

Azure API Management - Availability of v2 tiers and workspace gateways

APPLIES TO: Basic v2 | Standard v2 | Premium | Premium v2

API Management v2 tiers and API Management workspace gateways are available in a subset of the regions where the classic tiers are available. For information about the availability of the API Management classic tiers, see Products available by region.

Supported regions for v2 tiers and workspace gateways

Information in the following table is updated regularly. Capacity availability in Azure regions may vary.

Region Basic v2 Standard v2 Premium v2 (preview) Workspace gateway (Premium)
Australia Central
Australia East
Australia Southeast
Brazil South
Central India
East Asia
East US
East US 2
France Central
Germany West Central
Japan East
Korea Central
North Central US
North Europe
Norway East
South Africa North
South Central US
South India
Southeast Asia
Switzerland North
UK South
UK West
West Europe
West US
West US 2

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