

Manage indexing in Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore


Indexes are structures that improve data retrieval speed by providing quick access to fields in a collection. They work by creating an ordered set of pointers to data, often based on key fields. Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore utilizes indexes in multiple contexts, including query push down, unique constraints and sharding.


The "_id" field is the only field indexed by default & maximum size of the field can be 2 KB. It is recommended to add additional indexes based on query filters & predicates to optimize performance.

Index types

For simplicity, let us consider an example of a blog application with the following setup:

  • Database name: cosmicworks
  • Collection name: products

This example application stores articles as documents with the following structure. All the example quoted further utilizes the structure of this collection.

  "_id": ObjectId("617a34e7a867530bff1b2346"),
  "title": "Azure Cosmos DB - A Game Changer",
  "content": "Azure Cosmos DB is a globally distributed, multi-model database service.",
  "author": {lastName: "Doe", firstName: "John"},
  "category": "Technology",
  "launchDate": ISODate("2024-06-24T10:08:20.000Z"),
  "published": true

Single field indexes

Single field indexes store information from a single field in a collection. The sort order of the single field index doesn't matter. _id field remains indexed by default.

Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore supports creating index at following

  • Top-level document fields.
  • Embedded document.
  • Fields within embedded document.

The following command creates a single field index on the field author and the following command creates it on an embedded field firstName.

use cosmicworks

db.products.createIndex({"author": 1})

// indexing embedded property
db.products.createIndex({"author.firstName": -1})

One query can use multiple single field indexes where available.


Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore allows creating maximum of 64 indexes on a collection. Depending on the tier, we can plan extension up to 300 indexes upon request.

Compound indexes

Compound indexes improve database performance by allowing efficient querying and sorting based on multiple fields within documents. This optimization reduces the need to scan entire collections, speeding up data retrieval and organization.

The following command creates a compound index on the fields author and launchDate in opposite sort order.

use cosmicworks

db.products.createIndex({"author":1, "launchDate":-1})

Order of fields affect the selectivity or utilization of index. The find query wouldn't utilize the index created.

use cosmicworks

db.products.find({"launchDate": {$gt: ISODate("2024-06-01T00:00:00.000Z")}})


  • Maximum of 32 fields\paths within a compound index.

Partial indexes

Indexes that have an associated query filter that describes when to generate a term in the index.

use cosmicworks

db.products.createIndex (
   { "author": 1, "launchDate": 1 },
   { partialFilterExpression: { "launchDate": { $gt: ISODate("2024-06-24T10:08:20.000Z") } } }


  • Partial indexes don't support ORDER BY or UNIQUE unless the filter qualifies.

Text indexes

Text indexes are special data structures that optimize text-based queries, making them faster and more efficient.

Use the createIndex method with the text option for creating a text index on the title field.

use cosmicworks;

db.products.createIndex({ title: "text" })


While you can define only one text index per collection, Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore allows you to create text indexes on combination of multiple fields to enable you to perform text searches across different fields in your documents.

Configure text index options

Text indexes in Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore come with several options to customize their behavior. For example, you can specify the language for text analysis, set weights to prioritize certain fields, and configure case-insensitive searches. Here's an example of creating a text index with options:

  • Create an index to support search on both the title and content fields with English language support. Also, assign higher weights to the title field to prioritize it in search results.

    use cosmicworks
        { title: "text", content: "text" },
        { default_language: "english", weights: { title: 10, content: 5 }, caseSensitive: false }


When a client performs a text search query with the term "Cosmos DB", the score for each document in the collection will be calculated based on the presence and frequency of the term in both the "title" and "content" fields, with higher importance given to the "title" field due to its higher weight.

Perform a text search using a text index

Once the text index is created, you can perform text searches using the "text" operator in your queries. The text operator takes a search string and matches it against the text index to find relevant documents.

  • Perform a text search for the phrase Cosmos DB.

    use cosmicworks
      { $text: { $search: "Cosmos DB" } }
  • Optionally, use the $meta projection operator along with the textScore field in a query to see the weight

    use cosmicworks
    { $text: { $search: "Cosmos DB" } },
    { score: { $meta: "textScore" } }


  • Only one text index can be defined on a collection.
  • Text indexes support simple text searches and don't yet provide advanced search capabilities like regular expressions.
  • Sort operations can't use the ordering of the text index in MongoDB.
  • Hint() isn't supported in combination with a query using $text expression.
  • Text indexes can be relatively large, consuming significant storage space compared to other index types.

WildCard indexes

Index on single field, indexes all paths beneath the field , excluding other fields that are on the same level. For example, for the following sample document

     "familyName": "Merriam",
     "pets": { "details": {“name”: "Goofy", ”age”: 3} }

Creating an index on { "pets.$**": 1 }, creates index on details & subdocument properties but doesn't create an index on "familyName".


  • Wildcard indexes can't support unique indexes.
  • Wildcard indexes don't support push downs of ORDER BY unless the filter includes only paths present in the wildcard (since they don't index undefined elements)
  • A compound wildcard index can only have one wildcard term and one or more index terms. { "pets.$**": 1, “familyName”: 1 }

Geospatial indexes

Geospatial indexes support queries on data stored as GeoJSON objects or legacy coordinate pairs. You can use geospatial indexes to improve performance for queries on geospatial data or to run certain geospatial queries.

Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore provides two types of geospatial indexes:

  • 2dsphere Indexes, which support queries that interpret geometry on a sphere.
  • 2d Indexes, which support queries that interpret geometry on a flat surface.

2d indexes

2d indexes are supported only with legacy coordinate pair style of storing geospatial data.

Use the createIndex method with the 2d option for creating a geospatial index on the location field.

db.places.createIndex({ "location": "2d"});


  • Only one location field can be part of the 2d index and only one other non-geospatial field can be part of the compound 2d index db.places.createIndex({ "location": "2d", "non-geospatial-field": 1 / -1 })

2dsphere indexes

2dsphere indexes support geospatial queries on an earth-like sphere. It can support both GeoJSON objects or legacy coordinate pairs. 2dSphere indexes work with the GeoJSON style of storing data, if legacy points are encountered then it would convert to GeoJSON point.

Use the createIndex method with the 2dsphere option for creating a geospatial index on the location field.

db.places.createIndex({ "location": "2dsphere"});

2dsphere indexes allow creating indexes on multiple geospatial and multiple non-geospatial data fields. db.places.createIndex({ "location": "2d", "non-geospatial-field": 1 / -1, ... "more non-geospatial-field": 1 / -1 })


  • A compound index using a regular index and geospatial index isn't supported. Creating either of the geospatial indexes would lead into errors.

    // Compound Regular & 2dsphere indexes are not supported yet
    db.collection.createIndex({a: 1, b: "2dsphere"})
    // Compound 2d indexes are not supported yet
    db.collection.createIndex({a: "2d", b: 1})
  • Polygons with holes don't work. Inserting a Polygon with hole isn't restricted though $geoWithin query fails for scenarios:

    1. If the query itself has polygon with holes

            "b": {
                "$geoWithin": {
                    "$geometry": {
                        "coordinates": [
                                [ 0, 0], [0, 10], [10, 10],[10,0],[0, 0]
                                [5, 5], [8, 5], [ 8, 8], [ 5, 8], [ 5, 5]
                        "type": "Polygon"
      // MongoServerError: $geoWithin currently doesn't support polygons with holes
    2. If there's any unfiltered document that has polygon with holes.

      [mongos] test> coll.find()
            _id: ObjectId("667bf7560b4f1a5a5d71effa"),
            b: {
              type: 'Polygon',
              coordinates: [
                [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 10 ], [ 10, 10 ], [ 10, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ],
                [ [ 5, 5 ], [ 8, 5 ], [ 8, 8 ], [ 5, 8 ], [ 5, 5 ] ]
      // MongoServerError: $geoWithin currently doesn't support polygons with holes
    3. key field is mandatory while using geoNear.

       [mongos] test> coll.aggregate([{ $geoNear: { $near: { "type": "Point", coordinates: [0, 0] } } }])
       // MongoServerError: $geoNear requires a 'key' option as a String

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