PowerShell script to delete a Recovery Services vault
This script helps you to delete a Recovery Services vault for Azure Backup.
How to execute the script?
Save the script in the following section on your machine with a name of your choice and
extension.In the script, change the parameters (vault name, resource group name, subscription name, and subscription ID).
To run it in your PowerShell environment, continue with the next steps.
Alternatively, you can use Cloud Shell in Azure portal for vaults with fewer backups.
To upgrade to the latest version of PowerShell 7, if not done, run the following command in the PowerShell window:
iex "& { $(irm https://aka.ms/install-powershell.ps1) } -UseMSI"
Launch PowerShell 7 as Administrator.
In the PowerShell window, change the path to the location the file is present, and then run the file using ./NameOfFile.ps1.
Provide authentication via browser by signing into your Azure account.
The script will continue to delete all the backup items and ultimately the entire vault recursively.
Write-Host "WARNING: Please ensure that you have at least PowerShell 7 before running this script. Visit https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2181071 for the procedure." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$RSmodule = Get-Module -Name Az.RecoveryServices -ListAvailable
$NWmodule = Get-Module -Name Az.Network -ListAvailable
$RSversion = $RSmodule.Version.ToString()
$NWversion = $NWmodule.Version.ToString()
if($RSversion -lt "5.3.0")
Uninstall-Module -Name Az.RecoveryServices
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Install-Module -Name Az.RecoveryServices -Repository PSGallery -Force -AllowClobber
if($NWversion -lt "4.15.0")
Uninstall-Module -Name Az.Network
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Install-Module -Name Az.Network -Repository PSGallery -Force -AllowClobber
$VaultName = "Vault name" #enter vault name
$Subscription = "Subscription name" #enter Subscription name
$ResourceGroup = "Resource group name" #enter Resource group name
$SubscriptionId = "Subscription ID" #enter Subscription ID
Select-AzSubscription $Subscription
$VaultToDelete = Get-AzRecoveryServicesVault -Name $VaultName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup
Set-AzRecoveryServicesAsrVaultContext -Vault $VaultToDelete
Set-AzRecoveryServicesVaultProperty -Vault $VaultToDelete.ID -SoftDeleteFeatureState Disable #disable soft delete
Write-Host "Soft delete disabled for the vault" $VaultName
$containerSoftDelete = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem -BackupManagementType AzureVM -WorkloadType AzureVM -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID | Where-Object {$_.DeleteState -eq "ToBeDeleted"} #fetch backup items in soft delete state
foreach ($softitem in $containerSoftDelete)
Undo-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItemDeletion -Item $softitem -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID -Force #undelete items in soft delete state
#Invoking API to disable Security features (Enhanced Security) to remove MARS/MAB/DPM servers.
Set-AzRecoveryServicesVaultProperty -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID -DisableHybridBackupSecurityFeature $true
Write-Host "Disabled Security features for the vault"
#Fetch all protected items and servers
$backupItemsVM = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem -BackupManagementType AzureVM -WorkloadType AzureVM -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID
$backupItemsSQL = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem -BackupManagementType AzureWorkload -WorkloadType MSSQL -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID
$backupItemsAFS = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem -BackupManagementType AzureStorage -WorkloadType AzureFiles -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID
$backupItemsSAP = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem -BackupManagementType AzureWorkload -WorkloadType SAPHanaDatabase -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID
$backupContainersSQL = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainer -ContainerType AzureVMAppContainer -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID | Where-Object {$_.ExtendedInfo.WorkloadType -eq "SQL"}
$protectableItemsSQL = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProtectableItem -WorkloadType MSSQL -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID | Where-Object {$_.IsAutoProtected -eq $true}
$backupContainersSAP = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainer -ContainerType AzureVMAppContainer -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID | Where-Object {$_.ExtendedInfo.WorkloadType -eq "SAPHana"}
$StorageAccounts = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainer -ContainerType AzureStorage -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID
$backupServersMARS = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainer -ContainerType "Windows" -BackupManagementType MAB -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID
$backupServersMABS = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupManagementServer -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID| Where-Object { $_.BackupManagementType -eq "AzureBackupServer" }
$backupServersDPM = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupManagementServer -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID | Where-Object { $_.BackupManagementType-eq "SCDPM" }
$pvtendpoints = Get-AzPrivateEndpointConnection -PrivateLinkResourceId $VaultToDelete.ID
foreach($item in $backupItemsVM)
Disable-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProtection -Item $item -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID -RemoveRecoveryPoints -Force #stop backup and delete Azure VM backup items
Write-Host "Disabled and deleted Azure VM backup items"
foreach($item in $backupItemsSQL)
Disable-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProtection -Item $item -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID -RemoveRecoveryPoints -Force #stop backup and delete SQL Server in Azure VM backup items
Write-Host "Disabled and deleted SQL Server backup items"
foreach($item in $protectableItemsSQL)
Disable-AzRecoveryServicesBackupAutoProtection -BackupManagementType AzureWorkload -WorkloadType MSSQL -InputItem $item -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID #disable auto-protection for SQL
Write-Host "Disabled auto-protection and deleted SQL protectable items"
foreach($item in $backupContainersSQL)
Unregister-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainer -Container $item -Force -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID #unregister SQL Server in Azure VM protected server
Write-Host "Deleted SQL Servers in Azure VM containers"
foreach($item in $backupItemsSAP)
Disable-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProtection -Item $item -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID -RemoveRecoveryPoints -Force #stop backup and delete SAP HANA in Azure VM backup items
Write-Host "Disabled and deleted SAP HANA backup items"
foreach($item in $backupContainersSAP)
Unregister-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainer -Container $item -Force -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID #unregister SAP HANA in Azure VM protected server
Write-Host "Deleted SAP HANA in Azure VM containers"
foreach($item in $backupItemsAFS)
Disable-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProtection -Item $item -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID -RemoveRecoveryPoints -Force #stop backup and delete Azure File Shares backup items
Write-Host "Disabled and deleted Azure File Share backups"
foreach($item in $StorageAccounts)
Unregister-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainer -container $item -Force -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID #unregister storage accounts
Write-Host "Unregistered Storage Accounts"
foreach($item in $backupServersMARS)
Unregister-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainer -Container $item -Force -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID #unregister MARS servers and delete corresponding backup items
Write-Host "Deleted MARS Servers"
foreach($item in $backupServersMABS)
Unregister-AzRecoveryServicesBackupManagementServer -AzureRmBackupManagementServer $item -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID #unregister MABS servers and delete corresponding backup items
Write-Host "Deleted MAB Servers"
foreach($item in $backupServersDPM)
Unregister-AzRecoveryServicesBackupManagementServer -AzureRmBackupManagementServer $item -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID #unregister DPM servers and delete corresponding backup items
Write-Host "Deleted DPM Servers"
#Deletion of ASR Items
$fabricObjects = Get-AzRecoveryServicesAsrFabric
if ($null -ne $fabricObjects) {
# First DisableDR all VMs.
foreach ($fabricObject in $fabricObjects) {
$containerObjects = Get-AzRecoveryServicesAsrProtectionContainer -Fabric $fabricObject
foreach ($containerObject in $containerObjects) {
$protectedItems = Get-AzRecoveryServicesAsrReplicationProtectedItem -ProtectionContainer $containerObject
# DisableDR all protected items
foreach ($protectedItem in $protectedItems) {
Write-Host "Triggering DisableDR(Purge) for item:" $protectedItem.Name
Remove-AzRecoveryServicesAsrReplicationProtectedItem -InputObject $protectedItem -Force
Write-Host "DisableDR(Purge) completed"
$containerMappings = Get-AzRecoveryServicesAsrProtectionContainerMapping `
-ProtectionContainer $containerObject
# Remove all Container Mappings
foreach ($containerMapping in $containerMappings) {
Write-Host "Triggering Remove Container Mapping: " $containerMapping.Name
Remove-AzRecoveryServicesAsrProtectionContainerMapping -ProtectionContainerMapping $containerMapping -Force
Write-Host "Removed Container Mapping."
$NetworkObjects = Get-AzRecoveryServicesAsrNetwork -Fabric $fabricObject
foreach ($networkObject in $NetworkObjects)
#Get the PrimaryNetwork
$PrimaryNetwork = Get-AzRecoveryServicesAsrNetwork -Fabric $fabricObject -FriendlyName $networkObject
$NetworkMappings = Get-AzRecoveryServicesAsrNetworkMapping -Network $PrimaryNetwork
foreach ($networkMappingObject in $NetworkMappings)
#Get the Network Mappings
$NetworkMapping = Get-AzRecoveryServicesAsrNetworkMapping -Name $networkMappingObject.Name -Network $PrimaryNetwork
Remove-AzRecoveryServicesAsrNetworkMapping -InputObject $NetworkMapping
# Remove Fabric
Write-Host "Triggering Remove Fabric:" $fabricObject.FriendlyName
Remove-AzRecoveryServicesAsrFabric -InputObject $fabricObject -Force
Write-Host "Removed Fabric."
foreach($item in $pvtendpoints)
$penamesplit = $item.Name.Split(".")
$pename = $penamesplit[0]
Remove-AzPrivateEndpointConnection -ResourceId $item.Id -Force #remove private endpoint connections
Remove-AzPrivateEndpoint -Name $pename -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -Force #remove private endpoints
Write-Host "Removed Private Endpoints"
#Recheck ASR items in vault
$fabricCount = 0
$ASRProtectedItems = 0
$ASRPolicyMappings = 0
$fabricObjects = Get-AzRecoveryServicesAsrFabric
if ($null -ne $fabricObjects) {
foreach ($fabricObject in $fabricObjects) {
$containerObjects = Get-AzRecoveryServicesAsrProtectionContainer -Fabric $fabricObject
foreach ($containerObject in $containerObjects) {
$protectedItems = Get-AzRecoveryServicesAsrReplicationProtectedItem -ProtectionContainer $containerObject
foreach ($protectedItem in $protectedItems) {
$containerMappings = Get-AzRecoveryServicesAsrProtectionContainerMapping `
-ProtectionContainer $containerObject
foreach ($containerMapping in $containerMappings) {
#Recheck presence of backup items in vault
$backupItemsVMFin = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem -BackupManagementType AzureVM -WorkloadType AzureVM -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID
$backupItemsSQLFin = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem -BackupManagementType AzureWorkload -WorkloadType MSSQL -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID
$backupContainersSQLFin = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainer -ContainerType AzureVMAppContainer -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID | Where-Object {$_.ExtendedInfo.WorkloadType -eq "SQL"}
$protectableItemsSQLFin = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProtectableItem -WorkloadType MSSQL -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID | Where-Object {$_.IsAutoProtected -eq $true}
$backupItemsSAPFin = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem -BackupManagementType AzureWorkload -WorkloadType SAPHanaDatabase -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID
$backupContainersSAPFin = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainer -ContainerType AzureVMAppContainer -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID | Where-Object {$_.ExtendedInfo.WorkloadType -eq "SAPHana"}
$backupItemsAFSFin = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem -BackupManagementType AzureStorage -WorkloadType AzureFiles -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID
$StorageAccountsFin = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainer -ContainerType AzureStorage -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID
$backupServersMARSFin = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainer -ContainerType "Windows" -BackupManagementType MAB -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID
$backupServersMABSFin = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupManagementServer -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID| Where-Object { $_.BackupManagementType -eq "AzureBackupServer" }
$backupServersDPMFin = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupManagementServer -VaultId $VaultToDelete.ID | Where-Object { $_.BackupManagementType-eq "SCDPM" }
$pvtendpointsFin = Get-AzPrivateEndpointConnection -PrivateLinkResourceId $VaultToDelete.ID
#Display items which are still present in the vault and might be preventing vault deletion.
if($backupItemsVMFin.count -ne 0) {Write-Host $backupItemsVMFin.count "Azure VM backups are still present in the vault. Remove the same for successful vault deletion." -ForegroundColor Red}
if($backupItemsSQLFin.count -ne 0) {Write-Host $backupItemsSQLFin.count "SQL Server Backup Items are still present in the vault. Remove the same for successful vault deletion." -ForegroundColor Red}
if($backupContainersSQLFin.count -ne 0) {Write-Host $backupContainersSQLFin.count "SQL Server Backup Containers are still registered to the vault. Remove the same for successful vault deletion." -ForegroundColor Red}
if($protectableItemsSQLFin.count -ne 0) {Write-Host $protectableItemsSQLFin.count "SQL Server Instances are still present in the vault. Remove the same for successful vault deletion." -ForegroundColor Red}
if($backupItemsSAPFin.count -ne 0) {Write-Host $backupItemsSAPFin.count "SAP HANA Backup Items are still present in the vault. Remove the same for successful vault deletion." -ForegroundColor Red}
if($backupContainersSAPFin.count -ne 0) {Write-Host $backupContainersSAPFin.count "SAP HANA Backup Containers are still registered to the vault. Remove the same for successful vault deletion." -ForegroundColor Red}
if($backupItemsAFSFin.count -ne 0) {Write-Host $backupItemsAFSFin.count "Azure File Shares are still present in the vault. Remove the same for successful vault deletion." -ForegroundColor Red}
if($StorageAccountsFin.count -ne 0) {Write-Host $StorageAccountsFin.count "Storage Accounts are still registered to the vault. Remove the same for successful vault deletion." -ForegroundColor Red}
if($backupServersMARSFin.count -ne 0) {Write-Host $backupServersMARSFin.count "MARS Servers are still registered to the vault. Remove the same for successful vault deletion." -ForegroundColor Red}
if($backupServersMABSFin.count -ne 0) {Write-Host $backupServersMABSFin.count "MAB Servers are still registered to the vault. Remove the same for successful vault deletion." -ForegroundColor Red}
if($backupServersDPMFin.count -ne 0) {Write-Host $backupServersDPMFin.count "DPM Servers are still registered to the vault. Remove the same for successful vault deletion." -ForegroundColor Red}
if($ASRProtectedItems -ne 0) {Write-Host $ASRProtectedItems "ASR protected items are still present in the vault. Remove the same for successful vault deletion." -ForegroundColor Red}
if($ASRPolicyMappings -ne 0) {Write-Host $ASRPolicyMappings "ASR policy mappings are still present in the vault. Remove the same for successful vault deletion." -ForegroundColor Red}
if($fabricCount -ne 0) {Write-Host $fabricCount "ASR Fabrics are still present in the vault. Remove the same for successful vault deletion." -ForegroundColor Red}
if($pvtendpointsFin.count -ne 0) {Write-Host $pvtendpointsFin.count "Private endpoints are still linked to the vault. Remove the same for successful vault deletion." -ForegroundColor Red}
$accesstoken = Get-AzAccessToken
$token = $accesstoken.Token
$authHeader = @{
'Authorization'='Bearer ' + $token
$restUri = "https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/"+$SubscriptionId+'/resourcegroups/'+$ResourceGroup+'/providers/Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/'+$VaultName+'?api-version=2021-06-01&operation=DeleteVaultUsingPS'
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $restUri -Headers $authHeader -Method DELETE
$VaultDeleted = Get-AzRecoveryServicesVault -Name $VaultName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'
if ($VaultDeleted -eq $null){
Write-Host "Recovery Services Vault" $VaultName "successfully deleted"
Next steps
Learn more about vault deletion process.