following sections lists the features that were supported in the previous version of the adapter, but which are not supported in the current version of the SAP adapter.

EnableBusinessObjects binding property deprecated

This binding property was deprecated in SAP adapter shipped with BizTalk Adapter Pack. This binding property was used to determine whether the BAPI node is displayed while generating metadata while using Add Adapter Service Reference Visual Studio Plug-in or Consume Adapter Service BizTalk Project Add-in.

See Also

Understand BizTalk Adapter for mySAP Business Suite