

Create a codeless connector for Microsoft Sentinel

The Codeless Connector Platform (CCP) provides partners, advanced users, and developers the ability to create custom connectors for ingesting data to Microsoft Sentinel.

Connectors created using the CCP are fully SaaS, with no requirements for service installations. They also include health monitoring and full support from Microsoft Sentinel.

Use the following steps to create your CCP connector and connect your data source to Microsoft Sentinel

  • Build the data connector
  • Create the ARM template
  • Deploy the connector
  • Connect Microsoft Sentinel to your data source and start ingesting data

This article will show you how to complete each step and provide an example codeless connector to build along the way.

How is this CCP different from the previous version?

The initial version of the CCP was announced in January of 2022. Since then, we've improved upon the platform and the legacy release is no longer recommended. This new version of the CCP has the following key improvements:

  1. Better support for various authentication and pagination types.

  2. Supports standard data collection rules (DCRs).

  3. The user interface and connection configuration portions of the codeless connector are separate now. This allows the creation of connectors with multiple connections which wasn't possible previously.


Before building a connector, understand your data source and how Microsoft Sentinel needs to connect.

  1. Data Collection Endpoint (DCE)

    A DCE is a requirement for a DCR. Only one DCE is created per log analytics workspace DCR deployment. Every DCR deployed for a Microsoft Sentinel workspace uses the same DCE. For more information on how to create one or whether you need a new one, see Data collection endpoints in Azure Monitor.

  2. Schema of the output table(s).

    It's important to understand the shape of your data stream and the fields you want to include in the output table. Reference your data source documentation or analyze sufficient output examples.

Research the following components and verify support for them in the Data Connector API reference:

  1. HTTP request and response structure to the data source

  2. Authentication required by the data source.
    For example, if your data source requires a token signed with a certificate, the data connector API reference specifies cert authentication isn't supported.

  3. Pagination options to the data source

Testing APIs

We recommend testing your components with an API testing tool like one of the following:


For scenarios where you have sensitive data, such as credentials, secrets, access tokens, API keys, and other similar information, make sure to use a tool that protects your data with the necessary security features, works offline or locally, doesn't sync your data to the cloud, and doesn't require that you sign in to an online account. This way, you reduce the risk around exposing sensitive data to the public.

Build the data connector

There are four components required to build the CCP data connector.

  1. Output table definition
  2. Data Collection Rule (DCR)
  3. Data connector user interface
  4. Data connector connection rules

Each component has a section detailing the process to create and validate. Take the JSON from each component for the final packaging of the ARM template.

Output table definition


Skip this step if your data is only ingested to standard Log Analytics tables. Examples of standard tables include CommonSecurityLog and ASimDnsActivityLogs. For more information about the full list of supported standard data types, see Data transformation support for custom data connectors.

If your data source doesn't conform to the schema of a standard table, you have two options:

  • Create a custom table for all the data
  • Create a custom table for some data and split conforming data out to a standard table

Use the Log Analytics UI for a straight forward method to create a custom table together with a DCR. If you create the custom table using the Tables API or another programmatic method, add the _CL suffix manually to the table name. For more information, see Create a custom table.

For more information on splitting your data to more than one table, see the example data and the example custom table created for that data.

Data collection rule

Data collection rules (DCRs) define the data collection process in Azure Monitor. DCRs specify what data should be collected, how to transform that data, and where to send that data.

  • There is only one DCR that gets deployed per data connector.
  • A DCR must have a corresponding DCE in the same region.
  • When the CCP data connector is deployed, the DCR is created if it doesn't already exist.

Reference the latest information on DCRs in these articles:

For a tutorial demonstrating the creation of a DCE, including using sample data to create the custom table and DCR, see Tutorial: Send data to Azure Monitor Logs with Logs ingestion API (Azure portal). Use the process in this tutorial to verify data is ingested correctly to your table with your DCR.

To understand how to create a complex DCR with multiple data flows, see the DCR example section.

Data connector user interface

This component renders the UI for the data connector in the Microsoft Sentinel data connector gallery. Each data connector may have only one UI definition.

Build the data connector user interface with the Data Connector Definition API. Use the Data connector definitions reference as a supplement to explain the API elements in greater detail.


  1. The kind property for API polling connector should always be Customizable.
  2. Since this is a type of API polling connector, set the connectivityCriteria type to hasDataConnectors
  3. The example instructionSteps include a button of type ConnectionToggleButton. This button helps trigger the deployment of data connector rules based on the connection parameters specified.

Use an API testing tool to call the data connector definitions API to create the data connector UI in order to validate it in the data connectors gallery.

To learn from an example, see the Data connector definitions reference example section.

Data connection rules

There are currently two kinds of data connection rules possible for defining your CCP data connector.

Use an API testing tool to call the data connector API to create the data connector which combines the connection rules and previous components. Verify the connector is now connected in the UI.

Secure confidential input

Whatever authentication is used by your CCP data connector, take these steps to ensure confidential information is kept secure. The goal is to pass along credentials from the ARM template to the CCP without leaving readable confidential objects in your deployments history.

Create label

The data connector definition creates a UI element to prompt for security credentials. For example, if your data connector authenticates to a log source with OAuth, your data connector definition section includes the OAuthForm type in the instructions. This sets up the ARM template to prompt for the credentials.

"instructions": [
        "type": "OAuthForm",
        "parameters": {
        "UsernameLabel": "Username",
        "PasswordLabel": "Password",
        "connectButtonLabel": "Connect",
        "disconnectButtonLabel": "Disconnect"

Store confidential input

A section of the ARM deployment template provides a place for the administrator deploying the data connector to enter the password. Use securestring to keep the confidential information secured in an object that isn't readable after deployment. For more information, see Security recommendations for parameters.

"mainTemplate": {
    "$schema": "",
    "contentVersion": "[variables('dataConnectorCCPVersion')]",
    "parameters": {
        "Username": {
            "type": "securestring",
            "minLength": 1,
            "metadata": {
                "description": "Enter the username to connect to your data source."
        "Password": {
            "type": "securestring",
            "minLength": 1,
            "metadata": {
                "description": "Enter the API key, client secret or password required to connect."
    // more deployment template information

Use the securestring objects

Finally, the CCP utilizes the credential objects in the data connector section.

"auth": {
    "type": "OAuth2",
    "ClientSecret": "[[parameters('Password')]",
    "ClientId": "[[parameters('Username')]",
    "GrantType": "client_credentials",
    "TokenEndpoint": "",
    "TokenEndpointHeaders": {
        "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    "TokenEndpointQueryParameters": {
        "grant_type": "client_credentials"


The strange syntax for the credential object, "ClientSecret": "[[parameters('Password')]", isn't a typo! In order to create the deployment template which also uses parameters, you need to escape the parameters in that section with an extra starting[. This allows the parameters to assign a value based on the user interaction with the connector.

For more information, see Template expressions escape characters.

Create the deployment template

Manually package an Azure Resource Management (ARM) template using the example template code samples as your guide. These code samples are divided by ARM template sections which you must splice together.

If you're creating a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) CCP data connector, package the deployment template using the example GCP CCP template. For information on how to fill out the GCP CCP template, see GCP data connector connection rules reference.

In addition to the example templates, published solutions available in the Microsoft Sentinel content hub use the CCP for their data connectors. Review the following solutions as more examples of how to stitch the components together into an ARM template.

RestApiPoller CCP data connector examples

GCP CCP data connector examples

Deploy the connector

Deploy your codeless connector as a custom template.


Delete resources you created in previous steps. The DCR and custom table is created with the deployment. If you don't remove those resources before deploying, it's more difficult to verify your template.

  1. Copy the contents of the ARM deployment template.
  2. Follow the Edit and deploy the template instructions from the article, Quickstart: Create and deploy ARM templates by using the Azure portal.

Maintain network isolation for logging source

If your logging source requires network isolation, configure an allowlist of public IP addresses used by the CCP.

Azure virtual networks use service tags to define network access controls. For the CCP, that service tag is Scuba.

To find the current IP range associated with the Scuba service tag, see Use the Service Tag Discovery API.

Verify the codeless connector

View your codeless connector in the data connector gallery. Open the data connector and complete any authentication parameters required to connect. Once successfully connected, the DCR and custom tables are created. View the DCR resource in your resource group and any custom tables from the logs analytics workspace.


It may take up to 30 minutes to see data begin ingesting.


Each step in building the codeless connector is represented in the following example sections.

To demonstrate a complex data source with ingestion to more than one table, this example features an output table schema and a DCR with multiple output streams. The DCR example puts these together along with its KQL transforms. The data connector UI definition and connection rules examples continue from this same example data source. Finally, the solution template uses all these example components to show end to end how to create the example CCP data connector.

Example data

A data source returns the following JSON when connecting to its endpoint.

        "ts": "3/6/2023 8:15:15 AM",
        "eventType": "Alert",
        "deviceMac": "bc:27:c6:21:1c:70",
        "clientMac": "",
        "srcIp": "",
        "destIp": "",
        "protocol": "tcp/ip",
        "priority": "0",
        "message": "This is an alert message"
        "ts": "3/6/2023 8:14:54 AM",
        "eventType": "File",
        "srcIp": "",
        "destIp": "",
        "fileType": "MS_EXE",
        "fileSizeBytes": 193688,
        "disposition": "Malicious"

This response contains eventType of Alert and File. The file events are to be ingested into the normalized standard table, AsimFileEventLogs, while the alert events are to be ingested into a custom table.

Example custom table

For more information on the structure of this table, see Tables API. Custom log table names should have a _CL suffix.

"properties": {
    "schema": {
        "name": "ExampleConnectorAlerts_CL",
        "columns": [
          "name": "TimeGenerated",
          "type": "datetime"
          "name": "SourceIP",
          "type": "string"
          "name": "DestIP",
          "type": "string"
          "name": "Message",
          "type": "string"
          "name": "Priority",
          "type": "int"

Example data collection rule

The following DCR defines a single stream Custom-ExampleConnectorInput using the example data source and transforms the output into two tables.

  1. The first dataflow directs eventType = Alert to the custom ExampleConnectorAlerts_CL table.
  2. the second dataflow directs eventType = File to the normalized standard table,ASimFileEventLogs.

For more information on the structure of this example, see Structure of a data collection rule.

To create this DCR in a test environment, follow the Data Collection Rules API. Elements of the example in {{double curly braces}} indicate variables that require values for ease of use with an API testing tool. When you create this resource in the ARM template, the variables expressed here are exchanged for parameters.

  "location": "{{location}}",
  "properties": {
    "dataCollectionEndpointId": "/subscriptions/{{subscriptionId}}/resourceGroups/{{resourceGroupName}}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/dataCollectionEndpoints/{{dataCollectionEndpointName}}",
    "streamDeclarations": {
      "Custom-ExampleConnectorInput": {
        "columns": [
            "name": "ts",
            "type": "datetime"
            "name": "eventType",
            "type": "string"
            "name": "deviceMac",
            "type": "string"
            "name": "clientMac",
            "type": "string"
            "name": "srcIp",
            "type": "string"
            "name": "destIp",
            "type": "string"
            "name": "protocol",
            "type": "string"
            "name": "priority",
            "type": "string"
            "name": "message",
            "type": "string"
            "name": "fileType",
            "type": "string"
            "name": "fileSizeBytes",
            "type": "int"
            "name": "disposition",
            "type": "string"
    "destinations": {
      "logAnalytics": [
          "workspaceResourceId": "/subscriptions/{{subscriptionId}}/resourcegroups/{{resourceGroupName}}/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/{{workspaceName}}",
          "name": "{{uniqueFriendlyDestinationName}}"
    "dataFlows": [
        "streams": [
        "destinations": [
        "transformKql": "source | where eventType == \"Alert\" | project TimeGenerated = ts, SourceIP = srcIp, DestIP = destIp, Message = message, Priority = priority \n",
        "outputStream": "Custom-ExampleConnectorAlerts_CL"
        "streams": [
        "destinations": [
        "transformKql": "source | where eventType == \"File\" | project-rename TimeGenerated = ts, EventOriginalType = eventType, SrcIpAddr = srcIp, DstIpAddr = destIp, FileContentType = fileType, FileSize = fileSizeBytes, EventOriginalSeverity = disposition \n",
        "outputStream": "Microsoft-ASimFileEventLogs"

Example data connector UI definition

This example is located in the Data connector definitions reference.

Example data connector connection rules

This example is located in the Data connectors reference.

Example ARM template

Build the ARM deployment template with the following structure, which includes the 4 sections of JSON components required to build the CCP data connector:

    "$schema": "",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "parameters": {},
    "variables": {},
    "resources": [],

Stitch the sections together with a JSON-aware editor like Visual Code to minimize syntax errors like commas and closing brackets and parentheses.

To guide the template building process, comments appear in the metadata description or inline with // comment notation. For more information, see ARM template best practices - comments.

Consider using the ARM template test toolkit (arm-ttk) to validate the template you build. For more information, see arm-ttk.

Example ARM template - parameters

For more information, see Parameters in ARM templates.


Use securestring for all passwords and secrets in objects readable after resource deployment. For more information, see Secure confidential input and Security recommendations for parameters.

    "$schema": "",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "parameters": {
        "location": {
            "type": "string",
            "minLength": 1,
            "defaultValue": "[resourceGroup().location]",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "Not used, but needed to pass the arm-ttk test, 'Location-Should-Not-Be-Hardcoded'. Instead the `workspace-location` derived from the log analytics workspace is used."
        "workspace-location": {
            "type": "string",
            "defaultValue": "",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "[concat('Region to deploy solution resources -- separate from location selection',parameters('location'))]"
        "subscription": {
            "defaultValue": "[last(split(subscription().id, '/'))]",
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "subscription id where Microsoft Sentinel is configured"
        "resourceGroupName": {
            "defaultValue": "[resourceGroup().name]",
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "resource group name where Microsoft Sentinel is configured"
        "workspace": {
            "defaultValue": "",
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "the log analytics workspace enabled for Microsoft Sentinel"
    // Next is the variables section here

Example ARM template - variables

These recommended variables help simplify the template. Use more or less as needed. For more information, see Variables in ARM templates.

    "variables": {
        "workspaceResourceId": "[resourceId('microsoft.OperationalInsights/Workspaces', parameters('workspace'))]",
        "_solutionName": "Solution name", // Enter your solution name 
        "_solutionVersion": "3.0.0", // must be 3.0.0 or above
        "_solutionAuthor": "Contoso", // Enter the name of the author
        "_packageIcon": "<img src=\"{LogoLink}\" width=\"75px\" height=\"75px\">", // Enter the http link for the logo. NOTE: This field is only recommended for Azure Global Cloud.
        "_solutionId": "", // Enter a name for your solution with this format but exchange the 'MySolution' portion
        "dataConnectorVersionConnectorDefinition": "1.0.0",
        "dataConnectorVersionConnections": "1.0.0",
        "_solutionTier": "Community", // This designates the appropriate support - all custom data connectors are "Community"
        "_dataConnectorContentIdConnectorDefinition": "MySolutionTemplateConnectorDefinition", // Enter a name for the connector
        "dataConnectorTemplateNameConnectorDefinition": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'-dc-',uniquestring(variables('_dataConnectorContentIdConnectorDefinition')))]",
        "_dataConnectorContentIdConnections": "MySolutionTemplateConnections", // Enter a name for the connections this connector makes
        "dataConnectorTemplateNameConnections": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'-dc-',uniquestring(variables('_dataConnectorContentIdConnections')))]",
        "_logAnalyticsTableId1": "ExampleConnectorAlerts_CL" // Enter the custom table name - not needed if you are ingesting data into standard tables
		// Enter more variables as needed "":""
    // Next is the resources sections here

Example ARM template - resources

There are 5 ARM deployment resources in this template guide which house the 4 CCP data connector building components.

  1. contentTemplates (a parent resource)
  2. dataConnectorDefinitions - For more information, see Data connector user interface.
  3. metadata
  4. contentTemplates
  5. contentPackages
    "resources": [
        // resource section 1 - contentTemplates
            "type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/contentTemplates",
            "apiVersion": "2023-04-01-preview",
            "name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/', variables('dataConnectorTemplateNameConnectorDefinition'), variables('dataConnectorVersionConnectorDefinition'))]",
            "location": "[parameters('workspace-location')]",
            "dependsOn": [
                "[extensionResourceId(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces', parameters('workspace')), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights/contentPackages', variables('_solutionId'))]"
            "properties": {
                "contentId": "[variables('_dataConnectorContentIdConnectorDefinition')]",
                "displayName": "[concat(variables('_solutionName'), variables('dataConnectorTemplateNameConnectorDefinition'))]",
                "contentKind": "DataConnector",
                "mainTemplate": {
                    "$schema": "",
                    "contentVersion": "[variables('dataConnectorVersionConnectorDefinition')]",
                    "parameters": {},
                    "variables": {},
                    "resources": [
                            "name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/',concat('DataConnector-', variables('_dataConnectorContentIdConnectorDefinition')))]",
                            "apiVersion": "2022-01-01-preview",
                            "type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/metadata",
                            "properties": {
                                "parentId": "[extensionResourceId(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces', parameters('workspace')), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights/dataConnectorDefinitions', variables('_dataConnectorContentIdConnectorDefinition'))]",
                                "contentId": "[variables('_dataConnectorContentIdConnectorDefinition')]",
                                "kind": "DataConnector",
                                "version": "[variables('dataConnectorVersionConnectorDefinition')]",
                                "source": {
                                    "sourceId": "[variables('_solutionId')]",
                                    "name": "[variables('_solutionName')]",
                                    "kind": "Solution"
                                "author": {
                                    "name": "[variables('_solutionAuthor')]"
                                "support": {
                                    "name": "[variables('_solutionAuthor')]",
                                    "tier": "[variables('_solutionTier')]"
                                "dependencies": {
                                    "criteria": [
                                            "version": "[variables('dataConnectorVersionConnections')]",
                                            "contentId": "[variables('_dataConnectorContentIdConnections')]",
                                            "kind": "ResourcesDataConnector"
                            "name": "MyDCRV1", // Enter your DCR name
                            "apiVersion": "2021-09-01-preview",
                            "type": "Microsoft.Insights/dataCollectionRules",
                            "location": "[parameters('workspace-location')]",
                            "kind": null,
                                // Enter your DCR properties here.
                                //  Consider using these variables:
                                //  "dataCollectionEndpointId": "[concat('/subscriptions/',parameters('subscription'),'/resourceGroups/',parameters('resourceGroupName'),'/providers/Microsoft.Insights/dataCollectionEndpoints/',parameters('workspace'))]",
                                //  "workspaceResourceId": "[variables('workspaceResourceId')]",
                            "name": "[variables('_logAnalyticsTableId1')]",
                            "apiVersion": "2022-10-01",
                            "type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/tables",
                            "location": "[parameters('workspace-location')]",
                            "kind": null,
								// Enter your log analytics table schema here. 
                                //  Consider using this variable for the name property:
                                //  "name": "[variables('_logAnalyticsTableId1')]",
						// Enter more tables if needed.
                "packageKind": "Solution",
                "packageVersion": "[variables('_solutionVersion')]",
                "packageName": "[variables('_solutionName')]",
                "contentProductId": "[concat(substring(variables('_solutionId'), 0, 50),'-','dc','-', uniqueString(concat(variables('_solutionId'),'-','DataConnector','-',variables('_dataConnectorContentIdConnectorDefinition'),'-', variables('dataConnectorVersionConnectorDefinition'))))]",
                "packageId": "[variables('_solutionId')]",
                "contentSchemaVersion": "3.0.0",
                "version": "[variables('_solutionVersion')]"
        // resource 2 section here
        // resource section 2 - dataConnectorDefinitions
            "name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/',variables('_dataConnectorContentIdConnectorDefinition'))]",
            "apiVersion": "2022-09-01-preview",
            "type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/dataConnectorDefinitions",
            "location": "[parameters('workspace-location')]",
            "kind": "Customizable",
				//Enter your data connector definition properties here
				//"connectorUiConfig": {
				//	"graphQueriesTableName": "[variables('_logAnalyticsTableId1')]",
        // resource 3 section here
        // resource section 3 - metadata
            "name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/',concat('DataConnector-', variables('_dataConnectorContentIdConnectorDefinition')))]",
            "apiVersion": "2022-01-01-preview",
            "type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/metadata",
            "properties": {
                "parentId": "[extensionResourceId(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces', parameters('workspace')), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights/dataConnectorDefinitions', variables('_dataConnectorContentIdConnectorDefinition'))]",
                "contentId": "[variables('_dataConnectorContentIdConnectorDefinition')]",
                "kind": "DataConnector",
                "version": "[variables('dataConnectorVersionConnectorDefinition')]",
                "source": {
                    "sourceId": "[variables('_solutionId')]",
                    "name": "[variables('_solutionName')]",
                    "kind": "Solution"
                "author": {
                    "name": "[variables('_solutionAuthor')]"
                "support": {
                    "name": "[variables('_solutionAuthor')]",
                    "tier": "[variables('_solutionTier')]"
                "dependencies": {
                    "criteria": [
                            "version": "[variables('dataConnectorVersionConnections')]",
                            "contentId": "[variables('_dataConnectorContentIdConnections')]",
                            "kind": "ResourcesDataConnector"
        // resource 4 section here
        // resource section 4 - contentTemplates
            "type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/contentTemplates",
            "apiVersion": "2023-04-01-preview",
            "name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/', variables('dataConnectorTemplateNameConnections'), variables('dataConnectorVersionConnections'))]",
            "location": "[parameters('workspace-location')]",
            "dependsOn": [
                "[extensionResourceId(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces', parameters('workspace')), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights/contentPackages', variables('_solutionId'))]"
            "properties": {
                "contentId": "[variables('_dataConnectorContentIdConnections')]",
                "displayName": "[concat(variables('_solutionName'), variables('dataConnectorTemplateNameConnections'))]",
                "contentKind": "ResourcesDataConnector",
                "mainTemplate": {
                    "$schema": "",
                    "contentVersion": "[variables('dataConnectorVersionConnections')]",
                    // These parameters are used by the data connector primarily as properties for the administrator to enter in the UI when configuring the connector
                        "connectorDefinitionName": {
                            "defaultValue": "connectorDefinitionName",
                            "type": "string",
                            "minLength": 1
                        "workspace": {
                            "defaultValue": "[parameters('workspace')]",
                            "type": "string"
                        "dcrConfig": {
                            "defaultValue": {
                                "dataCollectionEndpoint": "data collection Endpoint",
                                "dataCollectionRuleImmutableId": "data collection rule immutableId"
                            "type": "object"
						// Enter additional parameters, for example:
						//"domainname": {
                        //    "defaultValue": "domain name",
                        //    "type": "string",
                        //    "minLength": 1
                        //"apikey": {
                        //    "defaultValue": "",
                        //    "type": "securestring",
                        //    "minLength": 1
                    "variables": {
                        "_dataConnectorContentIdConnections": "[variables('_dataConnectorContentIdConnections')]"
                    "resources": [
                            "name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/',concat('DataConnector-', variables('_dataConnectorContentIdConnections')))]",
                            "apiVersion": "2022-01-01-preview",
                            "type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/metadata",
                            "properties": {
                                "parentId": "[extensionResourceId(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces', parameters('workspace')), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights/dataConnectors', variables('_dataConnectorContentIdConnections'))]",
                                "contentId": "[variables('_dataConnectorContentIdConnections')]",
                                "kind": "ResourcesDataConnector",
                                "version": "[variables('dataConnectorVersionConnections')]",
                                "source": {
                                    "sourceId": "[variables('_solutionId')]",
                                    "name": "[variables('_solutionName')]",
                                    "kind": "Solution"
                                "author": {
                                    "name": "[variables('_solutionAuthor')]"
                                "support": {
                                    "name": "[variables('_solutionAuthor')]",
                                    "tier": "[variables('_solutionTier')]"
                            "name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/', 'MyDataConnector')]", // Replace the last part of the name with your data connector name
                            //  To create several connections using this template, make the name dynamic. For example, use the 'concat' function to add the connector name with a GUID using the 'guid' function.
                            "apiVersion": "2022-12-01-preview",
                            "type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/dataConnectors",
                            "location": "[parameters('workspace-location')]",
                            "kind": "RestApiPoller",
								// Enter your data connector properties here. If you want to use UI parameters remember to escape the parameter like this: "[[parameters('paramName')]"
								//  Use parameters as needed. For example:	
                                // "dataType": "My product security event API",
                                // "response": {
                                //   "eventsJsonPaths": [
                                //        "$"
                                //    ],
                                //    "format": "json"
                                // },
                                // "paging": {
                                //    "pagingType": "LinkHeader"
                                // },
                                // "connectorDefinitionName": "[[parameters('connectorDefinitionName')]",
                                // "auth": {
                                //   "apiKeyName": "Authorization",
                                //    "ApiKey": "[[parameters('apikey')]",
                                //    "apiKeyIdentifier": "SSWS",
                                //    "type": "APIKey"
                                //} ,
                                // "request": {
                                //   "apiEndpoint": "[[concat('https://',parameters('domainname'),'/api/v1/logs')]",
                                //    "rateLimitQPS": 10,
                                //   "queryWindowInMin": 5,
                                //   "httpMethod": "GET",
                                //    "retryCount": 3,
                                //    "timeoutInSeconds": 60,
                                //    "headers": {
                                //        "Accept": "application/json",
                                //        "User-Agent": "My-Data-Source"
                                //    },
                                //    "startTimeAttributeName": "since",
								//    "endTimeAttributeName": "until"		     
                                // },
                                // "dcrConfig": {
                                //    "dataCollectionEndpoint": "[[parameters('dcrConfig').dataCollectionEndpoint]",
                                //    "dataCollectionRuleImmutableId": "[[parameters('dcrConfig').dataCollectionRuleImmutableId]",
                                //    "streamName": "Custom-ExampleConnectorAlerts_CL" //This input stream should be the same as the inputStream property configured for the DataCollectionRule 
                                // },
                                // "isActive": true
                "packageKind": "Solution",
                "packageVersion": "[variables('_solutionVersion')]",
                "packageName": "[variables('_solutionName')]",
                "contentProductId": "[concat(substring(variables('_solutionId'), 0, 50),'-','rdc','-', uniqueString(concat(variables('_solutionId'),'-','ResourcesDataConnector','-',variables('_dataConnectorContentIdConnections'),'-', variables('dataConnectorVersionConnections'))))]",
                "packageId": "[variables('_solutionId')]",
                "contentSchemaVersion": "3.0.0",
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        // resource 5 section here
        // resource section 5 - contentPackages
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                    "name": "[variables('_solutionAuthor')]"
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                    "name": "[variables('_solutionAuthor')]"
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                "publisherDisplayName": "[variables('_solutionId')]",
                "descriptionHtml": "test",
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        // that's the end!

For more information, see