

Deploy a Go web app to a VM in Azure Stack Hub

You can create a virtual machine (VM) to host a Go web app in Azure Stack Hub. In this article, you set up a server, configure the server to host your Go web app, and then deploy the app to Azure Stack Hub.

Create a VM

  1. Set up your VM in Azure Stack Hub by following the instructions in Deploy a Linux VM to host a web app in Azure Stack Hub.

  2. In the VM network pane, make sure that the following ports are accessible:

    Port Protocol Description
    80 HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the protocol that's used to deliver webpages from servers. Clients connect via HTTP with a DNS name or IP address.
    443 HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a secure version of HTTP that requires a security certificate and allows for the encrypted transmission of information.
    22 SSH Secure Shell (SSH) is an encrypted network protocol for secure communications. You use this connection with an SSH client to configure the VM and deploy the app.
    3389 RDP Optional. The Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) allows a remote desktop connection to use a graphic user interface on your machine.
    3000 Custom Port 3000 is used by the Go web framework in development. For a production server, you route your traffic through 80 and 443.

Install Go

  1. Connect to your VM by using your SSH client. For instructions, see Connect via SSH with PuTTY .

  2. At the bash prompt on your VM, enter the following commands:

    sudo tar -xvf go1.10.linux-amd64.tar.gz
    sudo mv go /usr/local
  3. Set up the Go environment on your VM. While you're still connected to your VM in your SSH session, enter the following commands:

    export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
    export GOPATH=$HOME/Projects/ADMFactory/Golang
    export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
    vi ~/.profile
  4. Validate your installation. While you're still connected to your VM in your SSH session, enter the following command:

        go version
  5. Install Git, a widely distributed version control and source code management (SCM) system. While you're still connected to your VM in your SSH session, enter the following command:

       sudo apt-get -y install git

Deploy and run the app

  1. Set up your Git repository on the VM. While you're still connected to your VM in your SSH session, enter the following commands:

       git clone
       cd go-hello
       go get -d
  2. Start the app. While you're still connected to your VM in your SSH session, enter the following command:

       go run hello-world.go
  3. Go to your new server. You should see your running web application.

Next steps