

How to configure content filters (preview) for models in Azure AI services


Items marked (preview) in this article are currently in public preview. This preview is provided without a service-level agreement, and we don't recommend it for production workloads. Certain features might not be supported or might have constrained capabilities. For more information, see Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews.

The content filtering system integrated into Azure AI Services runs alongside the core models. It uses an ensemble of multi-class classification models to detect four categories of harmful content (violence, hate, sexual, and self-harm) at four severity levels respectively (safe, low, medium, and high). It offers optional binary classifiers for detecting jailbreak risk, existing text, and code in public repositories. Learn more about content categories, severity levels, and the behavior of the content filtering system in the following article

The default content filtering configuration is set to filter at the medium severity threshold for all four content harms categories for both prompts and completions. Hence, content detected at severity level medium or high is filtered, while content detected at severity level low or safe isn't filtered.

Content filters can be configured at the resource level and associated with one or more deployments.


To complete this article, you need:

Create a custom content filter

Follow these steps to create a custom content filter:

  1. Go to Azure AI Foundry portal.

  2. Select Safety + security.

  3. Select the tab Content filters and then select Create content filter.

  4. Under Basic information, give the content filter a name.

  5. Under Connection, select the connection to the Azure AI Services resource that is connected to your project.

  6. Under Input filter, configure the filter depending on your requirements. This configuration is applied before the request reaches the model itself.

  7. Under Output filter, configure the filter depending on your requirements. This configuration is applied after the model is executed and content is generated.

  8. Select Next.

  9. Optionally, you can associate a given deployment with the created content filter. You can change the model deployments associated at any time.

  10. Once the deployment completes, the new content filter is applied to the model deployment.

Account for content filtering in your code

Once content filtering has been applied to your model deployment, requests can be intercepted by the service depending on the inputs and outputs. When a content filter is triggered, a 400 error code is returned with the description of the rule triggered.

Install the package azure-ai-inference using your package manager, like pip:

pip install azure-ai-inference

Then, you can use the package to consume the model. The following example shows how to create a client to consume chat completions:

import os
from import ChatCompletionsClient
from azure.core.credentials import AzureKeyCredential

model = ChatCompletionsClient(

Explore our samples and read the API reference documentation to get yourself started.

The following example shows the response for a chat completion request that has triggered content safety.

from import AssistantMessage, UserMessage, SystemMessage
from azure.core.exceptions import HttpResponseError

    response = model.complete(
            SystemMessage(content="You are an AI assistant that helps people find information."),
            UserMessage(content="Chopping tomatoes and cutting them into cubes or wedges are great ways to practice your knife skills."),


except HttpResponseError as ex:
    if ex.status_code == 400:
        response = json.loads(ex.response._content.decode('utf-8'))
        if isinstance(response, dict) and "error" in response:
            print(f"Your request triggered an {response['error']['code']} error:\n\t {response['error']['message']}")
            raise ex
        raise ex

Follow best practices

We recommend informing your content filtering configuration decisions through an iterative identification (for example, red team testing, stress-testing, and analysis) and measurement process to address the potential harms that are relevant for a specific model, application, and deployment scenario. After you implement mitigations such as content filtering, repeat measurement to test effectiveness.

Recommendations and best practices for Responsible AI for Azure OpenAI, grounded in the Microsoft Responsible AI Standard can be found in the Responsible AI Overview for Azure OpenAI.


Items marked (preview) in this article are currently in public preview. This preview is provided without a service-level agreement, and we don't recommend it for production workloads. Certain features might not be supported or might have constrained capabilities. For more information, see Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews.

The content filtering system integrated into Azure AI Services runs alongside the core models. It uses an ensemble of multi-class classification models to detect four categories of harmful content (violence, hate, sexual, and self-harm) at four severity levels respectively (safe, low, medium, and high). It offers optional binary classifiers for detecting jailbreak risk, existing text, and code in public repositories. Learn more about content categories, severity levels, and the behavior of the content filtering system in the following article

The default content filtering configuration is set to filter at the medium severity threshold for all four content harms categories for both prompts and completions. Hence, content detected at severity level medium or high is filtered, while content detected at severity level low or safe isn't filtered.

Content filters can be configured at the resource level and associated with one or more deployments.


To complete this article, you need:

Add a model deployment with custom content filtering

We recommend creating content filters using either Azure AI Foundry portal or in code using Bicep. Creating custom content filters or applying them to deployments is not supported using the Azure CLI.

Account for content filtering in your code

Once content filtering has been applied to your model deployment, requests can be intercepted by the service depending on the inputs and outputs. When a content filter is triggered, a 400 error code is returned with the description of the rule triggered.

Install the package azure-ai-inference using your package manager, like pip:

pip install azure-ai-inference

Then, you can use the package to consume the model. The following example shows how to create a client to consume chat completions:

import os
from import ChatCompletionsClient
from azure.core.credentials import AzureKeyCredential

model = ChatCompletionsClient(

Explore our samples and read the API reference documentation to get yourself started.

The following example shows the response for a chat completion request that has triggered content safety.

from import AssistantMessage, UserMessage, SystemMessage
from azure.core.exceptions import HttpResponseError

    response = model.complete(
            SystemMessage(content="You are an AI assistant that helps people find information."),
            UserMessage(content="Chopping tomatoes and cutting them into cubes or wedges are great ways to practice your knife skills."),


except HttpResponseError as ex:
    if ex.status_code == 400:
        response = json.loads(ex.response._content.decode('utf-8'))
        if isinstance(response, dict) and "error" in response:
            print(f"Your request triggered an {response['error']['code']} error:\n\t {response['error']['message']}")
            raise ex
        raise ex

Follow best practices

We recommend informing your content filtering configuration decisions through an iterative identification (for example, red team testing, stress-testing, and analysis) and measurement process to address the potential harms that are relevant for a specific model, application, and deployment scenario. After you implement mitigations such as content filtering, repeat measurement to test effectiveness.

Recommendations and best practices for Responsible AI for Azure OpenAI, grounded in the Microsoft Responsible AI Standard can be found in the Responsible AI Overview for Azure OpenAI.


Items marked (preview) in this article are currently in public preview. This preview is provided without a service-level agreement, and we don't recommend it for production workloads. Certain features might not be supported or might have constrained capabilities. For more information, see Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews.

The content filtering system integrated into Azure AI Services runs alongside the core models. It uses an ensemble of multi-class classification models to detect four categories of harmful content (violence, hate, sexual, and self-harm) at four severity levels respectively (safe, low, medium, and high). It offers optional binary classifiers for detecting jailbreak risk, existing text, and code in public repositories. Learn more about content categories, severity levels, and the behavior of the content filtering system in the following article

The default content filtering configuration is set to filter at the medium severity threshold for all four content harms categories for both prompts and completions. Hence, content detected at severity level medium or high is filtered, while content detected at severity level low or safe isn't filtered.

Content filters can be configured at the resource level and associated with one or more deployments.


To complete this article, you need:

  • Install the Azure CLI.

  • Identify the following information:

    • Your Azure subscription ID.

    • Your Azure AI Services resource name.

    • The resource group where the Azure AI Services resource is deployed.

    • The model name, provider, version, and SKU you would like to deploy. You can use the Azure AI Foundry portal or the Azure CLI to identify it. In this example we deploy the following model:

      • Model name:: Phi-3.5-vision-instruct
      • Provider: Microsoft
      • Version: 2
      • Deployment type: Global standard

Add a model deployment with custom content filtering

  1. Use the template ai-services-content-filter-template.bicep to describe the content filter policy:


    @description('Name of the Azure AI Services account where the policy will be created')
    param accountName string
    @description('Name of the policy to be created')
    param policyName string
    @allowed(['Asynchronous_filter', 'Blocking', 'Default', 'Deferred'])
    param mode string = 'Default'
    @description('Base policy to be used for the new policy')
    param basePolicyName string = 'Microsoft.DefaultV2'
    param contentFilters array = [
          name: 'Violence'
          severityThreshold: 'Medium'
          blocking: true
          enabled: true
          source: 'Prompt'
          name: 'Hate'
          severityThreshold: 'Medium'
          blocking: true
          enabled: true
          source: 'Prompt'
          name: 'Sexual'
          severityThreshold: 'Medium'
          blocking: true
          enabled: true
          source: 'Prompt'
          name: 'Selfharm'
          severityThreshold: 'Medium'
          blocking: true
          enabled: true
          source: 'Prompt'
          name: 'Jailbreak'
          blocking: true
          enabled: true
          source: 'Prompt'
          name: 'Indirect Attack'
          blocking: true
          enabled: true
          source: 'Prompt'
          name: 'Profanity'
          blocking: true
          enabled: true
          source: 'Prompt'
          name: 'Violence'
          severityThreshold: 'Medium'
          blocking: true
          enabled: true
          source: 'Completion'
          name: 'Hate'
          severityThreshold: 'Medium'
          blocking: true
          enabled: true
          source: 'Completion'
          name: 'Sexual'
          severityThreshold: 'Medium'
          blocking: true
          enabled: true
          source: 'Completion'
          name: 'Selfharm'
          severityThreshold: 'Medium'
          blocking: true
          enabled: true
          source: 'Completion'
          name: 'Protected Material Text'
          blocking: true
          enabled: true
          source: 'Completion'
          name: 'Protected Material Code'
          blocking: false
          enabled: true
          source: 'Completion'
          name: 'Profanity'
          blocking: true
          enabled: true
          source: 'Completion'
    resource raiPolicy 'Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/raiPolicies@2024-06-01-preview' = {
        name: '${accountName}/${policyName}'
        properties: {
            mode: mode
            basePolicyName: basePolicyName
            contentFilters: contentFilters
  2. Use the template ai-services-deployment-template.bicep to describe model deployments:


    @description('Name of the Azure AI services account')
    param accountName string
    @description('Name of the model to deploy')
    param modelName string
    @description('Version of the model to deploy')
    param modelVersion string
      'AI21 Labs'
      'Mistral AI'
    @description('Model provider')
    param modelPublisherFormat string
    @description('Model deployment SKU name')
    param skuName string = 'GlobalStandard'
    @description('Content filter policy name')
    param contentFilterPolicyName string = 'Microsoft.DefaultV2'
    @description('Model deployment capacity')
    param capacity int = 1
    resource modelDeployment 'Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/deployments@2024-04-01-preview' = {
      name: '${accountName}/${modelName}'
      sku: {
        name: skuName
        capacity: capacity
      properties: {
        model: {
          format: modelPublisherFormat
          name: modelName
          version: modelVersion
        raiPolicyName: contentFilterPolicyName == null ? 'Microsoft.Nill' : contentFilterPolicyName
  3. Create the main deployment definition:


    param accountName string
    param modelName string
    param modelVersion string
    param modelPublisherFormat string
    param contentFilterPolicyName string
    module raiPolicy 'ai-services-content-filter-template.bicep' = {
      name: 'raiPolicy'
      scope: resourceGroup(resourceGroupName)
      params: {
        accountName: accountName
        policyName: contentFilterPolicyName
    module modelDeployment 'ai-services-deployment-template.bicep' = {
        name: 'modelDeployment'
        scope: resourceGroup(resourceGroupName)
        params: {
            accountName: accountName
            modelName: modelName
            modelVersion: modelVersion
            modelPublisherFormat: modelPublisherFormat
            contentFilterPolicyName: contentFilterPolicyName
        dependsOn: [
  4. Run the deployment:

    az deployment group create \
        --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
        --template-file main.bicep \
        --parameters accountName=$ACCOUNT_NAME raiPolicyName=$RAI_POLICY_NAME modelName=$MODEL_NAME modelVersion=$VERSION modelPublisherFormat=$PROVIDER

Account for content filtering in your code

Once content filtering has been applied to your model deployment, requests can be intercepted by the service depending on the inputs and outputs. When a content filter is triggered, a 400 error code is returned with the description of the rule triggered.

Install the package azure-ai-inference using your package manager, like pip:

pip install azure-ai-inference

Then, you can use the package to consume the model. The following example shows how to create a client to consume chat completions:

import os
from import ChatCompletionsClient
from azure.core.credentials import AzureKeyCredential

model = ChatCompletionsClient(

Explore our samples and read the API reference documentation to get yourself started.

The following example shows the response for a chat completion request that has triggered content safety.

from import AssistantMessage, UserMessage, SystemMessage
from azure.core.exceptions import HttpResponseError

    response = model.complete(
            SystemMessage(content="You are an AI assistant that helps people find information."),
            UserMessage(content="Chopping tomatoes and cutting them into cubes or wedges are great ways to practice your knife skills."),


except HttpResponseError as ex:
    if ex.status_code == 400:
        response = json.loads(ex.response._content.decode('utf-8'))
        if isinstance(response, dict) and "error" in response:
            print(f"Your request triggered an {response['error']['code']} error:\n\t {response['error']['message']}")
            raise ex
        raise ex

Follow best practices

We recommend informing your content filtering configuration decisions through an iterative identification (for example, red team testing, stress-testing, and analysis) and measurement process to address the potential harms that are relevant for a specific model, application, and deployment scenario. After you implement mitigations such as content filtering, repeat measurement to test effectiveness.

Recommendations and best practices for Responsible AI for Azure OpenAI, grounded in the Microsoft Responsible AI Standard can be found in the Responsible AI Overview for Azure OpenAI.

Next steps