

Overview of Azure server management services

Azure server management services provide a consistent experience for managing servers at scale. These services cover both Linux and Windows operating systems. They can be used in production, development, and test environments. The server management services can support Azure IaaS virtual machines, physical servers, and virtual machines that are hosted on-premises or in other hosting environments.

The Azure server management services suite includes the services in the following diagram: Diagram of the Azure operations model

This section of the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework provides an actionable and prescriptive plan for deploying server management services in your environment. This plan helps orient you quickly to these services, guiding you through an incremental set of management stages for all environment sizes.

For simplicity, we've categorized this guidance into three stages:

The three stages of onboarding the Azure server management suite

Why use Azure server management services?

Azure server management services offer the following benefits:

  • Native to Azure: Server management services are built into and natively integrated with Azure Resource Manager. These services are continuously improved to provide new features and capabilities.
  • Windows and Linux: Windows and Linux machines get the same consistent management experience.
  • Hybrid: The server management services cover Azure IaaS virtual machines as well as physical and virtual servers that are hosted on-premises or in other hosting environments.
  • Security: Microsoft devotes substantial resources to all forms of security. This investment not only protects the Azure infrastructure but also extends the resulting technologies and expertise to protect customers' resources wherever they reside.
  • Windows Server and Azure: Windows Server together with Microsoft Azure cloud management capabilities allows you to get even more out of your Windows Server investments. You can learn more on Better together Windows Server and Azure Management.

Next steps

Familiarize yourself with the tools, services, and planning involved with adopting the Azure server management suite.