

Equality and comparison operators in Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL


Equality and comparison operators in Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL check two different expressions for equivalency or compares both expressions relationally.

Understanding equality comparisons

The following table shows the result of equality comparisons in the API for NoSQL between any two JSON types.

Undefined Null Boolean Number String Object Array
Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined
Null Undefined Ok Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined
Boolean Undefined Undefined Ok Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined
Number Undefined Undefined Undefined Ok Undefined Undefined Undefined
String Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined Ok Undefined Undefined
Object Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined Ok Undefined
Array Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined Ok

For comparison operators such as >, >=, !=, <, and <=, comparison across types or between two objects or arrays produces undefined.

If the result of the scalar expression is undefined, the item isn't included in the result, because undefined doesn't equate to true.

For example, the following query's comparison between a number and string value produces undefined. Therefore, the filter doesn't include any results.

    products p
    0 = "true"