

Use PowerShell to manage ACLs in Azure Data Lake Storage

This article shows you how to use PowerShell to get, set, and update the access control lists of directories and files.

ACL inheritance is already available for new child items that are created under a parent directory. But you can also add, update, and remove ACLs recursively on the existing child items of a parent directory without having to make these changes individually for each child item.

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  • An Azure subscription. For more information, see Get Azure free trial.

  • A storage account that has hierarchical namespace (HNS) enabled. Follow these instructions to create one.

  • Azure CLI version 2.6.0 or higher.

  • One of the following security permissions:

    • A provisioned Microsoft Entra ID security principal that has been assigned the Storage Blob Data Owner role, scoped to the target container, storage account, parent resource group, or subscription.

    • Owning user of the target container or directory to which you plan to apply ACL settings. To set ACLs recursively, this includes all child items in the target container or directory.

Install the PowerShell module

  1. Verify that the version of PowerShell that have installed is 5.1 or higher by using the following command.

    echo $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString()

    To upgrade your version of PowerShell, see Upgrading existing Windows PowerShell

  2. Install Az.Storage module.

    Install-Module Az.Storage -Repository PSGallery -Force  

    For more information about how to install PowerShell modules, see Install the Azure PowerShell module

Connect to the account

  1. Open a Windows PowerShell command window, and then sign in to your Azure subscription with the Connect-AzAccount command and follow the on-screen directions.

  2. If your identity is associated with more than one subscription, and you are not prompted to select the subscription, then set your active subscription to the subscription of the storage account that you want to operate upon. In this example, replace the <subscription-id> placeholder value with the ID of your subscription.

    Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId <subscription-id>
  3. Get the storage account context.

    $ctx = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName '<storage-account-name>' -UseConnectedAccount

Get ACLs

Get the ACL of a directory or file by using the Get-AzDataLakeGen2Item cmdlet.

This example gets the ACL of the root directory of a container and then prints the ACL to the console.

$filesystemName = "my-file-system"
$filesystem = Get-AzDataLakeGen2Item -Context $ctx -FileSystem $filesystemName

This example gets the ACL of a directory, and then prints the ACL to the console.

$filesystemName = "my-file-system"
$dirname = "my-directory/"
$dir = Get-AzDataLakeGen2Item -Context $ctx -FileSystem $filesystemName -Path $dirname

This example gets the ACL of a file and then prints the ACL to the console.

$filePath = "my-directory/upload.txt"
$file = Get-AzDataLakeGen2Item -Context $ctx -FileSystem $filesystemName -Path $filePath

The following image shows the output after getting the ACL of a directory.

Get ACL output for directory

In this example, the owning user has read, write, and execute permissions. The owning group has only read and execute permissions. For more information about access control lists, see Access control in Azure Data Lake Storage.

Set ACLs

When you set an ACL, you replace the entire ACL including all of its entries. If you want to change the permission level of a security principal or add a new security principal to the ACL without affecting other existing entries, you should update the ACL instead. To update an ACL instead of replace it, see the Update ACLs section of this article.

If you choose to set the ACL, you must add an entry for the owning user, an entry for the owning group, and an entry for all other users. To learn more about the owning user, the owning group, and all other users, see Users and identities.

This section shows you how to:

  • Set an ACL
  • Set ACLs recursively

Set an ACL

Use the Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject cmdlet to create an ACL for the owning user, owning group, or other users. Then, use the Update-AzDataLakeGen2Item cmdlet to commit the ACL.

This example sets the ACL on the root directory of a container for the owning user, owning group, or other users, and then prints the ACL to the console.

$filesystemName = "my-file-system"
$acl = Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject -AccessControlType user -Permission rw-
$acl = Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject -AccessControlType group -Permission rw- -InputObject $acl
$acl = Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject -AccessControlType other -Permission -wx -InputObject $acl
Update-AzDataLakeGen2Item -Context $ctx -FileSystem $filesystemName -Acl $acl
$filesystem = Get-AzDataLakeGen2Item -Context $ctx -FileSystem $filesystemName

This example sets the ACL on a directory for the owning user, owning group, or other users, and then prints the ACL to the console.

$filesystemName = "my-file-system"
$dirname = "my-directory/"
$acl = Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject -AccessControlType user -Permission rw-
$acl = Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject -AccessControlType group -Permission rw- -InputObject $acl
$acl = Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject -AccessControlType other -Permission -wx -InputObject $acl
Update-AzDataLakeGen2Item -Context $ctx -FileSystem $filesystemName -Path $dirname -Acl $acl
$dir = Get-AzDataLakeGen2Item -Context $ctx -FileSystem $filesystemName -Path $dirname


If you want to set a default ACL entry, use the -DefaultScope parameter when you run the Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject command. For example: $acl = Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject -AccessControlType user -Permission rwx -DefaultScope.

This example sets the ACL on a file for the owning user, owning group, or other users, and then prints the ACL to the console.

$filesystemName = "my-file-system"
$filePath = "my-directory/upload.txt"
$acl = Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject -AccessControlType user -Permission rw-
$acl = Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject -AccessControlType group -Permission rw- -InputObject $acl
$acl = Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject -AccessControlType other -Permission "-wx" -InputObject $acl
Update-AzDataLakeGen2Item -Context $ctx -FileSystem $filesystemName -Path $filePath -Acl $acl
$file = Get-AzDataLakeGen2Item -Context $ctx -FileSystem $filesystemName -Path $filePath


To set the ACL of a specific group or user, service principal, or managed identity, use their respective object IDs. For example, to set the ACL of a group, use group:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx. To set the ACL of a user, use user:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.

The following image shows the output after setting the ACL of a file.

Get ACL output for file

In this example, the owning user and owning group have only read and write permissions. All other users have write and execute permissions. For more information about access control lists, see Access control in Azure Data Lake Storage.

Set ACLs recursively

Set ACLs recursively by using the Set-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive cmdlet.

This example sets the ACL of a directory named my-parent-directory. These entries give the owning user read, write, and execute permissions, gives the owning group only read and execute permissions, and gives all others no access. The last ACL entry in this example gives a specific user with the object ID "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" read and execute permissions.

$filesystemName = "my-container"
$dirname = "my-parent-directory/"
$userID = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx";

$acl = Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject -AccessControlType user -Permission rwx
$acl = Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject -AccessControlType group -Permission r-x -InputObject $acl
$acl = Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject -AccessControlType other -Permission "---" -InputObject $acl
$acl = Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject -AccessControlType user -EntityId $userID -Permission r-x -InputObject $acl

Set-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive -Context $ctx -FileSystem $filesystemName -Path $dirname -Acl $acl


If you want to set a default ACL entry, use the -DefaultScope parameter when you run the Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject command. For example: $acl = Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject -AccessControlType user -Permission rwx -DefaultScope.

To see an example that sets ACLs recursively in batches by specifying a batch size, see the Set-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive reference article.

Update ACLs

When you update an ACL, you modify the ACL instead of replacing the ACL. For example, you can add a new security principal to the ACL without affecting other security principals listed in the ACL. To replace the ACL instead of update it, see the Set ACLs section of this article.

This section shows you how to:

  • Update an ACL
  • Update ACLs recursively

Update an ACL

First, get the ACL. Then, use the Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject cmdlet to add or update an ACL entry. Use the Update-AzDataLakeGen2Item cmdlet to commit the ACL.

This example creates or updates the ACL on a directory for a user.

$filesystemName = "my-file-system"
$dirname = "my-directory/"
$acl = (Get-AzDataLakeGen2Item -Context $ctx -FileSystem $filesystemName -Path $dirname).ACL
$acl = Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject -AccessControlType user -EntityID aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-1111-222222222222 -Permission r-x -InputObject $acl
Update-AzDataLakeGen2Item -Context $ctx -FileSystem $filesystemName -Path $dirname -Acl $acl


If you want to update a default ACL entry, use the -DefaultScope parameter when you run the Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject command. For example: $acl = Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject -AccessControlType user -EntityID aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-1111-222222222222 -Permission r-x -DefaultScope.

Update ACLs recursively

Update ACLs recursively by using the Update-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive cmdlet.

This example updates an ACL entry with write permission.

$filesystemName = "my-container"
$dirname = "my-parent-directory/"
$userID = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx";

$acl = Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject -AccessControlType user -EntityId $userID -Permission rwx

Update-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive -Context $ctx -FileSystem $filesystemName -Path $dirname -Acl $acl


To set the ACL of a specific group or user, service principal, or managed identity, use their respective object IDs. For example, to set the ACL of a group, use group:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx. To set the ACL of a user, use user:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.

To see an example that updates ACLs recursively in batches by specifying a batch size, see the Update-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive reference article.

Remove ACL entries

This section shows you how to:

  • Remove an ACL entry
  • Remove ACL entries recursively

Remove an ACL entry

This example removes an entry from an existing ACL.

$id = "xxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"

# Create the new ACL object.
[Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]]$aclnew =$acl

foreach ($a in $aclnew)
    if ($a.AccessControlType -eq "User" -and $a.DefaultScope -eq $false -and $a.EntityId -eq $id)
Update-AzDataLakeGen2Item -Context $ctx -FileSystem $filesystemName -Path $dirname -Acl $aclnew

Remove ACL entries recursively

You can remove one or more ACL entries recursively. To remove an ACL entry, create a new ACL object for ACL entry to be removed, and then use that object in remove ACL operation. Do not get the existing ACL, just provide the ACL entries to be removed.

Remove ACL entries by using the Remove-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive cmdlet.

This example removes an ACL entry from the root directory of the container.

$filesystemName = "my-container"
$userID = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"

$acl = Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject -AccessControlType user -EntityId $userID -Permission "---"

Remove-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive -Context $ctx -FileSystem $filesystemName  -Acl $acl


If you want to remove a default ACL entry, use the -DefaultScope parameter when you run the Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject command. For example: $acl = Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject -AccessControlType user -EntityId $userID -Permission "---" -DefaultScope.

To see an example that removes ACLs recursively in batches by specifying a batch size, see the Remove-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive reference article.

Recover from failures

You might encounter runtime or permission errors when modifying ACLs recursively.

For runtime errors, restart the process from the beginning. Permission errors can occur if the security principal doesn't have sufficient permission to modify the ACL of a directory or file that is in the directory hierarchy being modified. Address the permission issue, and then choose to either resume the process from the point of failure by using a continuation token, or restart the process from beginning. You don't have to use the continuation token if you prefer to restart from the beginning. You can reapply ACL entries without any negative impact.

This example return results to the variable, and then pipes failed entries to a formatted table.

$result = Set-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive -Context $ctx -FileSystem $filesystemName -Path $dirname -Acl $acl
$result.FailedEntries | ft

Based on the output of the table, you can fix any permission errors, and then resume execution by using the continuation token.

$result = Set-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive -Context $ctx -FileSystem $filesystemName -Path $dirname -Acl $acl -ContinuationToken $result.ContinuationToken

To see an example that sets ACLs recursively in batches by specifying a batch size, see the Set-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive reference article.

If you want the process to complete uninterrupted by permission errors, you can specify that.

This example uses the ContinueOnFailure parameter so that execution continues even if the operation encounters a permission error.

$result = Set-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive -Context $ctx -FileSystem $filesystemName -Path $dirname -Acl $acl -ContinueOnFailure

echo "[Result Summary]"
echo "TotalDirectoriesSuccessfulCount: `t$($result.TotalFilesSuccessfulCount)"
echo "TotalFilesSuccessfulCount: `t`t`t$($result.TotalDirectoriesSuccessfulCount)"
echo "TotalFailureCount: `t`t`t`t`t$($result.TotalFailureCount)"
echo "FailedEntries:"$($result.FailedEntries | ft)

To see an example that sets ACLs recursively in batches by specifying a batch size, see the Set-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive reference article.

Best practices

This section provides you some best practice guidelines for setting ACLs recursively.

Handling runtime errors

A runtime error can occur for many reasons (For example: an outage or a client connectivity issue). If you encounter a runtime error, restart the recursive ACL process. ACLs can be reapplied to items without causing a negative impact.

Handling permission errors (403)

If you encounter an access control exception while running a recursive ACL process, your AD security principal might not have sufficient permission to apply an ACL to one or more of the child items in the directory hierarchy. When a permission error occurs, the process stops and a continuation token is provided. Fix the permission issue, and then use the continuation token to process the remaining dataset. The directories and files that have already been successfully processed won't have to be processed again. You can also choose to restart the recursive ACL process. ACLs can be reapplied to items without causing a negative impact.


We recommend that you provision a Microsoft Entra security principal that has been assigned the Storage Blob Data Owner role in the scope of the target storage account or container.


To reduce latency, we recommend that you run the recursive ACL process in an Azure Virtual Machine (VM) that is located in the same region as your storage account.

ACL limits

The maximum number of ACLs that you can apply to a directory or file is 32 access ACLs and 32 default ACLs. For more information, see Access control in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2.

See also