

ACR Transfer with ARM templates

Complete Prerequisites

Please complete the prerequisites outlined here prior to attempting the actions in this article. This means that:

  • You have an existing Premium SKU Registry in both clouds.
  • You have an existing Storage Account Container in both clouds.
  • You have an existing Keyvault with a secret containing a valid SAS token with the necessary permissions in both clouds.
  • You have a recent version of Az CLI installed in both clouds.


The ACR Transfer supports artifacts with the layer size limits to 8 GB due to the technical limitations.

Consider using the Az CLI extension

For most nonautomated use-cases, we recommend using the Az CLI Extension if possible. You can view documentation for the Az CLI Extension here.

Create ExportPipeline with Resource Manager

Create an ExportPipeline resource for your source container registry using Azure Resource Manager template deployment.

Copy ExportPipeline Resource Manager template files to a local folder.

Enter the following parameter values in the file azuredeploy.parameters.json:

Parameter Value
registryName Name of your source container registry
exportPipelineName Name you choose for the export pipeline
targetUri URI of the storage container in your source environment (the target of the export pipeline).
keyVaultName Name of the source key vault
sasTokenSecretName Name of the SAS token secret in the source key vault
Example: acrexportsas

Export options

The options property for the export pipelines supports optional boolean values. The following values are recommended:

Parameter Value
options OverwriteBlobs - Overwrite existing target blobs
ContinueOnErrors - Continue export of remaining artifacts in the source registry if one artifact export fails.

Create the resource

Run az deployment group create to create a resource named exportPipeline as shown in the following examples. By default, with the first option, the example template enables a system-assigned identity in the ExportPipeline resource.

With the second option, you can provide the resource with a user-assigned identity. (Creation of the user-assigned identity not shown.)

With either option, the template configures the identity to access the SAS token in the export key vault.

Option 1: Create resource and enable system-assigned identity

az deployment group create \
  --resource-group $SOURCE_RG \
  --template-file azuredeploy.json \
  --name exportPipeline \
  --parameters azuredeploy.parameters.json

Option 2: Create resource and provide user-assigned identity

In this command, provide the resource ID of the user-assigned identity as an additional parameter.

az deployment group create \
  --resource-group $SOURCE_RG \
  --template-file azuredeploy.json \
  --name exportPipeline \
  --parameters azuredeploy.parameters.json \
  --parameters userAssignedIdentity="/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myUserAssignedIdentity"

In the command output, take note of the resource ID (id) of the pipeline. You can store this value in an environment variable for later use by running the az deployment group show. For example:

EXPORT_RES_ID=$(az deployment group show \
  --resource-group $SOURCE_RG \
  --name exportPipeline \
  --query 'properties.outputResources[1].id' \
  --output tsv)

Create ImportPipeline with Resource Manager

Create an ImportPipeline resource in your target container registry using Azure Resource Manager template deployment. By default, the pipeline is enabled to import automatically when the storage account in the target environment has an artifact blob.

Copy ImportPipeline Resource Manager template files to a local folder.

Enter the following parameter values in the file azuredeploy.parameters.json:

Parameter Value
registryName Name of your target container registry
importPipelineName Name you choose for the import pipeline
sourceUri URI of the storage container in your target environment (the source for the import pipeline).
keyVaultName Name of the target key vault
sasTokenSecretName Name of the SAS token secret in the target key vault
Example: acr importsas

Import options

The options property for the import pipeline supports optional boolean values. The following values are recommended:

Parameter Value
options OverwriteTags - Overwrite existing target tags
DeleteSourceBlobOnSuccess - Delete the source storage blob after successful import to the target registry
ContinueOnErrors - Continue import of remaining artifacts in the target registry if one artifact import fails.

Create the resource

Run az deployment group create to create a resource named importPipeline as shown in the following examples. By default, with the first option, the example template enables a system-assigned identity in the ImportPipeline resource.

With the second option, you can provide the resource with a user-assigned identity. (Creation of the user-assigned identity not shown.)

With either option, the template configures the identity to access the SAS token in the import key vault.

Option 1: Create resource and enable system-assigned identity

az deployment group create \
  --resource-group $TARGET_RG \
  --template-file azuredeploy.json \
  --name importPipeline \
  --parameters azuredeploy.parameters.json

Option 2: Create resource and provide user-assigned identity

In this command, provide the resource ID of the user-assigned identity as an additional parameter.

az deployment group create \
  --resource-group $TARGET_RG \
  --template-file azuredeploy.json \
  --name importPipeline \
  --parameters azuredeploy.parameters.json \
  --parameters userAssignedIdentity="/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myUserAssignedIdentity"

If you plan to run the import manually, take note of the resource ID (id) of the pipeline. You can store this value in an environment variable for later use by running the az deployment group show command. For example:

IMPORT_RES_ID=$(az deployment group show \
  --resource-group $TARGET_RG \
  --name importPipeline \
  --query 'properties.outputResources[1].id' \
  --output tsv)

Create PipelineRun for export with Resource Manager

Create a PipelineRun resource for your source container registry using Azure Resource Manager template deployment. This resource runs the ExportPipeline resource you created previously, and exports specified artifacts from your container registry as a blob to your source storage account.

Copy PipelineRun Resource Manager template files to a local folder.

Enter the following parameter values in the file azuredeploy.parameters.json:

Parameter Value
registryName Name of your source container registry
pipelineRunName Name you choose for the run
pipelineResourceId Resource ID of the export pipeline.
Example: /subscriptions/<subscriptionID>/resourceGroups/<resourceGroupName>/providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/<sourceRegistryName>/exportPipelines/myExportPipeline
targetName Name you choose for the artifacts blob exported to your source storage account, such as myblob
artifacts Array of source artifacts to transfer, as tags or manifest digests
Example: [samples/hello-world:v1", "samples/nginx:v1" , "myrepository@sha256:0a2e01852872..."]

If redeploying a PipelineRun resource with identical properties, you must also use the forceUpdateTag property.

Run az deployment group create to create the PipelineRun resource. The following example names the deployment exportPipelineRun.

az deployment group create \
  --resource-group $SOURCE_RG \
  --template-file azuredeploy.json \
  --name exportPipelineRun \
  --parameters azuredeploy.parameters.json

For later use, store the resource ID of the pipeline run in an environment variable:

EXPORT_RUN_RES_ID=$(az deployment group show \
  --resource-group $SOURCE_RG \
  --name exportPipelineRun \
  --query 'properties.outputResources[0].id' \
  --output tsv)

It can take several minutes for artifacts to export. When deployment completes successfully, verify artifact export by listing the exported blob in the transfer container of the source storage account. For example, run the az storage blob list command:

az storage blob list \
  --account-name $SOURCE_SA \
  --container transfer \
  --output table

Transfer blob (optional)

Use the AzCopy tool or other methods to transfer blob data from the source storage account to the target storage account.

For example, the following azcopy copy command copies myblob from the transfer container in the source account to the transfer container in the target account. If the blob exists in the target account, it's overwritten. Authentication uses SAS tokens with appropriate permissions for the source and target containers. (Steps to create tokens aren't shown.)

azcopy copy \
  'https://<source-storage-account-name>'$SOURCE_SAS \
  'https://<destination-storage-account-name>'$TARGET_SAS \
  --overwrite true

Trigger ImportPipeline resource

If you enabled the sourceTriggerStatus parameter of the ImportPipeline (the default value), the pipeline is triggered after the blob is copied to the target storage account. It can take several minutes for artifacts to import. When the import completes successfully, verify artifact import by listing the repositories in the target container registry. For example, run az acr repository list:

az acr repository list --name <target-registry-name>


Source Trigger will only import blobs that have a Last Modified time within the last 60 days. If you intend to use Source Trigger to import blobs older than that, please refresh the Last Modified time of the blobs by add blob metadata to them or else import them with manually created pipeline runs.

If you didn't enable the sourceTriggerStatus parameter of the import pipeline, run the ImportPipeline resource manually, as shown in the following section.

Create PipelineRun for import with Resource Manager (optional)

You can also use a PipelineRun resource to trigger an ImportPipeline for artifact import to your target container registry.

Copy PipelineRun Resource Manager template files to a local folder.

Enter the following parameter values in the file azuredeploy.parameters.json:

Parameter Value
registryName Name of your target container registry
pipelineRunName Name you choose for the run
pipelineResourceId Resource ID of the import pipeline.
Example: /subscriptions/<subscriptionID>/resourceGroups/<resourceGroupName>/providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/<sourceRegistryName>/importPipelines/myImportPipeline
sourceName Name of the existing blob for exported artifacts in your storage account, such as myblob

If redeploying a PipelineRun resource with identical properties, you must also use the forceUpdateTag property.

Run az deployment group create to run the resource.

az deployment group create \
  --resource-group $TARGET_RG \
  --name importPipelineRun \
  --template-file azuredeploy.json \
  --parameters azuredeploy.parameters.json

For later use, store the resource ID of the pipeline run in an environment variable:

IMPORT_RUN_RES_ID=$(az deployment group show \
  --resource-group $TARGET_RG \
  --name importPipelineRun \
  --query 'properties.outputResources[0].id' \
  --output tsv)

When deployment completes successfully, verify artifact import by listing the repositories in the target container registry. For example, run az acr repository list:

az acr repository list --name <target-registry-name>

Redeploy PipelineRun resource

If redeploying a PipelineRun resource with identical properties, you must leverage the forceUpdateTag property. This property indicates that the PipelineRun resource should be recreated even if the configuration has not changed. Ensure forceUpdateTag is different each time you redeploy the PipelineRun resource. The example below recreates a PipelineRun for export. The current datetime is used to set forceUpdateTag, thereby ensuring this property is always unique.

CURRENT_DATETIME=`date +"%Y-%m-%d:%T"`
az deployment group create \
  --resource-group $SOURCE_RG \
  --template-file azuredeploy.json \
  --name exportPipelineRun \
  --parameters azuredeploy.parameters.json \
  --parameters forceUpdateTag=$CURRENT_DATETIME

Delete pipeline resources

The following example commands use az resource delete to delete the pipeline resources created in this article. The resource IDs were previously stored in environment variables.

# Delete export resources
az resource delete \
--resource-group $SOURCE_RG \
--api-version 2019-12-01-preview

# Delete import resources
az resource delete \
--resource-group $TARGET_RG \
--api-version 2019-12-01-preview

ACR Transfer troubleshooting

View ACR Transfer Troubleshooting for troubleshooting guidance.

Next steps