

US Producer Price Index - Commodities

The Producer Price Index (PPI) is a measure of average change over time in the selling prices received by domestic producers for their output. The prices included in the PPI are from the first commercial transaction for products and services covered.


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About 10,000 PPIs for individual products and groups of products are released each month. PPIs are available for the output of nearly all industries in the goods-producing sectors of the U.S. economy–mining, manufacturing, agriculture, fishing, and forestry–as well as natural gas, electricity, construction, and goods competitive with those made in the producing sectors, such as waste and scrap materials. The PPI program covers approximately 72 percent of the service sector’s output, as measured by revenue reported in the 2007 Economic Census. Data includes industries in the following sectors: wholesale and retail trade; transportation and warehousing; information; finance and insurance; real estate brokering, rental, and leasing; professional, scientific, and technical services; administrative, support, and waste management services; health care and social assistance; and accommodation.

README containing file for detailed information about this dataset is available at original dataset location. Additional information is available in the FAQs.

This dataset is produced from the Producer Price Indexes data published by US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Review Linking and Copyright Information and Important Web Site Notices for the terms and conditions related to the use this dataset.

Storage location

This dataset is stored in the East US Azure region. Allocating compute resources in East US is recommended for affinity.


Name Data type Unique Values (sample) Description
footnote_codes string 3 nan P Identifies footnotes for the data series. Most values are null. See
group_code string 56 02 01 Code identifying major commodity group covered by the index. See for group codes and names.
group_name string 56 Processed foods and feeds Farm products Name of the major commodity group covered by the index. See for group codes and names.
item_code string 2,949 1 11 Identifies item for which data observations pertain. See for item codes and names.
item_name string 3,410 Warehousing, storage, and related services Passenger car rental Full names of items. See for item codes and names.
period string 13 M06 M07 Identifies period for which data is observed. See for list of period values.
seasonal string 2 U S Code identifying whether the data are seasonally adjusted. S=Seasonally Adjusted; U=Unadjusted
series_id string 5,458 WPU101 WPU091 Code identifying the specific series. A time series refers to a set of data observed over an extended period of time over consistent time intervals. See for details of series such as code, name, start and end year, etc.
series_title string 4,379 PPI Commodity data for Mining services, not seasonally adjusted PPI Commodity data for Metal treatment services, not seasonally adjusted Title of the specific series. A time series refers to a set of data observed over an extended period of time over consistent time intervals. See for details of series such as ID, name, start and end year, etc.
value float 6,788 100.0 99.0999984741211 Price index for item.
year int 26 2018 2017 Identifies year of observation.


item_code group_code series_id year period value footnote_codes seasonal series_title group_name item_name
120922 05 WPU05120922 2008 M06 100 nan U PPI Commodity data for Fuels and related products and power-Prepared bituminous coal underground mine, mechanically crushed/screened/sized only, not seasonally adjusted Fuels and related products and power Prepared bituminous coal underground mine, mechanically crushed/screened/sized only
120922 05 WPU05120922 2008 M07 104.6 nan U PPI Commodity data for Fuels and related products and power-Prepared bituminous coal underground mine, mechanically crushed/screened/sized only, not seasonally adjusted Fuels and related products and power Prepared bituminous coal underground mine, mechanically crushed/screened/sized only
120922 05 WPU05120922 2008 M08 104.4 nan U PPI Commodity data for Fuels and related products and power-Prepared bituminous coal underground mine, mechanically crushed/screened/sized only, not seasonally adjusted Fuels and related products and power Prepared bituminous coal underground mine, mechanically crushed/screened/sized only
120922 05 WPU05120922 2008 M09 98.3 nan U PPI Commodity data for Fuels and related products and power-Prepared bituminous coal underground mine, mechanically crushed/screened/sized only, not seasonally adjusted Fuels and related products and power Prepared bituminous coal underground mine, mechanically crushed/screened/sized only
120922 05 WPU05120922 2008 M10 101.5 nan U PPI Commodity data for Fuels and related products and power-Prepared bituminous coal underground mine, mechanically crushed/screened/sized only, not seasonally adjusted Fuels and related products and power Prepared bituminous coal underground mine, mechanically crushed/screened/sized only
120922 05 WPU05120922 2008 M11 95.2 nan U PPI Commodity data for Fuels and related products and power-Prepared bituminous coal underground mine, mechanically crushed/screened/sized only, not seasonally adjusted Fuels and related products and power Prepared bituminous coal underground mine, mechanically crushed/screened/sized only

Data access

Azure Notebooks

# This is a package in preview.
from azureml.opendatasets import UsLaborPPICommodity

labor = UsLaborPPICommodity()
labor_df = labor.to_pandas_dataframe()

Azure Databricks

# This is a package in preview.
from azureml.opendatasets import UsLaborPPICommodity

labor = UsLaborPPICommodity()
labor_df = labor.to_spark_dataframe()

Azure Synapse

Sample not available for this platform/package combination.

Next steps

View the rest of the datasets in the Open Datasets catalog.