

Azure Operator Nexus Cluster support for managed identities and user provided resources

To improve the security of the Operator Nexus platform, managed identities are now supported for Operator Nexus Clusters. Managed identities provide a secure way for applications to access other Azure resources and eliminate the need for users to manage credentials. Additionally, Operator Nexus now has a user provided resource model. In addition to improved security, this shift provides a consistent user experience across the platform.

Managed identities are used with the following user resources provided on Operator Nexus Clusters:

  • Storage Accounts used for the output of Bare Metal run-* commands.
  • Key Vaults used for credential rotation.
  • Log Analytics Workspaces used to capture some metrics.

To learn more about managed identities in Azure, see Managed identities for Azure resources. Operator Nexus Clusters support multiple User Assigned Managed Identities (UAMI) or one system assigned managed identity (SAMI).

While a user can choose to use either managed identity type, UAMIs are recommended. They allow users to preconfigure resources with the appropriate access to the UAMI in advance of Operator Nexus Cluster creation or updating. The same UAMI can be used for all resources, or if users want fine grained access, they can define UAMIs for each resource.

Once added, the Identity can only be removed via the API call at this time. For information on using the API to update Cluster managed identities, see Update Cluster Identities. This section includes information on deleting the managed identities.



The managed identity functionality for Log Analytics Workspace and Key Vault exists with the 2024-10-01-preview API and will be available with the 2025-02-01 GA API.

Operator Nexus Clusters with User Assigned Managed Identities (UAMI)

It's a best practice to first define all of the user provided resources (Storage Account, LAW, and Key Vault), the managed identities associated with those resources and then assign the managed identity the appropriate access to the resource. If these steps aren't done before Cluster creation, the steps need to be completed before Cluster deployment.

The impacts of not configuring these resources by deployment time for a new Cluster are as follows:

  • Storage Account: run-* command outputs fail to be written to the Storage Account.
  • LAW: Cluster deployment fails as the LAW is required to install software extensions during deployment.
  • Key Vault: Credential rotations fail as there's a check to ensure write access to the user provided Key Vault before performing credential rotation.

Updating the Cluster can be done at any time. Changing the LAW settings might cause a brief disruption in sending metrics to the LAW as the extensions which use the LAW might need to be reinstalled.

The following steps should be followed for using UAMIs with Nexus Clusters and associated resources.

  1. Create the UAMI or UAMIs
  2. Create the resources and assign the UAMI to the resources
  3. Create or update the Cluster to use User Assigned Managed Identities and user provided resources

Create the UAMI or UAMIs

  1. Create the UAMI or UAMIs for the resources in question. For more information on creating the managed identities, see Manage user-assigned managed identities.

Create the resources and assign the UAMI to the resources

Storage Accounts setup

  1. Create a storage account, or identify an existing storage account that you want to use. See Create an Azure storage account.
  2. Create a blob storage container in the storage account. See Create a container.
  3. Assign the Storage Blob Data Contributor role to users and the UAMI which need access to the run-* command output. See Assign an Azure role for access to blob data.
  4. To limit access to the Storage Account to a select set of IP or virtual networks, see Configure Azure Storage firewalls and virtual networks.
    1. The IPs for all users executing run-* commands need to be added to the Storage Account's Virtual Networks and/or Firewall lists.
    2. Ensure Allow Azure services on the trusted services list to access this storage account. under Exceptions is selected.

Log Analytics Workspaces setup

  1. Create a Log Analytics Workspace (LAW), or identify an existing LAW that you want to use. See Create a Log Analytics Workspace.
  2. Assign the Log Analytics Contributor role to the UAMI for the log analytics workspace. See Manage access to Log Analytics workspaces.

Key Vault setup

  1. Create a Key Vault, or identify an existing Key Vault that you want to use. See Create a Key Vault.
  2. Enable the Key Vault for Role Based Access Control (RBAC). See Enable Azure RBAC permissions on Key Vault.
  3. Assign the Operator Nexus Key Vault Writer Service Role (Preview) role to the UAMI for the Key Vault. See Assign role.
    1. The role definition ID for the Operator Nexus Key Vault Writer Service Role is 44f0a1a8-6fea-4b35-980a-8ff50c487c97. This format is required if using the Azure command line to do the role assignment.
  4. When using a UAMI to access a Key Vault, access to that identity must be provisioned for the Nexus platform. Specifically, Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/assign/action permission needs to be added to the User-assigned identity for the AFOI-NC-MGMT-PME-PROD Microsoft Entra ID. It's a known limitation of the platform that will be addressed in the future.
    1. Open the Azure portal and locate the User-assigned identity in question.
    2. Under Access control (IAM), select Add role assignment.
    3. Select Role: Managed Identity Operator. (See the permissions that the role provides managed-identity-operator).
    4. Assign access to: User, group, or service principal.
    5. Select Member: AFOI-NC-MGMT-PME-PROD application.
    6. Review and assign.
  5. To limit access to the Key Vault to a select set of IP or virtual networks, see Configure Azure Key Vault firewalls and virtual networks.
    1. The IPs for all users requiring access to the Key Vault need to be added to the Key Vault's Virtual Networks and/or Firewall lists.
    2. Ensure the Allow trusted Microsoft services to bypass this firewall. under Exceptions is selected.

Create or update the Nexus Cluster to use User Assigned Managed Identities and user provided resources

Define the UAMI(S) on the Cluster

When creating or updating a Cluster with a user assigned managed identity, use the --mi-user-assigned parameter along with the resource ID of the UAMI. If you wish to specify multiple UAMIs, list the UAMIs' resources IDs with a space between them. Each UAMI that's used for a Key Vault, LAW, or Storage Account must be provided in this list.

When creating the Cluster, you can specify the UAMIs in --mi-user-assigned and also define the resource settings. When updating a Cluster to change a UAMI, you should first update the Cluster to set the --mi-user-assigned values and then update the Cluster to modify the resource settings to use it.

Storage Account settings

The --command-output-settings data construct is used to define the Storage Account where run command output is written. It consists of the following fields:

  • container-url: The URL of the storage account container that is to be used by the specified identities.
  • identity-resource-id: The user assigned managed identity resource ID to use. Mutually exclusive with a system assigned identity type.
  • identity-type: The type of managed identity that is being selected. Use UserAssignedIdentity.

Log Analytics Workspace settings

The --analytics-output-settings data construct is used to define the LAW where metrics are sent. It consists of the following fields:

  • analytics-workspace-id: The resource ID of the analytics workspace that is to be used by the specified identity.
  • identity-resource-id: The user assigned managed identity resource ID to use. Mutually exclusive with a system assigned identity type
  • identity-type: The type of managed identity that is being selected. Use UserAssignedIdentity.

Key Vault settings

The --secret-archive-settings data construct is used to define the Key Vault where rotated credentials are written. It consists of the following fields:

  • identity-resource-id: The user assigned managed identity resource ID to use.
  • identity-type: The type of managed identity that is being selected. Use UserAssignedIdentity.
  • vault-uri: The URI for the key vault used as the secret archive.

Cluster create command examples

Example 1: This example is an abbreviated Cluster create command which uses one UAMI across the Storage Account, LAW, and Key Vault.

az networkcloud cluster create --name "clusterName" -g "resourceGroupName" \


    --mi-user-assigned "/subscriptions/subscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myUAMI" \
    --command-output-settings identity-type="UserAssignedIdentity" \
    identity-resource-id="/subscriptions/subscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myUAMI" \
    container-url="" \
    --analytics-output-settings analytics-workspace-id="/subscriptions/subscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/microsoft.operationalInsights/workspaces/logAnalyticsWorkspaceName" \
    identity-type="UserAssignedIdentity" \
    identity-resource-id="/subscriptions/subscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myUAMI" \
    --secret-archive-settings vault-uri=""
    identity-type="UserAssignedIdentity" \
    identity-resource-id="/subscriptions/subscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myUAMI" \

Example 2: This example is an abbreviated Cluster create command which uses two UAMIs. The Storage Account and LAW use the first UAMI and the Key Vault uses the second.

az networkcloud cluster create --name "clusterName" -g "resourceGroupName" \


    --mi-user-assigned "/subscriptions/subscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myFirstUAMI" "/subscriptions/subscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/mySecondUAMI" \
    --command-output-settings identity-type="UserAssignedIdentity" \
    identity-resource-id="/subscriptions/subscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myFirstUAMI" \
    container-url="" \
    --analytics-output-settings analytics-workspace-id="/subscriptions/subscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/microsoft.operationalInsights/workspaces/logAnalyticsWorkspaceName" \
    identity-type="UserAssignedIdentity" \
    identity-resource-id="/subscriptions/subscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myFirstUAMI" \
    --secret-archive-settings vault-uri=""
    identity-type="UserAssignedIdentity" \

Cluster update examples

Updating a Cluster is a two step process. If you need to change the UAMI for a resource, you must first update the cluster to include it in the --mi-user-assigned field and then update the corresponding --identity-resource-id for the Storage Account, LAW, or Key Vault.

If there are multiple UAMIs in use, the full list of UAMIs must be specified in the --mi-user-assigned field when updating. If a SAMI is in use on the Cluster and you're adding a UAMI, you must include --mi-system-assigned in the update command. Failure to include existing managed identities causes them to be removed.

For LAW and Key Vault, transitioning from the existing data constructs to the new constructs that use managed identities can be done via a Cluster Update.

Example 1: Add a UAMI to a Cluster. Then assign the UAMI to the secret archive settings (Key Vault). If this Cluster had a SAMI defined, the SAMI would be removed.

Cluster update to add the UAMI myUAMI.

az networkcloud cluster update --name "clusterName" --resource-group "resourceGroupName" \
   --mi-user-assigned "/subscriptions/subscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myUAMI" \

Cluster update to assign myUAMI to the secret archive settings.

az networkcloud cluster update --name "clusterName" --resource-group "resourceGroupName" \
    --secret-archive-settings identity-type="UserAssignedIdentity" \
    identity-resource-id="/subscriptions/subscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myUAMI" \

Example 2: Add UAMI mySecondUAMI to a Cluster that already has myFirstUAMI which is retained. Then update the Cluster to assign mySecondUAMI to the command output settings (Storage Account).

Cluster update to add the UAMI mySecondUAMI while keeping myFirstUAMI.

az networkcloud cluster update --name "clusterName" --resource-group "resourceGroupName" \
   --mi-user-assigned "/subscriptions/subscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myFirstUAMI" "/subscriptions/subscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/mySecondUAMI" \

Cluster update to assign mySecondUAMI to the command output settings.

az networkcloud cluster update --name "clusterName" --resource-group "resourceGroupName" \
    --command-output-settings identity-type="UserAssignedIdentity" \
    identity-resource-id="/subscriptions/subscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/mySecondUAMI" \

Example 3: Update a Cluster that already has a SAMI and add a UAMI. The SAMI is retained. Then assign the UAMI to the log analytics output settings (LAW).


Changing the LAW settings might cause a brief disruption in sending metrics to the LAW as the extensions which use the LAW might need to be reinstalled.

Cluster update to add the UAMI mUAMI.

az networkcloud cluster update --name "clusterName" --resource-group "resourceGroupName" \
   --mi-user-assigned "/subscriptions/subscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myUAMI" \

Cluster update to assign myUAMI to the log analysis output settings.

az networkcloud cluster update --name "clusterName" --resource-group "resourceGroupName" \
    --analytics-output-settings analytics-workspace-id="/subscriptions/subscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/microsoft.operationalInsights/workspaces/logAnalyticsWorkspaceName" \
    identity-type="UserAssignedIdentity" \

View the principal ID for the User Assigned Managed Identity

The identity resource ID can be found by selecting "JSON view" on the identity resource; the ID is at the top of the panel that appears. The container URL can be found on the Settings -> Properties tab of the container resource.

The CLI can also be used to view the identity and the associated principal ID data within the cluster.


az networkcloud cluster show --ids /subscriptions/<Subscription ID>/resourceGroups/<Cluster Resource Group Name>/providers/Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/<Cluster Name>


    "identity": {
        "type": "UserAssigned",
        "userAssignedIdentities": {
            "/subscriptions/subscriptionID/resourcegroups/<resourceGroupName>/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/<userAssignedIdentityName>": {
                "clientId": "00001111-aaaa-2222-bbbb-3333cccc4444",
                "principalId": "bbbbbbbb-cccc-dddd-2222-333333333333"

Operator Nexus Clusters with a System Assigned Managed Identity

Using a System Assigned Managed Identity (SAMI) follows a different pattern from UAMIs. While the user provided resources (Storage Account, LAW and Key Vault) can be created before Cluster creation, the SAMI doesn't exist until the Cluster is created. Users need to query the Cluster to get the SAMI, assign the correct privileges to the SAMI for each resource and then update the Cluster with the resources' settings specifying the system assigned identity.

For a new Cluster, these steps need to be completed before Cluster deployment. The impacts of not configuring these resources by deployment time for a new Cluster are as follows:

  • Storage Account: run-* command outputs fail to be written to the Storage Account.
  • LAW: Cluster deployment fails as the LAW is required to install software extensions during deployment.
  • Key Vault: Credential rotations fail as there's a check to ensure write access to the user provided Key Vault before performing credential rotation.

Updating the Cluster can be done at any time. Changing the LAW settings might cause a brief disruption in sending metrics to the LAW as the extensions which use the LAW might need to be reinstalled.

The following steps should be followed for using UAMIs with Nexus Clusters and associated resources.

  1. Create or update the Cluster with a SAMI
  2. Query the Cluster to get the SAMI
  3. Create the resources and assign the SAMI to the resources
  4. Update the Cluster with the user provided resources information
  5. Deploy the Cluster (if new)

Create or update the Cluster with a SAMI

When creating or updating a Cluster with a system assigned managed identity, use the --mi-system-assigned parameter. The Cluster creation or update process generates the SAMI information.

Example 1: This example is an abbreviated Cluster create command which specifies a SAMI.

az networkcloud cluster create --name "clusterName" -g "resourceGroupName" \



Example 2: This example updates a Cluster to add a SAMI. Any UAMIs defined on the Cluster are removed.

az networkcloud cluster update --name "clusterName" -g "resourceGroupName" \

Example 3: This example updates a Cluster to add a SAMI and keeps the existing UAMI, myUAMI.

az networkcloud cluster update --name "clusterName" -g "resourceGroupName" \
    --mi-user-assigned "/subscriptions/subscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myUAMI" \

Query the Cluster to get the SAMI

The identity resource ID can be found by selecting "JSON view" on the identity resource in the Azure portal.

The CLI can also be used to view the identity and the associated principal ID data within the cluster.

Note the principalId of the identity which is used when granting access to the resources.


az networkcloud cluster show --ids /subscriptions/<Subscription ID>/resourceGroups/<Cluster Resource Group Name>/providers/Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/<Cluster Name>

System-assigned identity example:

    "identity": {
        "principalId": "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-1111-222222222222",
        "tenantId": "aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee",
        "type": "SystemAssigned"

Create the resources and assign the SAMI to the resources

Storage Accounts setup

  1. Create a storage account, or identify an existing storage account that you want to use. See Create an Azure storage account.
  2. Create a blob storage container in the storage account. See Create a container.
  3. Assign the Storage Blob Data Contributor role to users and the SAMI which need access to the run-* command output. See Assign an Azure role for access to blob data.
    1. To limit access to the Storage Account to a select set of IP or virtual networks, see Configure Azure Storage firewalls and virtual networks.
    2. The IPs for all users executing run-* commands need to be added to the Storage Account's Virtual Networks and/or Firewall lists.
    3. Ensure Allow Azure services on the trusted services list to access this storage account. under Exceptions is selected.

Log Analytics Workspaces setup

  1. Create a Log Analytics Workspace (LAW), or identify an existing LAW that you want to use. See Create a Log Analytics Workspace.
  2. Assign the Log Analytics Contributor role to the SAMI for the log analytics workspace. See Manage access to Log Analytics workspaces.

Key Vault setup

  1. Create a Key Vault, or identify an existing Key Vault that you want to use. See Create a Key Vault.
  2. Enable the Key Vault for Role Based Access Control (RBAC). See Enable Azure RBAC permissions on Key Vault.
  3. Assign the Operator Nexus Key Vault Writer Service Role (Preview) role to the SAMI for the Key Vault. See Assign role.
    1. The role definition ID for the Operator Nexus Key Vault Writer Service Role is 44f0a1a8-6fea-4b35-980a-8ff50c487c97. This format is required if using the Azure command line to do the role assignment.
  4. To limit access to the Key Vault to a select set of IP or virtual networks, see Configure Azure Key Vault firewalls and virtual networks.
    1. The IPs for all users requiring access to the Key Vault need to be added to the Key Vault's Virtual Networks and/or Firewall lists.
    2. Ensure the Allow trusted Microsoft services to bypass this firewall. under Exceptions is selected.

Update the Cluster with the user provided resources information

Storage Account settings

The --command-output-settings data construct is used to define the Storage Account where run command output is written. It consists of the following fields:

  • container-url: The URL of the storage account container that is to be used by the specified identities.
  • identity-resource-id: Not required when using a SAMI
  • identity-type: The type of managed identity that is being selected. Use SystemAssignedIdentity.

Log Analytics Workspace settings

The --analytics-output-settings data construct is used to define the LAW where metrics are sent. It consists of the following fields:

  • analytics-workspace-id: The resource ID of the analytics workspace that is to be used by the specified identity.
  • identity-resource-id: Not required when using a SAMI
  • identity-type: The type of managed identity that is being selected. Use SystemAssignedIdentity.

Key Vault settings

The --secret-archive-settings data construct is used to define the Key Vault where rotated credentials are written. It consists of the following fields:

  • identity-resource-id: Not required when using a SAMI
  • identity-type: The type of managed identity that is being selected. Use SystemAssignedIdentity.
  • vault-uri: The URI for the key vault used as the secret archive.

Cluster update examples

Updating a Cluster follows the same pattern as create. If you need to change the UAMI for a resource, you must include it in both the --mi-user-assigned field and corresponding --identity-resource-id for the Storage Account, LAW or Key Vault. If there are multiple UAMIs in use, the full list of UAMIs must be specified in the --mi-user-assigned field when updating.

For LAW and Key Vault, transitioning from the existing data constructs to the new constructs that use UAMI can be done via a Cluster Update.


When updating a Cluster with a UAMI or UAMIs in use, you must include the existing UAMIs in the --mi-user-assigned identity list when adding a SAMI or updating. If a SAMI is in use on the Cluster and you're adding a UAMI, you must include --mi-system-assigned in the update command. Failure to do so causes the respective managed identities to be removed.

Example 1: Add or update the command output settings (Storage Account) for a Cluster.

az networkcloud cluster update --name "clusterName" --resource-group "resourceGroupName" \
    --command-output-settings identity-type="SystemAssignedIdentity" \

Example 2: Add or update the log analytics output settings (LAW) for a Cluster.


Changing the LAW settings might cause a brief disruption in sending metrics to the LAW as the extensions which use the LAW might need to be reinstalled.

az networkcloud cluster update --name "clusterName" --resource-group "resourceGroupName" \
    --analytics-output-settings analytics-workspace-id="/subscriptions/subscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/microsoft.operationalInsights/workspaces/logAnalyticsWorkspaceName" \
    identity-type="SystemAssignedIdentity" \

Example 3: Add or update the secret archive settings (Key Vault) for a Cluster.

az networkcloud cluster update --name "clusterName" --resource-group "resourceGroupName" \
    --secret-archive-settings identity-type="SystemAssignedIdentity" \

Example 4: This example combines all three resources using a SAMI into one update.

az networkcloud cluster update --name "clusterName" --resource-group "resourceGroupName" \
    --command-output-settings identity-type="SystemAssignedIdentity" \
    --analytics-output-settings analytics-workspace-id="/subscriptions/subscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/microsoft.operationalInsights/workspaces/logAnalyticsWorkspaceName" \
    identity-type="SystemAssignedIdentity" \
    --secret-archive-settings identity-type="SystemAssignedIdentity" \

Update Cluster identities via APIs

Cluster managed identities can be assigned via CLI. The unassignment of the identities can be done via API calls. Note, <APIVersion> is the API version 2024-07-01 or newer.

  • To remove all managed identities, execute:

    az rest --method PATCH --url /subscriptions/$SUB_ID/resourceGroups/$CLUSTER_RG/providers/Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/$CLUSTER_NAME?api-version=<APIVersion> --body "{\"identity\":{\"type\":\"None\"}}"
  • If both User-assigned and System-assigned managed identities were added, the User-assigned can be removed by updating the type to SystemAssigned:

    az rest --method PATCH --url /subscriptions/$SUB_ID/resourceGroups/$CLUSTER_RG/providers/Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/$CLUSTER_NAME?api-version=<APIVersion> --body @~/uai-body.json

    The request body (uai-body.json) example:

    "identity": {
          "type": "SystemAssigned"
  • If both User-assigned and System-assigned managed identities were added, the System-assigned can be removed by updating the type to UserAssigned:

    az rest --method PATCH --url /subscriptions/$SUB_ID/resourceGroups/$CLUSTER_RG/providers/Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/$CLUSTER_NAME?api-version=<APIVersion> --body @~/uai-body.json

    The request body (uai-body.json) example:

    "identity": {
          "type": "UserAssigned",
      "userAssignedIdentities": {
      	"/subscriptions/$SUB_ID/resourceGroups/$UAI_RESOURCE_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/$UAI_NAME": {}
  • If multiple User-assigned managed identities were added, one of them can be removed by executing:

    az rest --method PATCH --url /subscriptions/$SUB_ID/resourceGroups/$CLUSTER_RG/providers/Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/$CLUSTER_NAME?api-version=<APIVersion> --body @~/uai-body.json

    The request body (uai-body.json) example:

    "identity": {
          "type": "UserAssigned",
      "userAssignedIdentities": {
      	"/subscriptions/$SUB_ID/resourceGroups/$UAI_RESOURCE_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/$UAI_NAME": null