

Resource provider API versions supported by profiles in Azure Stack Hub

You can find the resource provider and version numbers for each API profile used by Azure Stack Hub in this article. The tables in this article list the versions supported for each resource provider and the API versions of the profiles. Each resource provider contains a set of resource types and specific version numbers.

The API profile uses three naming conventions:

  • latest
  • yyyy-mm-dd-hybrid
  • yyyy-mm-dd-profile

For an explanation of API profiles and version release cadence for Azure Stack Hub, see Manage API version profiles in Azure Stack Hub.


The latest API profile contains the latest version of the resource provider API, and is not listed in this article.

Overview of the 2020-09-01-hybrid profile

Resource provider Api-version
Microsoft.Authorization 2016-09-011
(Not changing)
Microsoft.Commerce 2015-06-01-preview
Microsoft.Compute 2020-06-01
Microsoft.Databoxedge 2019-08-01
Microsoft.Devices 2019-07-01-preview
Microsoft.Eventhubs 2018-01-01-preview
Microsoft.Insights 2018-01-01
(Not changing)
Microsoft.Keyvault 2019-09-01
(Not changing)
Microsoft.Network 2018-11-01
VPN Gateway will be 2018-11-01
Microsoft.Resources 2016-06-01
(Not changing)
Microsoft.Storage 2019-06-01
Microsoft.Web 2018-02-01
(Not changing)

For a list of the versions for each resource type for the providers in the API profile, see Details for the 2020-09-01-hybrid profile.

Details for the 2020-09-01-hybrid profile


Role-based access control lets you manage the actions users in your organization can take on resources. You can define roles, assign roles to users or groups, and get information about permissions. For more information, see Authorization.

Resource Types API Versions
Locks 2016-09-01
Policy assignments 2016-12-01
Policy definitions 2016-12-01
Permissions 2015-07-01
Role assignments 2015-07-01
Role definitions 2015-07-01
Provider operations 2015-07-01


Resource Type API Version
Estimate resource spend 2015-06-01-preview
Operations 2015-06-01-preview
Subscriber usage aggregates 2015-06-01-preview
Usage aggregates 2015-06-01-preview


The Azure Compute APIs give you programmatic access to virtual machines and their supporting resources. For more information, see Azure Compute.

Resource Type API Version
Availability Sets 2020-06-01
Images 2020-06-01
Locations 2020-06-01
Locations/operations 2020-06-01
Locations/publishers 2020-06-01
Locations/usages 2020-06-01
Locations/vmSizes 2020-06-01
Operations 2020-06-01
Virtual Machines 2020-06-01
Virtual Machines/extensions 2020-06-01
Virtual Machine Scale Sets 2020-06-01
Virtual Machine Scale Sets/extensions 2020-06-01
Virtual Machine Scale Sets/network Interfaces 2020-06-01
Virtual Machine Scale Sets/Virtual Machines 2020-06-01
Virtual Machines Scale Sets/virtualMachines/networkInterfaces 2020-06-01


Resource Types API Versions
Data Box Edge devices 2019-08-01
Data Box Edge devices/checkNameAvailability 2019-08-01
Operations 2019-08-01


Resource Types API Versions
Usages 2019-07-01-preview
Locations 2019-07-01-preview
Locations/quotas 2019-07-01-preview
locations/skus 2019-07-01-preview
Check name availability 2019-07-01-preview
Operations 2019-07-01-preview
Operation results 2019-07-01-preview
Backup providers 2019-07-01-preview
Backup providers/operationResults 2019-07-01-preview


Resource Types API Versions
Available cluster regions 2018-01-01-preview
Clusters 2018-01-01-preview
Namespaces 2018-01-01-preview
Check name availability 2017-04-01
Namespaces/authorizationRules 2017-04-01
Namespaces/eventhubs 2017-04-01
Namespaces/eventhubs/authorizationRules 2017-04-01
Namespaces/eventhubs/consumerGroups 2017-04-01
Operations 2017-04-01
Sku 2017-04-01


Resource Types API Versions
Operations 2015-04-01
Event Types 2018-01-01
Event Categories 2018-01-01
Metric Definitions 2018-01-01
Metrics 2018-01-01
Diagnostic Settings 2018-01-01
Diagnostic Settings Categories 2018-01-01


Manage your Key Vault as well as the keys, secrets, and certificates within your Key Vault. For more information, see the Azure Key Vault REST API reference.

Resource Types API Versions
Operations 2019-09-01
Vaults 2019-09-01
Vaults/ Access Policies 2019-09-01
Vaults/secrets 2019-09-01


The operations call result is a representation of the available network cloud operations list. For more information, see Operation REST API.

Resource Types API Versions
Connections 2018-11-01
DNS Zones 2016-04-01
Load Balancers 2018-11-01
Local Network Gateway 2018-11-01
Locations 2018-11-01
Location/operationResults 2018-11-01
Locations/operations 2018-11-01
Locations/usages 2018-11-01
Network Interfaces 2018-11-01
Network Security Groups 2018-11-01
Operations 2018-11-01
Public IP Address 2018-11-01
Route Tables 2018-11-01
Virtual Network Gateway 2018-11-01
Virtual Networks 2018-11-01


Azure Resource Manager lets you deploy and manage the infrastructure for your Azure solutions. You organize related resources in resource groups and deploy your resources with JSON templates. For an introduction to deploying and managing resources with Resource Manager, see the Azure Resource Manager overview.

Resource Types API Versions
Deployments 2019-10-01
Deployments/operations 2019-10-01
Links 2019-10-01
Locations 2019-10-01
Operations 2019-10-01
Providers 2019-10-01
ResourceGroups 2019-10-01
Resources 2019-10-01
Subscriptions /2016-06-01
Subscriptions/locations 2016-06-01
Subscriptions/operationresults 2019-10-01
Subscriptions/providers /2019-10-01
Subscriptions/ResourceGroups 2019-10-01
Subscriptions/resourceGroups/resources 2019-10-01
Subscriptions/resources 2019-10-01
Subscriptions/tagNames 2019-10-01
Subscriptions/tagNames/tagValues 2019-10-01
Tenants 2016-06-01


The Storage Resource Provider (SRP) lets you manage your storage account and keys programmatically. For more information, see the Azure Storage Resource Provider REST API reference.

Resource Types API Versions
CheckNameAvailability 2019-06-01
Locations 2019-06-01
Locations/quotas 2019-06-01
Operations 2019-06-01
StorageAccounts 2019-06-01
Usages 2019-06-01


Resource Types API Versions
Certificates 2018-02-01
Operations 2018-02-01
Checknameavailability 2018-02-01
Metadata 2018-02-01
Sites 2018-02-01
Sites/domainOwnershipIdentifiers 2018-02-01
Sites/extensions 2018-02-01
Sites/hostNameBindings 2018-02-01
Sites/instances 2018-02-01
Sites/instances/extensions 2018-02-01
Sites/slots 2018-02-01
Sites/slots/hostNameBindings 2018-02-01
Sites/slots/instances 2018-02-01
Sites/slots/instances/extensions 2018-02-01
Server farms 2018-02-01
Server farms/metricDefinitions 2018-02-01
Server farms/metrics 2018-02-01
Server farms/usages 2018-02-01
Available stacks 2018-02-01
Deployment locations 2018-02-01
Georegions 2018-02-01
List sites assigned to host name 2018-02-01
Publishing users 2018-02-01
Recommendations 2018-02-01
Source controls 2018-02-01
Validate 2018-02-01

Next steps