

Get information about conversions

Information about a conversion: The result file

When the conversion service converts an asset, it writes a summary of any issues into a result file. For example, if a file buggy.gltf is converted, the output container contains a file called buggy.result.json.

The result file lists any errors and warnings that occurred during the conversion and gives a result summary, which is one of succeeded, failed or succeeded with warnings. The result file is structured as a JSON array of objects, each of which has a string property that is one of warning, error, internal warning, internal error, and result. There is at most one error (either error or internal error) and there's always one result.

Example result file

The following example describes a conversion that successfully generated an arrAsset. However, since there was a missing texture, the resulting arrAsset may not be as intended.

  {"warning":"4004","title":"Missing texture","details":{"texture":"buggy_baseColor.png","material":"buggy_col"}},
  {"result":"succeeded with warnings"}


The conversionId is an internal Id that does not correlate with the Id that was used to create the conversion.

Information about a converted model: The info file

The arrAsset file produced by the conversion service is solely intended for consumption by the rendering service. There may be times, however, when you want to access information about a model without starting a rendering session. To support this workflow, the conversion service places a JSON file beside the arrAsset file in the output container. For example, if a file buggy.gltf is converted, the output container contains a file called beside the converted asset buggy.arrAsset. It contains information about the source model, the converted model, and about the conversion itself.

Example info file

Here's an example info file produced by converting a file called buggy.gltf:

    "files": {
        "input": "Buggy.gltf"
    "conversionSettings": {
        "recenterToOrigin": true
    "inputInfo": {
        "sourceAssetExtension": ".gltf",
        "sourceAssetFormat": "glTF2 Importer",
        "sourceAssetFormatVersion": "2.0",
        "sourceAssetGenerator": "COLLADA2GLTF"
    "inputStatistics": {
        "numMeshes": 148,
        "numFaces": 308306,
        "numVertices": 245673,
        "numMaterial": 149,
        "numFacesSmallestMesh": 2,
        "numFacesBiggestMesh": 8764,
        "numNodes": 206,
        "numMeshUsagesInScene": 236,
        "maxNodeDepth": 3
    "materialOverrides": {
        "numOverrides": 4,
        "numOverriddenMaterials": 4
    "outputInfo": {
        "conversionToolVersion": "3b28d840de9916f9d628342f474d38c3ab949590",
        "conversionHash": "CCDB1F7A4C09F565"
    "outputStatistics": {
        "numMeshPartsCreated": 236,
        "numMeshPartsInstanced": 88,
        "numMaterials": 149,
        "numPrimitives": 308306,
        "recenteringOffset": [
        "boundingBox": {
            "min": [
            "max": [

Information in the info file

The files section

This section contains the provided filenames.

  • input: The name of the source file.
  • output: The name of the output file, when the user specifies a nondefault name.

The conversionSettings section

This section holds a copy of the ConversionSettings specified when the model was converted.

The inputInfo section

This section records information about the source file format.

  • sourceAssetExtension: The file extension of the source file.
  • sourceAssetFormat: A description of the source file format.
  • sourceAssetFormatVersion: The version of the source file format.
  • sourceAssetGenerator: The name of the tool that generated the source file, if available.

The materialOverrides section

This section gives information about material overriding when a material override file was provided to the conversion service. It contains the following information:

  • numOverrides: The number of override entries read from the material override file.
  • numOverriddenMaterials: The number of materials that were overridden.

This section isn't present for point cloud conversions.

The inputStatistics section

This section provides information about the source scene. There are often discrepancies between the values in this section and the equivalent values in the tool that created the source model. Such differences are expected, because the model gets modified during the export and conversion steps.

The content of this section is different for triangular meshes and point clouds.

  • numMeshes: The number of mesh parts, where each part can reference a single material.
  • numFaces: The total number of triangles in the source model. For an accurate number of output primitives, refer to the numPrimitives entry in the output section.
  • numVertices: The total number of vertices in the source model.
  • numMaterial: The total number of materials in the source model.
  • numFacesSmallestMesh: The number of triangles/points in the smallest mesh of the model.
  • numFacesBiggestMesh: The number of triangles/points in the biggest mesh of the model.
  • numNodes: The number of nodes in the model's scene graph.
  • numMeshUsagesInScene: The number of times nodes reference meshes. More than one node may reference the same mesh.
  • maxNodeDepth: The maximum depth of the nodes within the scene graph.

The outputInfo section

This section records general information about the generated output.

  • conversionToolVersion: Version of the model converter.
  • conversionHash: A hash of the data within the arrAsset that can contribute to rendering. Can be used to understand whether the conversion service produces a different result when rerun on the same file.

The outputStatistics section

This section records information calculated from the converted asset. Again, the section holds different information for triangular meshes and point clouds.

  • numPrimitives: The overall number of triangles/lines in the converted model. This number contributes to the primitive limit in the standard rendering server size.
  • numMeshPartsCreated: The number of meshes in the arrAsset. It can differ from numMeshes in the inputStatistics section, because instancing is affected by the conversion process.
  • numMeshPartsInstanced: The number of meshes that are reused in the arrAsset.
  • numMaterials: The overall number of unique materials in the model, after material deduplication.
  • recenteringOffset: When the recenterToOrigin option in the ConversionSettings is enabled, this value is the translation that would move the converted model back to its original position.
  • boundingBox: The bounds of the model.

Next steps