

Query data using MATLAB

MATLAB is a programming and numeric computing platform used to analyze data, develop algorithms, and create models. This article explains how to get an authorization token in MATLAB for Azure Data Explorer, and how to use the token to interact with your cluster.


Select the tab for the operating system used to run MATLAB.

  1. Download the Microsoft Identity Client and the Microsoft Identity Abstractions packages from NuGet.

  2. Extract the downloaded packages and DLL files from lib\net45 to a folder of choice. In this article, we'll use the folder C:\Matlab\DLL.

Perform user authentication

With user authentication, the user is prompted to sign-in through a browser window. Upon successful sign-in, a user authorization token is granted. This section shows how to configure this interactive sign-in flow.

To perform user authentication:

  1. Define the constants needed for the authorization. For more information about these values, see Authentication parameters.

    % The Azure Data Explorer cluster URL
    clusterUrl = 'https://<adx-cluster>';
    % The Azure AD tenant ID
    tenantId = '';
    % Send a request to https://<adx-cluster>
    % The appId should be the value of KustoClientAppId
    appId = '';
    % The Azure AD scopes
    scopesToUse = strcat(clusterUrl,'/.default ');
  2. In MATLAB studio, load the extracted DLL files:

    % Access the folder that contains the DLL files
    dllFolder = fullfile("C:","Matlab","DLL");
    % Load the referenced assemblies in the MATLAB session
    matlabDllFiles = dir(fullfile(dllFolder,'*.dll'));
    for k = 1:length(matlabDllFiles)
        baseFileName = matlabDllFiles(k).name;
        fullFileName = fullfile(dllFolder,baseFileName);
        fprintf(1, 'Reading  %s\n', fullFileName);
        % Load the downloaded assembly in MATLAB
  3. Use the PublicClientApplicationBuilder to prompt a user interactive sign-in:

    % Create an PublicClientApplicationBuilder
    app = Microsoft.Identity.Client.PublicClientApplicationBuilder.Create(appId)...
    % System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = System.Net.SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
    NET.setStaticProperty ('System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol',System.Net.SecurityProtocolType.Tls12)
    % Start with creating a list of scopes
    scopes = NET.createGeneric('System.Collections.Generic.List',{'System.String'});
    % Add the actual scopes
    fprintf(1, 'Using appScope  %s\n', scopesToUse);
    % Get the token from the service
    % and show the interactive dialog in which the user can login
    tokenAcquirer = app.AcquireTokenInteractive(scopes);
    result = tokenAcquirer.ExecuteAsync;
    % Extract the token and when it expires
    % and retrieve the returned token
    token = char(result.Result.AccessToken);
    fprintf(2, 'User token aquired and will expire at %s & extended expires at %s', result.Result.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime.ToString,result.Result.ExtendedExpiresOn.ToLocalTime.ToString);
  4. Use the authorization token to query your cluster through the REST API:

    options=weboptions('HeaderFields',{'RequestMethod','POST';'Accept' 'application/json';'Authorization' ['Bearer ', token]; 'Content-Type' 'application/json; charset=utf-8'; 'Connection' 'Keep-Alive'; 'x-ms-app' 'Matlab'; 'x-ms-client-request-id' 'Matlab-Query-Request'});
    % The DB and KQL variables represent the database and query to execute
    querydata = struct('db', "<DB>", 'csl', "<KQL>");
    querryresults  = webwrite("", querydata, options);
    % Extract the results row

Perform application authentication

Microsoft Entra application authorization can be used for scenarios where interactive sign-in isn't desired and automated runs are necessary.

To perform application authentication:

  1. Provision a Microsoft Entra application. For the Redirect URI, select Web and input http://localhost:8675 as the URI.

  2. Define the constants needed for the authorization. For more information about these values, see Authentication parameters.

    % The Azure Data Explorer cluster URL
    clusterUrl = 'https://<adx-cluster>';
    % The Azure AD tenant ID
    tenantId = '';
    % The Azure AD application ID and key
    appId = '';
    appSecret = '';
  3. In MATLAB studio, load the extracted DLL files:

     % Access the folder that contains the DLL files
     dllFolder = fullfile("C:","Matlab","DLL");
     % Load the referenced assemblies in the MATLAB session
     matlabDllFiles = dir(fullfile(dllFolder,'*.dll'));
     for k = 1:length(matlabDllFiles)
         baseFileName = matlabDllFiles(k).name;
         fullFileName = fullfile(dllFolder,baseFileName);
         fprintf(1, 'Reading  %s\n', fullFileName);
         % Load the downloaded assembly
  4. Use the ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder to perform a non-interactive automated sign-in with the Microsoft Entra application:

    %  Create an ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder
    app = Microsoft.Identity.Client.ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder.Create(appId)...
    % System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = System.Net.SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
    NET.setStaticProperty ('System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol',System.Net.SecurityProtocolType.Tls12)
    % Start with creating a list of scopes
    scopes = NET.createGeneric('System.Collections.Generic.List',{'System.String'});
    % Add the actual scopes
    fprintf(1, 'Using appScope  %s\n', scopesToUse);
    % Get the token from the service and cache it until it expires
    tokenAcquirer = app.AcquireTokenForClient(scopes);
    result = tokenAcquirer.ExecuteAsync;
    % Extract the token and when it expires
    % retrieve the returned token
    token = char(result.Result.AccessToken);
    fprintf(2, 'User token aquired and will expire at %s & extended expires at %s', result.Result.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime.ToString,result.Result.ExtendedExpiresOn.ToLocalTime.ToString);
  5. Use the authorization token to query your cluster through the REST API:

    options=weboptions('HeaderFields',{'RequestMethod','POST';'Accept' 'application/json';'Authorization' ['Bearer ', token]; 'Content-Type' 'application/json; charset=utf-8'; 'Connection' 'Keep-Alive'; 'x-ms-app' 'Matlab'; 'x-ms-client-request-id' 'Matlab-Query-Request'});
    % The DB and KQL variables represent the database and query to execute
    querydata = struct('db', "<DB>", 'csl', "<KQL>");
    querryresults  = webwrite("", querydata, options);
    % Extract the results row