

Modify Health Service settings

Applies to: Azure Local, versions 23H2 and 22H2; Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016

The Health Service, first released in Windows Server 2016, improves the day-to-day monitoring and operational experience for clusters running Storage Spaces Direct.

Many of the parameters which govern the behavior of the Health Service are exposed as settings. You can modify these to tune the aggressiveness of faults or actions, turn certain behaviors on/off, and more.

Use the following PowerShell cmdlet to set or modify settings.


Get-StorageSubSystem Cluster* | Set-StorageHealthSetting -Name <SettingName> -Value <Value>


Get-StorageSubSystem Cluster* | Set-StorageHealthSetting -Name "System.Storage.Volume.CapacityThreshold.Warning" -Value 70

Common settings

Some commonly modified settings are listed below, along with their default values.

Volume capacity threshold

"System.Storage.Volume.CapacityThreshold.Enabled"  = True
"System.Storage.Volume.CapacityThreshold.Warning"  = 80
"System.Storage.Volume.CapacityThreshold.Critical" = 90

Pool reserve capacity threshold

"System.Storage.StoragePool.CheckPoolReserveCapacity.Enabled" = True

Physical disk lifecycle

"System.Storage.PhysicalDisk.AutoPool.Enabled"                             = True
"System.Storage.PhysicalDisk.AutoRetire.OnLostCommunication.Enabled"       = True
"System.Storage.PhysicalDisk.AutoRetire.OnUnresponsive.Enabled"            = True
"System.Storage.PhysicalDisk.AutoRetire.DelayMs"                           = 900000 (i.e. 15 minutes)
"System.Storage.PhysicalDisk.Unresponsive.Reset.CountResetIntervalSeconds" = 3600 (i.e. 60 minutes)
"System.Storage.PhysicalDisk.Unresponsive.Reset.CountAllowed"              = 3

Available memory threshold

"Microsoft.Health.Setting.Node.AvailableToSystemMemoryLimit" = 0.100

Supported components document

The Health Service provides an enforcement mechanism to restrict the components used by Storage Spaces Direct to those on a Supported Components Document provided by the administrator or solution vendor. For more information, see Supported Components Document.

Firmware rollout

"System.Storage.PhysicalDisk.AutoFirmwareUpdate.SingleDrive.Enabled"       = True
"System.Storage.PhysicalDisk.AutoFirmwareUpdate.RollOut.Enabled"           = True
"System.Storage.PhysicalDisk.AutoFirmwareUpdate.RollOut.LongDelaySeconds"  = 604800 (i.e. 7 days)
"System.Storage.PhysicalDisk.AutoFirmwareUpdate.RollOut.ShortDelaySeconds" = 86400 (i.e. 1 day)
"System.Storage.PhysicalDisk.AutoFirmwareUpdate.RollOut.LongDelayCount"    = 1
"System.Storage.PhysicalDisk.AutoFirmwareUpdate.RollOut.FailureTolerance"  = 3


"Platform.Quiescence.MinDelaySeconds" = 120 (i.e. 2 minutes)
"Platform.Quiescence.MaxDelaySeconds" = 420 (i.e. 7 minutes)


"System.Reports.ReportingPeriodSeconds" = 1


"System.LogLevel" = 4

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