

Apply Azure Stack Hub original equipment manufacturer (OEM) updates

You can apply original equipment manufacturer (OEM) updates to your Azure Stack Hub hardware components to get driver updates, firmware updates, and security patches. These updates are done while minimizing impact on your users. In this article, you can learn about OEM updates, OEM contact information, and how to apply an OEM update.

Overview of OEM updates

In addition to Microsoft Azure Stack Hub updates, many OEMs also release regular updates for your Azure Stack Hub hardware, such as driver and firmware updates. These updates are referred to as OEM package updates. To understand whether your OEM releases OEM package updates, check your OEM's Azure Stack Hub documentation.

These OEM package updates are uploaded into the updateadminaccount storage account and applied via the Azure Stack Hub administrator portal. For more information, see Applying OEM updates.

Ask your OEM about their specific notification process to ensure OEM package update notifications reach your organization. Some hardware vendors might require a hardware vendor VM that handles the internal firmware update process. For more information, see Configure hardware vendor VM.

OEM contact information

This section contains OEM contact information and links to OEM Azure Stack Hub reference material.

Hardware partner Region URL
Cisco All Cisco Integrated System for Microsoft Azure Stack Hub Operations Guide

UCS C-Series Rack-Mount UCS-Managed Server Software
Dell EMC All Cloud for Microsoft Azure Stack Hub 14G (account and login required)

Cloud for Microsoft Azure Stack Hub 13G (account and login required)
Fujitsu JAPAN Fujitsu managed service support desk (account and login required)
EMEA & US Fujitsu support IT products and systems
HPE All HPE ProLiant for Microsoft Azure Stack Hub
Lenovo All ThinkAgile SXM Best Recipes
Microsoft All Azure Stack Hub Ruggedized
Wortmann OEM/firmware package
terra Azure Stack Hub documentation (including FRU)

Apply OEM updates

Apply the OEM packages with the following steps:


Before applying updates in Azure Stack Hub, ensure that you completed all steps in the Pre-update checklist, and you scheduled an appropriate maintenance window for the update type that you're applying.

  1. Contact your OEM to:
    • Determine the current version of your OEM package.
    • Find the best method to download your OEM package.
  2. Before you apply an OEM package update, always apply the latest Azure Stack Hub hotfix available on your system's current Azure Stack Hub version. For more information about hotfixes, see Azure Stack Hub hotfixes.
  3. Prepare your OEM package with the steps outlined in Download update packages for integrated systems.
  4. Apply the updates with the steps outlined in Apply updates in Azure Stack Hub.

Configure hardware vendor VM

Some hardware vendors might require a virtual machine (VM) to help with the OEM update process. Your hardware vendor is responsible for creating these VMs and documenting if you require ProxyVM or HardwareManager for -VMType when running the Set-OEMExternalVM cmdlet, as well as which credential should be used for -Credential. Once the VMs are created, configure them with the Set-OEMExternalVM from the privileged endpoint.

For more information about the privileged endpoint in Azure Stack Hub, see Using the privileged endpoint in Azure Stack Hub.

  1. Access the privileged endpoint.

    $cred = Get-Credential
    $session = New-PSSession -ComputerName <IP Address of ERCS> `
    -ConfigurationName PrivilegedEndpoint -Credential $cred `
    -SessionOption (New-PSSessionOption -Culture en-US -UICulture en-US)
  2. Configure the hardware vendor VM using the Set-OEMExternalVM cmdlet. The cmdlet validates the IP address and credentials for -VMType ProxyVM. For -VMType HardwareManager, the cmdlet doesn't validate the input. The -Credential parameter provided to Set-OEMExternalVM is one that's clearly documented by the hardware vendor documentation. It isn't the CloudAdmin credential used with the privileged endpoint, or any other existing Azure Stack Hub credential.

    $VmCred = Get-Credential
    Invoke-Command -Session $session
    Set-OEMExternalVM -VMType <Either "ProxyVM" or "HardwareManager">
        -IPAddress <IP Address of hardware vendor VM> -Credential $using:VmCred

Next steps

Azure Stack Hub updates