

Defining a Custom BAM View for Message Repair and New Submission Data

A4SWIFT Setup provides a BAM definition file that defines a business activity and a business view. You can deploy the BAM definition file to use that view, or you can create a custom view that you can add to the BAM definition file.

The BAM definition file is MrsrActivities.xml in <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT\BAMTracking. It defines a Message activity and a RepairView view. For more information about deploying MrsrActivities.xml by using the bm deploy utility, see BizTalk Server Help.

Create the custom view in the Business Activity Monitoring View Wizard from the BAM workbook. For more information about creating a custom view, see "Creating a BAM View" in MicrosoftBizTalk Server Information Worker Help.

The Message activity in MrsrActivities.xml includes the following items that you can add to the custom view:


When durations are calculated in BAM, they are measured in units of one day (14.4 minutes = .01 day).

Item Use Item type
Destination BIC The LT address of the receiver of the message (taken from Application Header Block Input for messages to SWIFT, or from Block 1 for messages from SWIFT where the A4SWIFT institution is the destination).

This data is always present (from Application Header Input Destination LT for SWIFTBound messages, or from Basic Header LT for messages received from SWIFT).
Business Data - Text
End Time The date and time when the MRSRRepair orchestration completed processing the message (MRSR_Completed or MRSR_Failed).

This data is present only for messages that have completed MRSR workflow, that is, have exited with BTS.Operation == A4SWIFT_MRSRCompleted or A4SWIFT_MRSRFailed.
Business Milestone
Reference The unique reference identifier for this message or transaction as assigned by the sending institution; taken from field 20 or 20C(SEME) Business Data - Text
Message Type The type of FIN or GPA message.

This data is always present (Application Header Input or Application Header Output).
Business Data - Text
New Submission An indicator as to whether this is a new entry (Y) or a message that originated from another system or SWIFT (N).

This data is present only for messages that were originated by role with Create capability.
Business Data - Text
Priority The priority of the SWIFT message (N = normal, U = urgent, S = system).

This data is always present.
Business Data - Text
Received Time The date and time when the MRSRRepair orchestration last received the message (from the previous stage – see Stage below).

This data is always present.
Business Milestone
Sender BIC The LT address of the originator of the message (taken from Block 1 for messages to SWIFT where the A4SWIFT institution is the sender, or from Application Header Output for messages from SWIFT).

This data is always present (from Basic Header LT Address for SWIFTBound Messages, or from Application Header Output for messages received from SWIFT).
Business Data - Text
Send Time The date and time when the MRSRRepair orchestration last sent the message to MRSR site (for the current stage).

This data is always present unless the message is in process in the orchestration.
Business Milestone
Start Time The date and time when the MRSRRepair orchestration initially received the message either as a new submission or as a message from an interface (internal system or SWIFT).

This data is always present.
Business Milestone
Last Stage The last completed step in the workflow (always the stage before where the message is now) Business Data - Text
Status Can be:

- Completed (if successful)
- Reset and reason (for workflow reset if the workflow restarted)
- Failed and reason (if message completed unsuccessfully, that is, was rejected or timed out).

This data is always present.
Business Data - Text
Department The department selected by the MRSRRepair orchestration according to the Department Policy (dependent on the A4SWIFT institution) Business Data - Text
Username The name of the user associated with the previous stage (see Stage above) Business Data - Text
Current Stage The workflow step to which the MRSRRepair orchestration has delivered the message (for example, the Inbox).

This data is present unless the message has completed message repair.
Business Data - Text