
Add telemetry to your QnA Maker bot



Azure AI QnA Maker will be retired on 31 March 2025. Beginning 1 October 2022, you won't be able to create new QnA Maker resources or knowledge bases. A newer version of the question and answering capability is now available as part of Azure AI Language.

Custom question answering, a feature of Azure AI Language, is the updated version of the QnA Maker service. For more information about question-and-answer support in the Bot Framework SDK, see Natural language understanding.

Telemetry logging lets bot applications send event data to telemetry services such as Application Insights. Telemetry offers insights into your bot by showing which features are used the most, detects unwanted behavior and offers visibility into availability, performance, and usage.

The TelemetryLoggerMiddleware and QnAMaker classes in the Bot Framework SDK enable telemetry logging in QnA Maker enabled bots. TelemetryLoggerMiddleware is a middleware component that logs telemetry every time messages are received, sent, updated, or deleted, and the QnAMaker class provides custom logging that extends telemetry capabilities.

In this article you'll learn about:

  • The code required to wire up telemetry in your bot
  • The code required to enable the out-of-the-box QnA Maker logging and reports that use the standard event properties.
  • Modifying or extending the SDK's default event properties to enable a wide range of reporting needs.



This article builds on the QnA Maker sample code by stepping you through the steps required to incorporate telemetry.

Add telemetry code to your QnA Maker bot

We'll start with the QnA Maker sample app and add the code required to integrate telemetry into a bot that uses the QnA Maker service. This will enable Application Insights to track requests.

  1. Open the QnA Maker sample app in Visual Studio.

  2. Add the Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Integration.ApplicationInsights.Core NuGet package. For more information on using NuGet, see Install and manage packages in Visual Studio:

  3. Include the following statements in Startup.cs:

    using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility;
    using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.ApplicationInsights;
    using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Integration.ApplicationInsights.Core;


    If you're following along by updating the QnA Maker sample code you'll notice that the using statement for Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Integration.AspNet.Core already exists in the QnA Maker sample.

  4. Add the following code to the ConfigureServices() method in Startup.cs. This makes telemetry services available to your bot via dependency injection (DI):

    // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        // Create the Bot Framework Adapter with error handling enabled.
        services.AddSingleton<IBotFrameworkHttpAdapter, AdapterWithErrorHandler>();
        // Add Application Insights services into service collection
        // Add the standard telemetry client
        services.AddSingleton<IBotTelemetryClient, BotTelemetryClient>();
        // Create the telemetry middleware to track conversation events
        // Add the telemetry initializer middleware
        services.AddSingleton<IMiddleware, TelemetryInitializerMiddleware>();
        // Add telemetry initializer that will set the correlation context for all telemetry items
        services.AddSingleton<ITelemetryInitializer, OperationCorrelationTelemetryInitializer>();
        // Add telemetry initializer that sets the user ID and session ID (in addition to other bot-specific properties, such as activity ID)
        services.AddSingleton<ITelemetryInitializer, TelemetryBotIdInitializer>();


    If you're following along by updating the QnA Maker sample code, you'll notice that services.AddSingleton<IBotFrameworkHttpAdapter, AdapterWithErrorHandler>(); already exists.

  5. Instruct the adapter to use the middleware code that was added to the ConfigureServices() method. Open AdapterWithErrorHandler.cs and add IMiddleware middleware to the constructors parameter list. Add the Use(middleware); statement as the last line in the constructor:

    public AdapterWithErrorHandler(ICredentialProvider credentialProvider, ILogger<BotFrameworkHttpAdapter> logger, IMiddleware middleware, ConversationState conversationState = null)
            : base(credentialProvider)
  6. Add the Application Insights instrumentation key in your appsettings.json file. The appsettings.json file contains metadata about external services the bot uses while running, such as connection and metadata for Cosmos DB, Application Insights, and QnA Maker. The addition to your appsettings.json file must be in this format:

        "MicrosoftAppId": "",
        "MicrosoftAppPassword": "",
        "QnAKnowledgebaseId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "QnAEndpointKey": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "QnAEndpointHostName": "https://xxxxxxxx.azurewebsites.net/qnamaker",
        "ApplicationInsights": {
            "InstrumentationKey": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"


At this point, the preliminary work to enable telemetry using Application Insights is done. You can run your bot locally using the Bot Framework Emulator and then go into Application Insights to see what is being logged such as response time, overall app health, and general running information.


For information about personal information, see Enable or disable activity event and personal information logging.

Next we'll see what needs to be included to add telemetry functionality to the QnA Maker service.

Enable telemetry to capture usage data from the QnA Maker service

The QnA Maker service has built-in telemetry logging available, so there's little you need to do to start getting telemetry data from QnA Maker. First we'll see how to incorporate telemetry into the QnA Maker code to enable the built-in telemetry logging, then we'll learn how to replace or add properties to the existing event data to satisfy a wide range of reporting needs.

Enable default QnA Maker logging

  1. Create a private readonly field of type IBotTelemetryClient in your QnABot class in QnABot.cs:

    public class QnABot : ActivityHandler
            private readonly IBotTelemetryClient _telemetryClient;
  2. Add an IBotTelemetryClient parameter to your QnABot class constructor in QnABot.cs and assign its value to the private field created in the previous step:

    public QnABot(IConfiguration configuration, ILogger<QnABot> logger, IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory, IBotTelemetryClient telemetryClient)
        _telemetryClient = telemetryClient;
  3. The telemetryClient parameter is required when instantiating the new QnAMaker object in QnABot.cs:

    var qnaMaker = new QnAMaker(new QnAMakerEndpoint
                    KnowledgeBaseId = _configuration["QnAKnowledgebaseId"],
                    EndpointKey = _configuration["QnAEndpointKey"],
                    Host = _configuration["QnAEndpointHostName"]


    Make sure that the property names that you use in the _configuration entries match the property names you used in the AppSettings.json file and the values for those properties are obtained by selecting the View Code button on the My knowledge bases page in the QnA Maker portal:

    Illustration of where the app settings are found in the LUIS portal.

View telemetry data logged from the QnA Maker default entries

You can view the results of your QnA Maker bot usage in Application Insights after running your bot in the Bot Framework Emulator by taking the following steps:

  1. In the Azure portal, go to the Application Insights resource for your bot.

  2. Under Monitoring, select Logs.

  3. Enter the following Kusto query, then select Run.

    | where name == 'QnaMessage'
    | extend answer = tostring(customDimensions.answer)
    | summarize count() by answer
  4. Leave this page open in your browser; we'll come back to it after adding a new custom property.


If you're new to the Kusto query language that's used to write log queries in Azure Monitor, but are familiar with SQL query language, you may find the SQL to Azure Monitor log query cheat sheet useful.

Modify or extend default event properties

If you need properties that aren't defined in the QnAMaker class there are two ways of handling this, both require creating your own class derived from the QnAMaker class. The first is explained in the section below titled Adding properties in which you add properties to the existing QnAMessage event. The second method allows you to create new events to which you can add properties as described in Adding new events with custom properties.


The QnAMessage event is part of the Bot Framework SDK and provides all of the out-of-the-box event properties that are logged to Application Insights.

Add properties

The following demonstrates how you can derive from the QnAMaker class. The example shows adding the property "MyImportantProperty" to the QnAMessage event. The QnAMessage event is logged every time a QnA GetAnswers call is performed.

After learning how to add custom properties we'll learn how to create a new custom event and associate properties with it, then we'll run the bot locally using the Bot Framework Emulator and see what is being logged in Application Insights using the Kusto query language.

  1. Create a new class named MyQnAMaker in the Microsoft.BotBuilderSamples namespace that inherits from the QnAMaker class and save it as MyQnAMaker.cs. To inherit from the QnAMaker class, you'll need to add the Microsoft.Bot.Builder.AI.QnA using statement. Your code should appear as follows:

    using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.AI.QnA;
    namespace Microsoft.BotBuilderSamples
        public class MyQnAMaker : QnAMaker
  2. Add a class constructor to MyQnAMaker. You'll need two more using statements for the constructor parameters for System.Net.Http and Microsoft.Bot.Builder:

    using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.AI.QnA;
    using System.Net.Http;
    using Microsoft.Bot.Builder;
    namespace Microsoft.BotBuilderSamples
        public class MyQnAMaker : QnAMaker
            public MyQnAMaker(
                QnAMakerEndpoint endpoint,
                QnAMakerOptions options = null,
                HttpClient httpClient = null,
                IBotTelemetryClient telemetryClient = null,
                bool logPersonalInformation = false)
                : base(endpoint, options, httpClient, telemetryClient, logPersonalInformation)
  3. Add the new property to the QnAMessage event after the constructor and include the statements System.Collections.Generic, System.Threading, and System.Threading.Tasks:

    using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.AI.QnA;
    using System.Net.Http;
    using Microsoft.Bot.Builder;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    namespace Microsoft.BotBuilderSamples
            public class MyQnAMaker : QnAMaker
            protected override async Task OnQnaResultsAsync(
                                QueryResult[] queryResults,
                                Microsoft.Bot.Builder.ITurnContext turnContext,
                                Dictionary<string, string> telemetryProperties = null,
                                Dictionary<string, double> telemetryMetrics = null,
                                CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
                var eventData = await FillQnAEventAsync(
                // Add new property
                eventData.Properties.Add("MyImportantProperty", "myImportantValue");
                // Log QnAMessage event
  4. Modify your bot to use the new class, instead of creating a QnAMaker object you'll create a MyQnAMaker object in QnABot.cs:

    var qnaMaker = new MyQnAMaker(new QnAMakerEndpoint
                    KnowledgeBaseId = _configuration["QnAKnowledgebaseId"],
                    EndpointKey = _configuration["QnAEndpointKey"],
                    Host = _configuration["QnAEndpointHostName"]
View telemetry data logged from the new property MyImportantProperty

After running your bot in the Emulator, you can view the results in Application Insights by doing the following:

  1. Switch back to your browser that has the Logs (Analytics) view active.

  2. Enter the following Kusto query and then select Run. This will give a count of the number of times the new property was executed:

    | where name == 'QnaMessage'
    | extend MyImportantProperty = tostring(customDimensions.MyImportantProperty)
    | summarize count() by MyImportantProperty
  3. To show details instead of the count, remove the last line and rerun the query:

    | where name == 'QnaMessage'
    | extend MyImportantProperty = tostring(customDimensions.MyImportantProperty)

Add new events with custom properties

If you need to log data to a different event than QnaMessage, you can create your own custom event with its own properties. To do this, we'll add code to the end of the MyQnAMaker class as follows:

public class MyQnAMaker : QnAMaker

    // Create second event.
    var secondEventProperties = new Dictionary<string, string>();

    // Create new property for the second event.

    // Log secondEventProperties event


The Application Insights dashboard

Anytime you create an Application Insights resource in Azure, Azure creates a new dashboard associated with your resource. To display the dashboard from the Application Insights blade, select Application Dashboard.

Alternatively, to view the data, go to the Azure portal, expand the portal menu, then select Dashboard. Then, select the dashboard you want from the drop-down menu.

The dashboard displays some default information about your bot performance and any other queries that you've pinned to your dashboard.

Additional Information