


Events generated using the service, for example GET requests or the execution events of a workflow.

Table attributes

Attribute Value
Resource types microsoft.d365customerinsights/instances
Categories Azure Resources
Solutions LogManagement
Basic log No
Ingestion-time transformation No
Sample Queries Yes


Column Type Description
AdditionalInformation string Contains AffectedEntities, MessageCode and entityCount.
Audience string The audience for which the accessToken was requested for.
_BilledSize real The record size in bytes
CallerIPAddress string Caller IP address, if the operation corresponds to an API call that would come from an entity with a publicly available IP address.
CallerObjectId string Azure Active Directory ObjectId of the caller.
Category string Log category of the event. Either Operational or Audit. All POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE HTTP Requests are tagged with Audit, everything else with Operational.
Claims string Claims of the user or app JSON web token (JWT). Claim properties vary per organization and the Azure Active Directory configuration.
CorrelationId string The ID for the correlated events. Can be used to identify correlated events between multiple tables.
DurationMs long Duration of the operation in milliseconds.
EndTime datetime Specifies the date and time that the workflow job ended (UTC)
Error string Error Message with more details.
EventType string The type of the event. Either ApiEvent or WorkflowEvent
FriendlyName string User friendly Name of the Export or the Entity which is processed.
Identifier string Depending on the OperationType in can be: the guid of the export configuration, the guid of the Enrichment, the Entity Name.
InstanceId string Customer Insights instance ID.
_IsBillable string Specifies whether ingesting the data is billable. When _IsBillable is false ingestion isn't billed to your Azure account
Level string Severity level of the event, is one of: Informational, Warning or Error.
Method string HTTP method: GET/POST/PUT/PATCH/HEAD
OperationName string Name of the operation represented by this event. {OperationType}.[WorkFlow|Task][Started|Completed].
OperationStatus string Success for HTTP Status code < 400, ClientError for HTTP Status code < 500, Error for HTTP Status >= 500.
OperationType string Identifier of the operation.
Origin string URI indicating where a fetch originates from or unknown.
Path string Relative path of the request.
RequiredRoles string Required roles to do the operation. Admin role is allowed to do all operations.
_ResourceId string A unique identifier for the resource that the record is associated with
ResultSignature string Sub status of the event. If the operation corresponds to a REST API call, it's the HTTP status code.
ResultType string Status of the event. Running, Skipped, Successful, Failure.
SourceSystem string The type of agent the event was collected by. For example, OpsManager for Windows agent, either direct connect or Operations Manager, Linux for all Linux agents, or Azure for Azure Diagnostics
StartTime datetime Specifies the date and time that the workflow job was started (UTC)
SubmittedBy string Workflow events only. The Azure Active Directory objectId of the user who triggered the workflow, see also properties.workflowSubmissionKinds.
SubmittedTime datetime Specifies the date and time that the workflow job was submitted (UTC)
_SubscriptionId string A unique identifier for the subscription that the record is associated with
TasksCount int Workflow only. Number of tasks the Workflow triggers.
TenantId string The Log Analytics workspace ID
TimeGenerated datetime Timestamp of the event (UTC).
Type string The name of the table
Uri string Absolute request URI.
UserAgent string Browser agent sending the request or unknown.
UserPrincipalName string The UserPrincipalName is the Azure AD username for the user accounts.
UserRole string Assigned role for the user or app.
WorkflowJobId string Identifier of the workflow run. All Workflow and Tasks events within the workflow execution have the same workflowJobId.
WorkflowStatus string Running, Successful.
WorkflowSubmissionKind string OnDemand or Scheduled.
WorkflowType string Full or incremental refresh.