

Data API builder command-line interface reference

The Data API builder command-line interface (CLI) (dab CLI or dab) is a command line tool that streamlines the local development experience for applications using Data API builder.


The Data API builder CLI comes with an integrated help system. To get a list of what commands are available, use the --help option on the dab command.

dab --help

To get help on a specific command, use the --help option. For example, to learn more about the init command:

dab init --help

Command-line verbs and options


Initializes the runtime configuration for the Data API builder runtime engine. It creates a new JSON file with the properties provided as options.


dab init [options]


dab init --config "dab-config.mssql.json" --database-type mssql --connection-string "@env('SQL_CONNECTION_STRING')"
dab init --database-type mysql --connection-string "@env('MYSQL_CONNECTION_STRING')" --graphql.multiple-create.enabled true


Options Option Required Default Value Value Required Value Type Description
--database-type ✔️ Yes ✔️ Yes string Type of database to connect. Supported values: mssql, cosmosdb_nosql, cosmosdb_postgresql, mysql, postgresql.
--connection-string ❌ No "" ✔️ Yes string Connection details to connect to the database.
--cosmosdb_nosql-database ✔️ Yes ¹ ✔️ Yes string Database name for Cosmos DB for NoSql.
--cosmosdb_nosql-container ❌ No ✔️ Yes string Container name for Cosmos DB for NoSql.
--graphql-schema ✔️ Yes ¹ ✔️ Yes string GraphQL schema Path
--set-session-context ❌ No false ❌ No Enable sending data to MsSql using session context.
--host-mode ❌ No production ✔️ Yes string Specify the Host mode - development or production
--cors-origin ❌ No "" ✔️ Yes string Specify the list of allowed origins.
--auth.provider ❌ No StaticWebApps ✔️ Yes string Specify the Identity Provider.
--rest.path ❌ No /api ✔️ Yes string Specify the REST endpoint's prefix.
--rest.enabled ❌ No true ✔️ Yes boolean Enables REST endpoint for all entities.
--rest.request-body-strict ❌ No true ✔️ Yes Doesn't allow extraneous fields in request body.
--graphql.path ❌ No /graphql ✔️ Yes string Specify the GraphQL endpoint's prefix.
--graphql.enabled ❌ No true ✔️ Yes boolean Enables GraphQL endpoint for all entities.
--graphql.multiple-create.enabled ❌ No false ✔️ Yes Enables multiple create functionality in GraphQL.
--auth.audience ❌ No ✔️ Yes string Identifies the recipients that the Json Web Token (JWT) is intended for.
--auth.issuer ❌ No ✔️ Yes string Specify the party that issued the JWT token.
-c,--config ❌ No dab-config.json ✔️ Yes string Path to config file.

¹ This option is only required when --database-type is set to cosmosdb_nosql.


Add new database entity to the configuration file. Make sure you already have a configuration file before executing this command, otherwise it returns an error.


dab add [entity-name] [options]


dab add Book -c "dab-config.MsSql.json" --source dbo.books --permissions "anonymous:*"


Options Option Required Default Value Value Required Value Type Description
-s,--source ✔️ Yes ✔️ Yes string Name of the source table or container.
--permissions ✔️ Yes ✔️ Yes string Permissions required to access the source table or container. Format: [role]:[actions].
--source.type ❌ No table ✔️ Yes string Type of the database object. Supported values: table, view, stored-procedure.
--source.params ❌ No ✔️ Yes, if proc has params string A dictionary of stored procedure parameters and their data types. Supported data types are string, number, and boolean. Parameters are specified in the format: paramName:type. For example: --source.params "id:number,isActive:boolean,name:string".
--source.key-fields ✔️ Yes ¹ ✔️ Yes string One or more fields to be used as primary keys for tables and views only. Comma separated values. Example --source.key-fields "id,name,type".
--rest ❌ No case-sensitive entity name ✔️ Yes string Route for REST API. Examples: --rest: false -> Disables REST API calls for this entity. --rest: true -> Entity name becomes the rest path. --rest: "customPathName" -> Provided customPathName becomes the REST path.
--rest.methods ❌ No post ✔️ Yes string HTTP actions to be supported for stored procedure. Specify the actions as a comma separated list. Valid HTTP actions are:[get, post, put, patch, delete].
--graphql ❌ No case-sensitive entity name ✔️ Yes Bool/String Entity type exposed for GraphQL. Examples: --graphql: false -> disables graphql calls for this entity. --graphql: true -> Exposes the entity for GraphQL with default names. The singular form of the entity name is considered for the query and mutation names. --graphql: "customQueryName" -> Explicitly sets the singular value while DAB pluralizes the provided value for queries and mutations. --graphql: "singularName:pluralName" -> Sets both the singular and plural values (delimited by a colon :) used for queries and mutations.
--graphql.operation ❌ No mutation ✔️ Yes string GraphQL operation to be supported for stored procedure. Supported values: query, mutation.
--fields.include ❌ No ✔️ Yes string Fields with permission to access.
--fields.exclude ❌ No ✔️ Yes string Fields excluded from the action lists.
--policy-database ❌ No ✔️ Yes string Specify an OData style filter rule that is injected in the query sent to the database.
-c,--config ❌ No dab-config.json ✔️ Yes string Path to config file.

¹ This option is only required when --source.type is set to view.


Update the properties of any database entity in the configuration file.


dab update supports all the options that are supported by dab add. Additionally, it also supports the listed options.


dab update [entity-name] [options]


dab update Publisher --permissions "authenticated:*"


Options Option Required Default Value Value Required Value Type Description
--relationship ❌ No ✔️ Yes string Specify relationship between two entities. Provide the name of the relationship.
--cardinality ✔️ Yes ¹ ✔️ Yes string Specify cardinality between two entities. Could be one or many.
--target.entity ✔️ Yes ¹ ✔️ Yes string Another exposed entity that the source entity relates to.
--linking.object ❌ No ✔️ Yes string Database object that is used to support an M:N relationship.
--linking.source.fields ❌ No ✔️ Yes string Database fields in the linking object to connect to the related item in the source entity. Comma separated fields. ❌ No ✔️ Yes string Database fields in the linking object to connect to the related item in the target entity. Comma separated fields.
--relationship.fields ❌ No ✔️ Yes string Specify fields to be used for mapping the entities. Example: --relationship.fields "id:book_id". Here, id represents column from sourceEntity, while book_id from targetEntity. Foreign keys are required between the underlying sources if not specified.
-m,--map ❌ No ✔️ Yes string Specify mappings between database fields and GraphQL and REST fields. Format: --map "backendName1:exposedName1, backendName2:exposedName2,...".

¹ This option is only required when the --relationship option is used.


Export the required schema as a file and save to disk based on the options.


dab export [options]


dab export --graphql -o ./schemas


Options Option Required Default Value Value Required Value Type Description
--graphql ❌ No false ❌ No Export GraphQL schema.
-o,--output ✔️ Yes ✔️ Yes string Specify the directory to save the schema file.
-g,--graphql-schema-file ❌ No schema.graphql ✔️ Yes string Specify the name of the Graphql schema file.
-c,--config ❌ No dab-config.json ✔️ Yes string Path to config file.


Start the runtime engine with the provided configuration file for serving REST and GraphQL requests.


dab start [options]


dab start


Options Option Required Default Value Value Required Value Type Description
--verbose ❌ No ❌ No Specify logging level as informational.
--LogLevel ❌ No Debug when hostMode=development, else Error when HostMode=Production ✔️ Yes string Specify logging level as provided value. example: debug, error, information, etc.
--no-https-redirect ❌ No ✔️ Yes - Disables automatic https redirects.
-c,--config ❌ No dab-config.json ✔️ Yes string Path to config file.


You can't use --verbose and --LogLevel at the same time. For more information about different logging levels, see .NET log levels.


Validates the runtime config file used by the Data API builder runtime engine. The validation process ensures that the config file is compliant with the schema and contains all the required information for the runtime engine to function correctly.


dab validate [options]


dab validate


Options Option Required Default Value Value Required Value Type Description
-c,--config ❌ No dab-config.json ✔️ Yes string Path to the config file that is the target of validation.


The dab configure command is designed to simplify updating config properties outside of the entities section. This document outlines the design, functionality, and implementation details of the dab configure command. It supports to edit the CLI for configuration properties in data-source and runtime sections of the runtime config.


dab configure is only for updating the data-source and runtime sections of the config. For the entities section, we already have the dab update command.


dab configure [options] [value]


dab configure true


Configuration File Property CLI Flag Data Type Nullable Description
--data-source.database-type String: MSSQL, PostgreSQL, CosmosDB_NoSQL, MySQL This value indicates the Database type.
--data-source.connection-string String Refers to the connection string for the data source.
--data-source.options.database String Refers to the database name for Cosmos DB for NoSql.
--data-source.options.container String Refers to the Container name for Cosmos DB for NoSql.
--data-source.options.schema String Provides the Schema path for Cosmos DB for NoSql.
--data-source.options.set-session-context Boolean: true, false (default: true) Whether to Enable session context.
rest.enabled Boolean: true, false (default: true) Signifies whether to Enable DAB's REST endpoint.
rest.path String (default: /api) Customize DAB's REST endpoint path. Conditions: Prefix with '/', no spaces and no reserved characters.
rest.request-body-strict Boolean: true, false (default: true) Allows/Prohibits extraneous REST request body fields.
--runtime.graphql.enabled Boolean: true, false (default: true) Enable/Disable DAB's GraphQL endpoint.
--runtime.graphql.path String (default: /graphql) Customize DAB's GraphQL endpoint path. Conditions: Prefix with '/', no spaces and no reserved characters.
--runtime.graphql.depth-limit Integer This refers to the Max allowed depth of the graphQL nested query. Allowed values: (0,2147483647] inclusive. Default is infinity. Use -1 to remove limit.
--runtime.graphql.allow-introspection Boolean: true, false (default: true) Allow/Deny GraphQL introspection requests in GraphQL Schema.
--runtime.graphql.multiple-mutations.create.enabled Boolean: true, false (default: true) Enable/Disable multiple-mutation create operations on DAB's generated GraphQL schema.
host.mode String: Development, Production Default: Development Set the host running mode of DAB in Development or Production.
runtime. Array of strings Use this to Overwrite Allowed Origins in CORS. Default: [] (Space separated array of strings).
host.cors.allow-credentials Boolean: true, false (default: false) Set value for Access-Control Allow-Credentials header in --host.cors.allow-credentials .
host.authentication.provider String: StaticWebApps, AppService, AzureAD, Jwt Configure the name of authentication provider. Default: StaticWebApps.
host.authentication.jwt.audience Array of strings Use this to Configure the intended recipient(s) of the Jwt Token.
host.authentication.jwt.issuer String This refers to the entity that issued the Jwt Token.
--runtime.cache.enabled Boolean: true, false (default: false) Enable/Disable DAB's cache globally. (You must also enable each entity's cache separately.).
--runtime.cache.ttl-seconds Integer (default: 5) Customize the DAB cache's global default time to live in seconds.