

Microsoft Sentinel solution for SAP applications - functions reference

This article describes a selection of functions that are available in your workspace after you install a Microsoft Sentinel solution for SAP applications. Discover more functions by browsing in Microsoft Sentinel and loading the function code.

Find functions as follows:

  • In the Azure portal, in the General > Logs page, on the Functions tab, and listed under Workspace functions.
  • In the Defender portal, in the Investigation & response > Advanced hunting page, on the Functions tab, and listed under Sentinel workspace functions.

Content in this article is intended for your security teams.

Use functions in your queries instead of underlying logs or tables

We strongly recommend that you use the functions listed in this article as the subjects of their analysis whenever possible, instead of the underlying logs or tables.

These functions are intended to serve as the principal user interface to the data. They form the basis for all the built-in analytics rules and workbooks available to you out of the box. Using functions allows for changes to be made to the data infrastructure beneath the functions, without breaking user-created content.


The SAPUsersAssignments function gathers data from multiple SAP data sources and creates a user-centric view of the current user master data, including the roles and profiles currently assigned.

This function summarizes the user assignments to roles and profiles, and returns the following data:

Field Description Data Source/Notes
User SAP user ID SAL only
Email SMTP address USR21 (SMTP_ADDR)
UserType User type USR02 (USTYP)
Timezone Time zone USR02 (TZONE)
LockedStatus Lock status USR02 (UFLAG)
LastSeenDate Last seen date USR02 (TRDAT)
LastSeenTime Last seen time USR02 (LTIME)
UserGroupAuth User group in user master maintenance USR02 (CLASS)
Profiles Set of profiles (default maximum set size = 50) ["Profile 1", "Profile 2",...,"profile 50"]
DirectRoles Set of Directly assigned roles (default max set size = 50) ["Role 1", "Role 2",...,"”"Role 50"]
ChildRoles Set of indirectly assigned roles (default max set size = 50) ["Role 1", "Role 2",...,"”"Role 50"]
Client Client ID
SystemID System ID As defined in the connector


The SAPUsersGetPrivileged function returns a list of privileged users per client and system ID.

Users are considered privileged when they match any of the following descriptions:

  • They're listed in the SAP - Privileged Users watchlist
  • They're assigned to a profile listed in SAP - Sensitive Profiles watchlist
  • They're added to a role listed in SAP - Sensitive Roles watchlist


Name Optional/Required Default Description
TimeAgo Optional Seven days Determines that the function seeks user master data from the time defined by the TimeAgo value until the time defined by the now() value.

The SAPUsersGetPrivileged function returns the following data:

Field Description
User SAP user ID
Client Client ID
SystemID System ID


The SAPUsersAuthorizations function brings together data from several tables to produce a user-centric view of the current roles and authorizations assigned. Only users with active role and authorization assignments are returned.


Name Optional/Required Default Description
TimeAgo Optional Seven days Determines that the function seeks user master data from the time defined by the TimeAgo value until the time defined by the now() value.

The SAPUsersAuthorizations function returns the following data:

Field Description Notes
User SAP user ID
Roles Set of roles (default max set size = 50) ["Role 1", "Role 2",...,"Role 50"]
AuthorizationsDetails Set of authorizations (default max set size = 100) {{AuthorizationsDeatils1},
Client Client ID
SystemID System ID


The SAPConnectorHealth function reflects the status of the agent's and the underlying SAP system's connectivity. Based on the heartbeat log SAP_HeartBeat_CL and other health indicators, it returns the following data:

Field Description
Agent Agent ID in agent's configuration (automatically generated)
SystemID SAP system ID
Status Overall connectivity status
Details Connectivity details
ExtendedDetails Connectivity extended details
LastSeen Timestamp of latest activity
StatusCode Code reflecting the system's status


The SAPConnectorOverview function shows row counts of each SAP table per System ID. It returns a list of data records per system ID, and their time generated.


Name Optional/Required Default Description
TimeAgo Optional Seven days Determines that the function seeks user master data from the time defined by the TimeAgo value until the time defined by the now() value.

The SAPConnectorOverview function returns the following data:

Field Description
TimeGenerated A datetime value of the timestamp of the record's generation
SystemID_s A string representing the SAP system ID

Use the following Kusto query to perform a daily trend analysis:

| summarize count() by bin(TimeGenerated, 1d), SystemID_s


The SAPUsersEmail function allows for a performance oriented lookup of an SAP user's email address per SAP system and client, normally used to associate it with an active directory account.

The SAPUsersEmail function uses data extracted from SAP tables USR21 (User Name/Address Key Assignment) and ADR6 (E-Mail Addresses) to look for an email address. In case no email address is found, the user ID is returned instead.

This behavior ensures that SAP service accounts such as DDIC, which often aren't associated with an email addresses, are logged as pseudo AD accounts. This also opens up some UEBA features, aiding in the investigation of incidents and hunting activities.

The SAPUsersEmail function returns the following data:

Field Description
ClientID The SAP client ID
SystemID The SAP system ID
User The SAP user ID
Email The email address of the SAP user


The SAPSystems function is used to centrally present the per-system configuration made using the SAP - Systems watchlist.


Name Optional/Required Default Description
SelectedSystems Optional All Systems Used to filter specific SAP systems
SelectedSystemRoles Optional All System Roles Determines the roles of the SAP Systems to be looked at, as defined in the SAP - Systems watchlist

The SAPSystems function returns the following data:

Field Description Data Source/Notes
SearchKey Search key Indexed field for SAP system ID
SystemRole The SAP system's role Production, UAT
SystemUsage The main usage of the SAP system ERP, CRM
SystemID The SAP system ID


The SAPAuditLogConfiguration function returns the local configuration of the SAP audit log alerts to the Log Analytics workspace enabled for Microsoft Sentinel. This configuration is used for SAP audit log-related alerts.

The SAPAuditLogConfiguration function joins the data in the SAP Dynamic Audit Log Monitor Configuration and SAP - Systems watchlists to provide a per-system configuration at a per-system-role effort.


Name Optional/Required Default Description
SelectedSystems Optional All Systems Used to filter specific SAP systems to look at.
SelectedSystemRoles Optional All System Roles Determines the roles of the SAP Systems to be looked at (as defined in the SAP - Systems watchlist).
SelectedSeverities Optional [High, Medium] Used to determine events to be looked at in terms of their severities. Severities per SAP audit log message ID and system role are defined in the SAP_Dynamic_Audit_Log_Monitor_Configuration watchlist.
SelectedRuleTypes Optional All RuleTypes Determines which events are relevant for detecting the anomalies on. Rule types per SAP audit log message ID and system role are defined in the SAP_Dynamic_Audit_Log_Monitor_Configuration watchlist.

The SAPAuditLogConfiguration function returns the following data:

Field Description Data Source/Notes
CategoryName SAP given event category SAP Dynamic Audit Log Monitor Configuration watchlist
DestinationEmail Email address of the Assigned Team SAP Dynamic Audit Log Monitor Configuration watchlist
DetailedDescription A markdown formatted text to be displayed on alerts SAP Dynamic Audit Log Monitor Configuration watchlist
MessageID The SAP audit log message ID SAP Dynamic Audit Log Monitor Configuration watchlist
MessageText A sample message text SAP Dynamic Audit Log Monitor Configuration watchlist
RolesTagsToExclude an ABAP Role, Profile, or free text tag SAP Dynamic Audit Log Monitor Configuration watchlist
RuleType Anomaly or deterministic SAP Dynamic Audit Log Monitor Configuration watchlist
Tactics The MITRE ATTA&CK tactic SAP Dynamic Audit Log Monitor Configuration watchlist
TeamsChannelID Teams Channel SAP Dynamic Audit Log Monitor Configuration watchlist
SystemID The SAP system ID SAP - Systems watchlist
SystemRole The SAP System's Role SAP - Systems watchlist
SystemUsage The main usage of the SAP system SAP - Systems watchlist
IsProd Production system flag SAP - Systems watchlist
Severity The derived severity Severity per system usage
Threshold The derived threshold Event count per system usage
BagOfDetails Bag of Details A dictionary detailing the event definition

For more information, see Available watchlists.


The SAPAuditLogAnomalies function uses Microsoft Sentinel's underlying Kusto database's built-in machine learning capabilities to help detect anomalous events observed on the SAP audit log.

The SAPAuditLogAnomalies function was developed for the SAP - (Experimental) Dynamic Anomaly based Audit Log Monitor Alerts analytics rule. While its original design is to alert on recent anomalies, it can also help to highlight historical anomalies. For more information, see Sample uses.

The SAPAuditLogAnomalies function learns the slice of the history defined by the different input parameters, at the following levels:

  • User
  • Network attributes
  • System
  • Seasonality
  • Activity levels

The SAPAuditLogAnomalies function then judges events occurring within the last DetectingTime timespan according to what it learned, applying thresholds and other configurable exclusion criteria obtained from the SAP audit log configuration watchlist.

Once a sliding window of user activity is deemed anomalous, a second query returns the entire user activity as evidence supporting the decision.


Name Optional/Required Default Description
LearningTime Optional 14 days Determines the timespan used for the model learning.
DetectingTime Optional One hour Determines the timespan to be looked at for detecting anomalies. Calling this function with DetectingTime = 0h highlights anomalies across the entire LearningTime timespan.
SelectedSystems Optional All Systems Used to filter specific SAP systems to look at.
SelectedSystemRoles Optional All System Roles Determines the roles of the SAP Systems to be looked at, as defined in the SAP - Systems watchlist
SelectedSeverities Optional [High, Medium] Used to determine events to be looked at in terms of their severities. Severities per SAP audit log message ID and system role are defined in the SAP_Dynamic_Audit_Log_Monitor_Configuration watchlist.
SelectedPrefixMask Optional 24 Used to determine the subnet mask level used for learning and detecting.
SelectedRuleTypes Optional AnomaliesOnly Determines what events are relevant for detecting the anomalies on. Rule types per SAP audit log message ID and system role are defined in the SAP_Dynamic_Audit_Log_Monitor_Configuration watchlist.

The SAPAuditLogAnomalies function returns the following data:

Field Description
Multiple fields from SAPAuditLog Key fields from the SAP Audit log
Multiple fields from SAPAuditLogConfiguration Key fields from the Microsoft Sentinel for SAP audit log configuration
DiscoveredOn The rounded hour on which the anomaly was observed on
EventCount Number of events counted per row returned
AnomalCount Number of events observed within relevant sliding window
MinTime Time of first event observed
MaxTime Time of last event observed
Score the anomaly scores as produced by the anomaly model


As with any machine learning solution, the SAPAuditLogAnomalies function performs better with time, and can be adjusted as needed as time goes on.

We recommend restricting the size of the learned database to be under 100 million records using the many available input parameters.

Sample uses include:

  • To search for anomalies for events of high severity that occurred within the past hour on production systems for event types that are marked as AnomaliesOnly in the SAP_Dynamic_Audit_Log_Monitor_Configuration watchlist, run:

    SAPAuditLogAnomalies(LearningTime = 14d, DetectingTime=1h, SelectedSystemRoles= dynamic(["Production"]), 
    SelectedSeverities= dynamic(["High"]), SelectedRuleTypes= dynamic(["AnomaliesOnly"]))
  • To search for all anomalies in the last 14 days in the BIP system, run:

    SAPAuditLogAnomalies(LearningTime = 14d, DetectingTime=0h, SelectedSystems= dynamic(["BIP"]))

For more information, see Built-in SAP analytics rules for monitoring the SAP audit log and Anomaly detection on the SAP audit log using the Microsoft Sentinel for SAP solution (blog).


The SAPAuditLogConfigRecommend is a helper function designed to offer recommendations for the configuration of the SAP - Dynamic Anomaly based Audit Log Monitor Alerts (PREVIEW) analytics rule.

For more information, see Monitor the SAP audit log.


The Microsoft Sentinel solution for SAP applications uses a concept of central user tagging and explicit exclusions, designed to help you lower false positives with minimal effort.

Use the SAPUsersGetVIP function to exclude users from triggering alerts by specifying SAP user roles, SAP user functions, or tags that represent those users. For more information, see Handle false positives in Microsoft Sentinel.

Tags specified as input for the SAPUsersGetVIP function exclude all users with a tag listed in the SAP_User_Config watchlist. The same functionality is extended to work with wildcards, allowing you to assign a single tag to a group of users with the same naming syntax.

  1. Tag users in the SAP_User_Config watchlist as follows:

    • Add multiple tags to each user in the SAP_User_Config watchlist, as needed to cover various scenarios. Each alert rule has its own relevant tags, if any, and you can add custom tags as needed.

    • Use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to include users with a specific naming syntax template.

  2. Add the SAPUsersGetVIP function in your analytics rules to request the lists of users you've defined to be excluded from alerts. In the function call, add an array with the tags, SAP roles, and SAP profiles that you'd like to exclude.

For example, use the following KQL query in your analytics rule to exclude any users configured with the RunObsoleteProgOK tag in the SAP_User_Config watchlist, or any users with the sample SAP_BASIS_ADMIN_ROLE role or the sample SAP_ADMIN_PROFILE profile.

When copying this sample function call, replace SAP_BASIS_ADMIN_ROLE role and SAP_ADMIN_PROFILE profile with your own SAP roles or profiles as needed.

For example:

// Execution of Obsolete/Insecure Program
let ObsoletePrograms = _GetWatchlist("SAP - Obsolete Programs");
// here you can exclude system users which are OK to run obsolete/ sensitive programs
// by adding those users in the SAP_User_Config watchlist with a tag of 'RunObsoleteProgOK'
// can also specify SAP roles or SAP profiles that group the users you would like to exclude
let excludeUsersTagsRolesProfiles= dynamic(["RunObsoleteProgOK","SAP_BASIS_ADMIN_ROLE", "SAP_ADMIN_PROFILE"]);
let excludedUsers= SAPUsersGetVIP(SearchForTags= excludeUsersTagsRolesProfiles)| summarize by User2Exclude=SAPUser;
// Query logic
| where MessageID == 'AUW'
| where ABAPProgramName in (ObsoletePrograms) // The program is obsolete
| join kind=leftantisemi excludedUsers on $left.User == $right.User2Exclude

The SAPUsersGetVIP function is commonly used in Deterministic and Anomalous Audit Log Monitor alerts. Associate a tag with an SAP audit log message ID, or extend the rule template to a custom rule that matches your organization's needs.


We recommend that contacting your SAP system admin to understand which SAP users, roles, and profiles to include in your SAP_User_Config watchlist.


Name Optional/Required Default Description
SearchForTags Optional dynamic('All Tags') When SearchForTags equals All Tags, all users are returned along with their tags.

Otherwise, only users bearing the tags, SAP roles, or SAP profiles specified in SearchForTags are returned. TagsIntersect shows the tags that are found, and IntersectionSize holds the number of tags that are found.
SpecialFocusTags Optional Do not return any in-focus users Returns all users bearing the tags specified in SpecialFocusTags, and marked those with specialFocusTagged = true.

The SAPUsersGetVIP function returns the following output:

Source Field Description Notes
The SAP_User_Config watchlist SearchKey Search key
The SAP_User_Config watchlist SAPUser The SAP user OSS, DDIC
The SAP_User_Config watchlist Tags String of tags assigned to user RunObsoleteProgOK
The SAP_User_Config watchlist User's Microsoft Entra object ID Microsoft Entra object ID
The SAP_User_Config watchlist User identifier Azure Directory user identifier
The SAP_User_Config watchlist User on-premises SID
The SAP_User_Config watchlist User principal name
The SAP_User_Config watchlist TagsList A list of tags assigned to user ChangeUserMasterDataOK;RunObsoleteProgOK
Logic TagsIntersect A set of tags that matched SearchForTags ["ChangeUserMasterDataOK","RunObsoleteProgOK"]
Logic SpecialFocusTagged Special focus indication True, False
Logic IntersectionSize The number of intersected tags


The SAPUsersHeader function is designed to provide a high-level view of the SAP user. It uses data extracted from both the SAP user master data tables and recent activity on the SAP audit log to gather email and IP addresses. It then returns last known email and IP addresses along with primary email and IP addresses.


Name Optional/Required Default Description
SelectedSystems Optional All Systems Used to filter specific SAP systems to look at
SelectedSystemRoles Optional All System Roles Determines the roles of the SAP Systems to be looked at, as defined in the SAP - Systems watchlist.
SelectedUsers Optional All Users Can input lists of users.
SelectedUser Optional All Users Accepts a single user only.

For example:

SelectedSystemRoles:dynamic = dynamic(["All System Roles"]) SelectedSystems:dynamic = dynamic(["All Systems"]) SelectedUsers:dynamic = dynamic(["All Users"]) SelectedUser:string = "All Users"


For performance considerations, only a few days of audit activity are considered. For a full history of user activity, run a custom KQL query against the SAPAuditLog function.

The SAPUsersHeader function returns the following output:

Source Field Description Notes
User The SAP user
SAP tables ADR6 and USR21 Email Taken from user's master data OSS, DDIC
SAP table USR02 UserType String of tags assigned to user RunObsoleteProgOK
SAP table USR02 Timezone Microsoft Entra object ID
SAP table USR02 LockedStatus Azure Directory user identifier
SAP audit log LastSeen A timestamp Last audit event observed for the user
SAP audit log LastSeenDaysAgo Days passed since LastSeen
SAP audit log PrimaryIP Most frequently used IP address ChangeUserMasterDataOK;RunObsoleteProgOK
SAP audit log LastKnownIP Most recently used IP address ["ChangeUserMasterDataOK","RunObsoleteProgOK"]
SAP audit log PrimaryEmail Most frequently used email address True, False
SAP audit log KnownIPs List of known IP addresses Sorted by most frequent first
SAP audit log KnownEmails List of known email addresses Sorted by most frequent first
Client The SAP client ID
SystemID The SAP system ID
SystemRole The SAP system's role Production, UAT
SystemUsage The main usage of the SAP system ERP, CRM

For more information, see: