

Microsoft Sentinel security alert schema reference

Microsoft Sentinel analytics rules create incidents as the result of security alerts. Security alerts can come from different sources, and accordingly use different kinds of analytics rules to create incidents:

  • Scheduled analytics rules generate alerts as the result of their regular queries of data in logs ingested from external sources, and those same rules create incidents from those alerts. (For the purposes of this document, "scheduled" rule alerts include NRT rule alerts.)

  • Microsoft Security analytics rules create incidents from alerts that are ingested as-is from other Microsoft security products, for example, Microsoft Defender XDR and Microsoft Defender for Cloud.

Regardless of the source, these alerts are all stored together in the SecurityAlert table in your Log Analytics workspace. This article describes the schema of this table.

Because alerts come from many sources, not all fields are used by all providers. Some fields may be left blank.

Schema definitions

Column Name Type Description
AlertLink string A link to the alert in the portal of the originating product.
AlertName string The display name of the alert.
  • Scheduled rule alerts: taken from the rule name.
  • Ingested alerts: the display name of the alert in the originating product.
AlertSeverity string The severity of the alert. [Informational / Low / Medium / High]
AlertType string The type of alert.
  • Scheduled rule alerts: taken from the rule ID.
  • Ingested alerts: some products group their alerts by type. In some cases, may be identical to or synonymous with the product name.
CompromisedEntity string The display name of the main entity being alerted on.
ConfidenceLevel string The confidence level of this alert: how sure the provider is that this is not a false positive.
ConfidenceScore real The confidence score of the alert, on a scale of 0.0-1.0, if applicable. This property allows for a more fine-grained representation of the confidence level of the alert compared to the ConfidenceLevel field.
Description string The description of the alert.
DisplayName string The display name of the alert. Synonymous with AlertName but retained for compatibility.
EndTime datetime The end time of the impact of the alert.
  • Scheduled rule alerts: the value of the TimeGenerated field for the last event captured by the query.
  • Ingested alerts: the time of the last event or activity included in the alert.
Entities string A list of the entities identified in the alert. This list can include a combination of entities of different types. The entities' types can be any of those defined in the schema, as described in the entities documentation.
ExtendedLinks string A bag (a collection) for all links related to the alert. This bag can include a combination of links of different types.
ExtendedProperties string A collection of other properties of the alert, including user-defined properties. Any custom details defined in the alert, and any dynamic content in the alert details, are stored here.
IsIncident boolean DEPRECATED. Always set to false.
ProcessingEndTime datetime The time of the alert's publishing.
  • Scheduled rule alerts: the value of the TimeGenerated field.
  • Ingested alerts: the time that the originating product completes the production of the alert.
ProductComponentName string The name of the component of the product that generated the alert.
ProductName string The name of the product that generated the alert.
ProviderName string The name of the alert provider (the service within the product) that generated the alert.
RemediationSteps string A list of action items to take to remediate the alert.
ResourceId string A unique identifier for the resource that is the subject of the alert.
SourceComputerId string DEPRECATED. Was the agent ID on the server that created the alert.
SourceSystem string DEPRECATED. Always populated with the string "Detection".
StartTime datetime The start time of the impact of the alert.
  • Scheduled rule alerts: the value of the TimeGenerated field for the first event captured by the query.
  • Ingested alerts: the time of the first event or activity included in the alert.
Status string The status of the alert within the life cycle. [New / InProgress / Resolved / Dismissed / Unknown]
SystemAlertId string The internal unique ID for the alert in Microsoft Sentinel.
Tactics string A comma-delineated list of MITRE ATT&CK tactics associated with the alert.
Techniques string A comma-delineated list of MITRE ATT&CK techniques associated with the alert.
TenantId string The unique ID of the tenant.
TimeGenerated datetime The time the alert was generated (in UTC).
Type string The constant ('SecurityAlert')
VendorName string The vendor of the product that produced the alert.
VendorOriginalId string Unique ID for the specific alert instance, set by the originating product.
WorkspaceResourceGroup string DEPRECATED
WorkspaceSubscriptionId string DEPRECATED

Next steps

Learn more about security alerts and analytics rules: