

Azure Data Manager for Agriculture Preview as Event Grid source

This article provides the properties and schema for Azure Data Manager for Agriculture events. For an introduction to event schemas, see Azure Event Grid event schema.


It's important that you have the following prerequisites completed before you begin the steps of deploying the Events feature in Azure Data Manager for Agriculture.

Reacting to Data Manager for Agriculture events

Data Manager for Agriculture events allow applications to react to creation, deletion and updating of resources. Data Manager for Agriculture events are pushed using Azure Event Grid.

Azure Functions, Azure Logic Apps, or even to your own http listener can subscribe to these events. Azure Event Grid provides reliable event delivery to your applications through rich retry policies and dead-lettering.

Here are example scenarios for consuming events in our service:

  1. When downloading satellite or weather data or executing jobs, you can use events to respond to changes in job status. You can minimize long polling can and decreasing the number of API calls to the service. You can also get prompt notification of job completion. All our asynchronous ingestion jobs are capable of supporting events.


Events related to ISV solutions flow are not currently supported.

  1. If there are modifications to data-plane resources such as party, fields, farms and other similar elements, you can react to changes and you can trigger workflows.

Filtering events

You can filter Data Manager for Agriculture events by event type, subject, or fields in the data object. Filters in Event Grid match the beginning or end of the subject so that events that match can go to the subscriber.

For instance, for the PartyChanged event, to receive notifications for changes for a particular party with ID Party1234, you may use the subject filter "EndsWith" as shown:

EndsWith- /Party1234 The subject for this event is of the format "/parties/Party1234"

Subjects in an event schema provide 'starts with' and 'exact match' filters as well.

Similarly, to filter the same event for a group of party IDs, use the Advanced filter on partyId field in the event data object. In a single subscription, you may add five advanced filters with a limit of 25 values for each key filtered.

To learn more about how to apply filters, see filter events for Event Grid.

Subscribing to events

You can subscribe to Data Manager for Agriculture events by using Azure portal or Azure Resource Manager client. Each of these provide the user with a set of functionalities. Refer to following resources to know more about each method.

Subscribe to events using portal

Subscribe to events using the ARM template client

Practices for consuming events

Applications that handle Data Manager for Agriculture events should follow a few recommended practices:

  • Check that the eventType is one you're prepared to process, and don't assume that all events you receive are the types you expect.
  • As messages can arrive out of order, use the modifiedTime and etag fields to understand the order of events for any particular object.
  • Data Manager for Agriculture events guarantees at-least-once delivery to subscribers, which ensures that all messages are outputted. However due to retries or availability of subscriptions, duplicate messages may occasionally occur. To learn more about message delivery and retry, see Event Grid message delivery and retry
  • Ignore fields you don't understand. This practice will help keep you resilient to new features that might be added in the future.

Available event types

Event Name Description
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.PartyChanged Published when a party is created /updated/deleted in an Azure Data Manager for Agriculture resource
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.FarmChangedV2 Published when a farm is created /updated/deleted in an Azure Data Manager for Agriculture resource
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.FieldChangedV2 Published when a Field is created /updated/deleted in an Azure Data Manager for Agriculture resource
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.SeasonalFieldChangedV2 Published when a Seasonal Field is created /updated/deleted in an Azure Data Manager for Agriculture resource
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.CropChanged Published when a Crop is created /updated/deleted in an Azure Data Manager for Agriculture resource
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.CropProductChanged Published when a Crop Product is created /updated/deleted in an Azure Data Manager for Agriculture resource
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.SeasonChanged Published when a Season is created /updated/deleted in an Azure Data Manager for Agriculture resource
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.SatelliteDataIngestionJobStatusChangedV2 Published when a satellite data ingestion job's status changes, for example, job is created, has progressed or completed.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.WeatherDataIngestionJobStatusChangedV2 Published when a weather data ingestion job's status changes, for example, job is created, has progressed or completed.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.WeatherDataRefresherJobStatusChangedV2 Published when Weather Data Refresher job status is changed.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.SensorMappingChangedV2 Published when Sensor Mapping is changed
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.SensorPartnerIntegrationChangedV2 Published when Sensor Partner Integration is changed
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.DeviceDataModelChanged Published when Device Data Model is changed
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.DeviceChanged Published when Device is changed
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.SensorDataModelChanged Published when Sensor Data Model is changed
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.SensorChanged Published when Sensor is changed
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.FarmOperationDataIngestionJobStatusChangedV2 Published when a farm operations data ingestion job's status changes, for example, job is created, has progressed or completed.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.ApplicationDataChangedV2 Published when Application Data is created /updated/deleted in an Azure Data Manager for Agriculture resource
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.HarvestDataChangedV2 Published when Harvesting Data is created /updated/deleted in an Azure Data Manager for Agriculture resource
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.TillageDataChangedV2 Published when Tillage Data is created /updated/deleted in an Azure Data Manager for Agriculture resource
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.PlantingDataChangedV2 Published when Planting Data is created /updated/deleted in an Azure Data Manager for Agriculture resource
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.AttachmentChangedV2 Published when an attachment is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.ZoneChangedV2 Published when a zone is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.ManagementZoneChangedV2 Published when a management zone is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.PrescriptionChangedV2 Published when a prescription is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.PrescriptionMapChangedV2 Published when a prescription map is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.PlantTissueAnalysisChangedV2 Published when plant tissue analysis data is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.NutrientAnalysisChangedV2 Published when nutrient analysis data is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.ImageProcessingRasterizeJobStatusChangedV2 Published when an image processing rasterize job status changes, for example, job is created, has progressed or completed.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.InsightChangedV2 Published when Insight is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.InsightAttachmentChangedV2 Published when Insight Attachment is created/updated/deleted.
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.BiomassModelJobStatusChangedV2 Published when Biomass Model job status is changed
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.SoilMoistureModelJobStatusChangedV2 Published when Soil Moisture Model job status is changed
Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform.SensorPlacementModelJobStatusChangedV2 Published when Sensor Placement Model Job status is changed

Event properties

Each Azure Data Manager for Agriculture event has two parts, the first part is common across events and the second, data object contains properties specific to each event.

The part common across events is elaborated in the Event Grid event schema and has the following top-level data:

Property Type Description
topic string Full resource path to the event source. This field isn't writeable. Event Grid provides this value.
subject string Publisher-defined path to the event subject.
eventType string One of the registered event types for this event source.
eventTime string The time the event is generated based on the provider's UTC time.
ID string Unique identifier for the event.
data object Data object with properties specific to each event type.
dataVersion string The schema version of the data object. The publisher defines the schema version.
metadataVersion string The schema version of the event metadata. Event Grid defines the schema of the top-level properties. Event Grid provides this value.

For party, season, crop, crop product changed events, the data object contains following properties:

Property Type Description
ID string Unique ID of resource.
actionType string Indicates the change that triggered publishing of the event. Applicable values are created, updated, deleted
properties Object It contains user defined key – value pairs.
modifiedDateTime string Indicates the time at which the event was last modified.
createdDateTime string Indicates the time at which the resource was created.
status string Contains the user defined status of the object.
eTag string Implements optimistic concurrency.
description string Textual description of the resource.
name string Name to identify resource.

For farm events, the data object contains following properties:

Property Type Description
ID string Unique ID of resource.
actionType string Indicates the change that triggered publishing of the event. Applicable values are created, updated, deleted
properties Object It contains user defined key – value pairs.
modifiedDateTime string Indicates the time at which the event was last modified.
createdDateTime string Indicates the time at which the resource was created.
status string Contains the user defined status of the object.
eTag string Implements optimistic concurrency.
description string Textual description of the resource.
name string Name to identify resource.
partyId string ID of the party it belongs to.

For device data model, and sensor data model events, the data object contains following properties:

Property Type Description
sensorPartnerId string ID associated with the sensorPartner.
ID string Unique ID of resource.
actionType string Indicates the change which triggered publishing of the event. Applicable values are created, updated, deleted
properties Object It contains user defined key – value pairs.
modifiedDateTime string Indicates the time at which the event was last modified.
createdDateTime string Indicates the time at which the resource was created.
status string Contains the user defined status of the object.
eTag string Implements optimistic concurrency.
description string Textual description of the resource.
name string Name to identify resource.

For device events, the data object contains following properties:

Property Type Description
deviceDataModelId string ID associated with the deviceDataModel.
integrationId string ID associated with the integration.
sensorPartnerId string ID associated with the sensorPartner.
ID string Unique ID of resource.
actionType string Indicates the change that triggered publishing of the event. Applicable values are created, updated, deleted
properties Object It contains user defined key – value pairs.
modifiedDateTime string Indicates the time at which the event was last modified.
createdDateTime string Indicates the time at which the resource was created.
status string Contains the user defined status of the object.
eTag string Implements optimistic concurrency.
description string Textual description of the resource.
name string Name to identify resource.

For sensor events, the data object contains following properties:

Property Type Description
sensorDataModelId string ID associated with the sensorDataModel.
integrationId string ID associated with the integration.
deviceId string ID associated with the device.
sensorPartnerId string ID associated with the sensorPartner.
ID string Unique ID of resource.
actionType string Indicates the change that triggered publishing of the event. Applicable values are created, updated, deleted
properties Object It contains user defined key – value pairs.
modifiedDateTime string Indicates the time at which the event was last modified.
createdDateTime string Indicates the time at which the resource was created.
status string Contains the user defined status of the object.
eTag string Implements optimistic concurrency.
description string Textual description of the resource.
name string Name to identify resource.

For sensor mapping events, the data object contains following properties:

Property Type Description
sensorId string ID associated with the sensor.
partyId string ID associated with the party.
sensorPartnerId string ID associated with the sensorPartner.
ID string Unique ID of resource.
actionType string Indicates the change that triggered publishing of the event. Applicable values are created, updated, deleted
properties Object It contains user defined key – value pairs.
modifiedDateTime string Indicates the time at which the event was last modified.
createdDateTime string Indicates the time at which the resource was created.
status string Contains the user defined status of the object.
eTag string Implements optimistic concurrency.
description string Textual description of the resource.
name string Name to identify resource.

For sensor partner integration events, the data object contains following properties:

Property Type Description
integrationId string ID associated with the integration.
partyId string ID associated with the party.
sensorPartnerId string ID associated with the sensorPartner.
ID string Unique ID of resource.
actionType string Indicates the change that triggered publishing of the event. Applicable values are created, updated, deleted
properties Object It contains user defined key – value pairs.
modifiedDateTime string Indicates the time at which the event was last modified.
createdDateTime string Indicates the time at which the resource was created.
status string Contains the user defined status of the object.
eTag string Implements optimistic concurrency.
description string Textual description of the resource.
name string Name to identify resource.

Seasonal field events have the following data object:

Property Type Description
ID string User defined ID of the seasonal field
farmId string User defined ID of the farm that seasonal field is associated with.
partyId string ID of the party it belongs to.
seasonId string User defined ID of the season that seasonal field is associated with.
fieldId string User defined ID of the field that seasonal field is associated with.
name string User defined name of the seasonal field.
actionType string Indicates the change that triggered publishing of the event. Applicable values are created, updated, deleted.
properties Object It contains user defined key-value pairs.
modifiedDateTime string Indicates the time at which the event was last modified.
createdDateTime string Indicates the time at which the resource was created.
status string Contains the user defined status of the object.
eTag string Implements optimistic concurrency.
description string Textual description of the resource.

Insight events have the following data object:

Property Type Description
modelId string ID of the associated model.
resourceId string User-defined ID of the resource such as farm, field etc.
resourceType string Name of the resource type. Applicable values are Party, Farm, Field, SeasonalField etc.
partyId string ID of the party it belongs to.
modelVersion string Version of the associated model.
ID string User defined ID of the resource.
status string Contains the status of the job.
actionType string Indicates the change that triggered publishing of the event. Applicable values are created, updated, deleted.
modifiedDateTime date-time Date-time when resource was last modified, sample format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
createdDateTime date-time Date-time when resource was created, sample format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
eTag string Implements optimistic concurrency
description string A list of key value pairs that describe the resource. Only string and numerical values are supported.
name string User-defined name of the resource.
properties object User-defined name of the resource.

InsightAttachment events have the following data object:

Property Type Description
modelId string ID of the associated model.
resourceId string User-defined ID of the resource such as farm, field etc.
resourceType string Name of the resource type.
partyId string ID of the party it belongs to.
insightId string ID associated with the insight resource.
ID string User defined ID of the resource.
status string Contains the status of the job.
actionType string Indicates the change that triggered publishing of the event. Applicable values are created, updated, deleted.
modifiedDateTime date-time Date-time when resource was last modified, sample format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
createdDateTime date-time Date-time when resource was created, sample format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
eTag string Implements optimistic concurrency
description string A list of key value pairs that describe the resource. Only string and numerical values are supported.
name string User-defined name of the resource.
properties object User-defined name of the resource.

Field events have the following data object:

Property Type Description
ID string User defined ID of the field.
farmId string User defined ID of the farm that field is associated with.
partyId string ID of the party it belongs to.
name string User defined name of the field.
actionType string Indicates the change that triggered publishing of the event. Applicable values are created, updated, deleted.
properties Object It contains user defined key-value pairs.
modifiedDateTime string Indicates the time at which the event was last modified.
createdDateTime string Indicates the time at which the resource was created.
status string Contains the user defined status of the object.
eTag string Implements optimistic concurrency.
description string Textual description of the resource.

ImageProcessingRasterizeJobStatusChanged event has the following data object:

Property Type Description
shapefileAttachmentId string User-defined ID name of the associated shape file.
partyId string Party ID for which job was created.
ID string Unique ID of the job.
name string User-defined name of the job.
status string Various states a job can be in. Applicable values are Waiting, Running, Succeeded, Failed, Canceled etc.
isCancellationRequested boolean Flag that gets set when job cancellation is requested.
description string Textual description of the job.
message string Status message to capture more details of the job.
lastActionDateTime date-time Date-time when last action was taken on the job, sample format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
createdDateTime date-time Date-time when resource was created, sample format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
properties Object It contains user defined key-value pair

SatelliteDataIngestionJobChanged, WeatherDataIngestionJobChanged, WeatherDataRefresherJobChanged, BiomassModelJobStatusChanged, SoilMoistureModelJobStatusChanged, and FarmOperationDataIngestionJobChanged events have the following data object:

Property Type Description
ID string Unique ID of the job.
name string User-defined name of the job.
status string Various states a job can be in.
isCancellationRequested boolean Flag that gets set when job cancellation is requested.
description string Textual description of the job.
partyId string Party ID for which job was created.
message string Status message to capture more details of the job.
lastActionDateTime date-time Date-time when last action was taken on the job, sample format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
createdDateTime date-time Date-time when resource was created, sample format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
properties Object It contains user defined key-value pairs.

Farm operations data events such as application data, harvesting data, planting data, and tillage data have the following data object:

Property Type Description
ID string Unique ID of resource.
status string Contains the user defined status of the resource.
partyId string ID of the party it belongs to.
source string Message from Azure Data Manager for Agriculture giving details about the job.
modifiedDateTime string Indicates the time at which the event was last modified
createdDateTime string Indicates the time at which the resource was created
eTag string Implements optimistic concurrency
name string Name to identify resource.
description string Textual description of the resource
actionType string Indicates the change that triggered publishing of the event. Applicable values are created, updated, deleted.
properties Object It contains user defined key-value pairs.

AttachmentChanged event has the following data object

Property Type Description
resourceId string User-defined ID of the resource such as farm, field etc.
resourceType string Name of the resource type.
partyId string ID of the party it belongs to.
ID string User defined ID of the resource.
status string Contains the status of the job.
actionType string Indicates the change that triggered publishing of the event. Applicable values are created, updated, deleted.
modifiedDateTime date-time Date-time when resource was last modified, sample format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
createdDateTime date-time Date-time when resource was created, sample format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
eTag string Implements optimistic concurrency
description string Textual description of the resource
name string User-defined name of the resource.

ZoneChanged event has the following data object

Property Type Description
managementZoneId string Management Zone ID associated with the zone.
partyId string User-defined ID of associated field.
ID string Id of the party it belongs to
status string Contains the user defined status of the resource.
actionType string Indicates the change that triggered publishing of the event. Applicable values are created, updated, deleted.
modifiedDateTime date-time Date-time when resource was last modified, sample format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
createdDateTime date-time Date-time when resource was created, sample format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
eTag string Implements optimistic concurrency
description string Textual description of the resource
name string User-defined name of the resource.
properties object A list of key value pairs that describe the resource. Only string and numeral values are supported.

PrescriptionChanged event has the following data object

Property Type Description
prescriptionMapId string User-defined ID of the associated prescription map.
partyId string ID of the party it belongs to.
ID string User-defined ID of the prescription.
actionType string Indicates the change triggered during publishing of the event. Applicable values are Created, Updated, Deleted
status string Contains the user-defined status of the prescription.
properties object It contains user-defined key-value pairs.
modifiedDateTime date-time Date-time when resource was last modified, sample format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
createdDateTime date-time Date-time when resource was created, sample format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
eTag string Implements optimistic concurrency
description string Textual description of the resource
name string User-defined name of the prescription.

PrescriptionMapChanged and ManagementZoneChanged events have the following data object:

Property Type Description
seasonId string User-defined ID of the associated season.
cropId string User-defined ID of the associated crop.
fieldId string User-defined ID of the associated field.
partyId string ID of the party it belongs to.
ID string User-defined ID of the resource.
actionType string Indicates the change that triggered publishing of the event. Applicable values are created, updated, deleted.
modifiedDateTime date-time Date-time when resource was last modified, sample format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
createdDateTime date-time Date-time when resource was created, sample format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
eTag string Implements optimistic concurrency
description string Textual description of the resource
name string User-defined name of the prescription map.
properties object It contains user-defined key-value pairs
status string Status of the resource.

PlantTissueAnalysisChanged event has the following data object:

Property Type Description
seasonId string User-defined ID of the associated season.
cropId string User-defined ID of the associated crop.
cropProductId string Crop Product ID associated with the plant tissue analysis.
fieldId string User-defined ID of the associated field.
partyId string ID of the party it belongs to.
ID string User-defined ID of the resource.
actionType string Indicates the change that triggered publishing of the event. Applicable values are created, updated, deleted.
modifiedDateTime date-time Date-time when resource was last modified, sample format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
createdDateTime date-time Date-time when resource was created, sample format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
eTag string Implements optimistic concurrency.
description string Textual description of the resource.
name string User-defined name of the prescription map.
properties object It contains user-defined key-value pairs.
status string Status of the resource.

NutrientAnalysisChanged event has the following data object:

Property Type Description
parentId string ID of the parent nutrient analysis belongs to.
parentType string Type of the parent nutrient analysis belongs to. Applicable value(s) are PlantTissueAnalysis.
partyId string ID of the party it belongs to.
ID string User-defined ID of nutrient analysis.
actionType string Indicates the change that is triggered during publishing of the event. Applicable values are Created, Updated, Deleted.
properties object It contains user-defined key-value pairs.
modifiedDateTime date-time Date-time when nutrient analysis was last modified, sample format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
createdDateTime date-time Date-time when nutrient analysis was created, sample format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
status string Contains user-defined status of the nutrient analysis.
eTag string Implements optimistic concurrency.
description string Textual description of resource.
name string User-defined name of the nutrient analysis.

Sample events

For Sample events, refer to this page

Next steps