

Azure Stack Hub update activity checklist

This article contains a checklist of update-related activities for Azure Stack Hub operators.

Prepare for Azure Stack Hub update

Activity Details
Review known issues List of known issues.
Review security updates List of security updates.
Review add-on resource provider updates App Service
Event Hubs
Apply latest OEM package Contact your OEM to ensure your system meets the minimum OEM package requirements for the Azure Stack Hub version your system is being updated to. Ensure your OEM package is compatible with the Azure Stack Hub version you are updating to. If your OEM package is not compatible with the Azure Stack Hub version you are updating to, you must perform an OEM package update before running an Azure Stack Hub update. For instructions, see Apply Azure Stack Hub original equipment manufacturer (OEM) updates
Optional: Configure automatic log collection In case you need to open a support ticket, we recommend that you configure automatic log collection on your Azure Stack Hub environment to streamline the process of collecting system logs. To configure automatic log collection, see the instructions in Send logs proactively.
Apply latest hotfixes Apply the latest hotfixes that apply to the currently installed release. For a list of the latest hotfixes, see the release notes hotfixes section.
Run capacity planner tool Make sure to use the latest version of the Azure Stack Hub Capacity Planner tool to perform your workload planning and sizing. The latest version contains bug fixes and provides new features that are released with each Azure Stack Hub update.
Run Test-AzureStack Run Test-AzureStack -Group UpdateReadiness to identify operational issues. The cmdlet is accessible through the Privileged Endpoint Session (PEP). For more information, see Validate Azure Stack Hub system state.
Resolve issues Resolve any operational issues identified by Test-AzureStack.
Update available In connected scenarios only, Azure Stack Hub deployments periodically check a secured endpoint and automatically notify you if an update is available for your cloud. Disconnected customers can download and import new packages using the process described here.
Schedule a maintenance window and notify your users You should notify users of any maintenance operations, and schedule normal maintenance windows during non-business hours if possible. Maintenance operations can affect existing tenant workloads and cause new tenants operations (for example, creating, reconfiguring, or deleting VMs) to fail - whether the operation is initiated from the portal or programmatically from the Azure Resource Manager API. Other operations such as backup may also be unavailable until the update is complete. For Azure Stack Hub express and full updates, you can check the release notes for a forecast of how long the update is expected to take for the version you are applying.

During Azure Stack Hub update

Activity Details
Manage the update Manage updates in Azure Stack Hub using the operator portal.
Monitor the update If the operator portal is unavailable, monitor updates in Azure Stack Hub using the privileged endpoint.
Resume updates After remediating a failed update, resume updates in Azure Stack Hub using the privileged endpoint.


Do not run Test-AzureStack during an update, as this causes the update to stall.

Do not run node repair during an update regardless of its state. Please contact Microsoft Support if node repair is needed during update.

After Azure Stack Hub update

Activity Details
Apply latest hotfixes Apply the latest hotfixes applicable to the updated version.
Retrieve encryption keys Retrieve the data at rest encryption keys and securely store them outside of your Azure Stack Hub deployment. Follow the instructions on how to retrieve the keys.
Re-enable multi-tenancy In case of a multi-tenanted Azure Stack Hub, make sure you configure all guest directory tenants after a successful update.

Next steps