

DCdsv3 sizes series

The DCdsv3-series Azure Virtual Machines help protect the confidentiality and integrity of your code and data while they're being processed in the public cloud. By using Intel® Software Guard Extensions and Intel® Total Memory Encryption - Multi Key, customers can ensure their data is always encrypted and protected in use. These machines are powered by the latest 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon Scalable processors, and use Intel® Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0 to reach 3.5 GHz. With this generation, CPU Cores have increased 6x (up to a maximum of 48 physical cores). Encrypted Memory (EPC) has increased 1500x to 256 GB. Regular Memory has increased 12x to 384 GB. All these changes substantially improve the performance and unlock entirely new scenarios.

Host specifications

Part Quantity
Count Units
SKU ID, Performance Units, etc.
Processor 1 - 48 Cores Intel Xeon (Ice Lake) [x86-64]
Memory 8 - 384 GiB
Local Storage 1 Disk 75 - 2400 GiB
Remote Storage 4 - 32 Disks
Network 2 - 8 NICs
Accelerators None

Feature support

Premium Storage: Supported
Premium Storage caching: Not Supported
Live Migration: Not Supported
Memory Preserving Updates: Not Supported
Generation 2 VMs: Supported
Generation 1 VMs: Not Supported
Accelerated Networking: Supported
Ephemeral OS Disk: Not Supported
Nested Virtualization: Not Supported

Sizes in series

Cores (Qty.) and Memory for each size

Size Name Cores (Qty.) Memory (GB) EPC Memory (GiB)
Standard_DC1ds_v3 1 8 4
Standard_DC2ds_v3 2 16 8
Standard_DC4ds_v3 4 32 16
Standard_DC8ds_v3 8 64 32
Standard_DC16ds_v3 16 128 64
Standard_DC24ds_v3 24 192 128
Standard_DC32ds_v3 32 256 192
Standard_DC48ds_v3 48 384 256

VM Basics resources

Other size information

List of all available sizes: Sizes

Pricing Calculator: Pricing Calculator

Information on Disk Types: Disk Types

Next steps

Take advantage of the latest performance and features available for your workloads by changing the size of a virtual machine.

Utilize Microsoft's in-house designed ARM processors with Azure Cobalt VMs.

Learn how to Monitor Azure virtual machines.