

Provider resource usage API

The term provider applies to the service administrator and to any delegated providers. Azure Stack Hub operators and delegated providers can use the provider usage API to view the usage of their direct tenants. For example, as shown in the following diagram, P0 can call the provider API to get direct usage information on P1 and P2, and P1 can call for usage information on P3 and P4.

Conceptual model of the provider hierarchy

API call reference


The request gets consumption details for the requested subscriptions and for the requested time frame. There is no request body.

This usage API is a provider API, so the caller must be assigned an Owner, Contributor, or Reader role in the provider's subscription.

Method Request URI
GET https://{armendpoint}/subscriptions/{subId}/providers/Microsoft.Commerce.Admin/subscriberUsageAggregates?reportedStartTime={reportedStartTime}&reportedEndTime={reportedEndTime}&aggregationGranularity={granularity}&subscriberId={sub1.1}&api-version=2015-06-01-preview&continuationToken={token-value}


Argument Description
armendpoint Azure Resource Manager endpoint of your Azure Stack Hub environment. The Azure Stack Hub convention is that the name of the Azure Resource Manager endpoint is in the format https://adminmanagement.{domain-name}. For example, for the Azure Stack Development Kit (ASDK), if the domain name is local.azurestack.external, then the Resource Manager endpoint is https://adminmanagement.local.azurestack.external.
subId Subscription ID of the user who makes the call.
reportedStartTime Start time of the query. The value for DateTime should be in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and at the beginning of the hour; for example, 13:00. For daily aggregation, set this value to UTC midnight. The format is escaped ISO 8601; for example, 2015-06-16T18%3a53%3a11%2b00%3a00Z, where the colon is escaped to %3a and the plus is escaped to %2b so that it's URI-friendly.
reportedEndTime End time of the query. The constraints that apply to reportedStartTime also apply to this argument. The value for reportedEndTime can't be either in the future, or the current date. If it is, the result is set to "processing not complete."
aggregationGranularity Optional parameter that has two discrete potential values: daily and hourly. As the values suggest, one returns the data in daily granularity, and the other is an hourly resolution. The daily option is the default.
subscriberId Subscription ID. To get filtered data, the subscription ID of a direct tenant of the provider is required. If no subscription ID parameter is specified, the call returns usage data for all the provider's direct tenants.
api-version Version of the protocol that's used to make this request. This value is set to 2015-06-01-preview.
continuationToken Token retrieved from the last call to the usage API provider. This token is needed when a response is greater than 1,000 lines. It acts as a bookmark for the progress. If the token isn't present, the data is retrieved from the beginning of the day or hour, based on the granularity passed in.


"value": [


"name": "sub1.1-meterID1",
"type": "Microsoft.Commerce.Admin/UsageAggregate",

"properties": {
"usageStartTime": "2015-03-03T00:00:00+00:00",
"usageEndTime": "2015-03-04T00:00:00+00:00",


. . .

Response details

Argument Description
id Unique ID of the usage aggregate.
name Name of the usage aggregate.
type Resource definition.
subscriptionId Subscription identifier of the Azure Stack Hub user.
usageStartTime UTC start time of the usage bucket to which this usage aggregate belongs.
usageEndTime UTC end time of the usage bucket to which this usage aggregate belongs.
instanceData Key-value pairs of instance details (in a new format):
resourceUri: Fully qualified resource ID, which includes the resource groups and the instance name.
location: Region in which this service was run.
tags: Resource tags that are specified by the user.
additionalInfo: More details about the resource that was consumed; for example, the OS version or image type.
quantity Amount of resource consumption that occurred in this time frame.
meterId Unique ID for the resource that was consumed (also called ResourceID).

Retrieve usage information


To generate the usage data, you should have resources that are running and actively using the system; for example, an active virtual machine (VM), or a storage account containing some data. If you're not sure whether you have any resources running in the Azure Stack Hub Marketplace, deploy a VM, and verify the VM monitoring blade to make sure it's running. Use the following PowerShell cmdlets to view the usage data:

  1. Install PowerShell for Azure Stack Hub.

  2. Configure the Azure Stack Hub user or the Azure Stack Hub operator PowerShell environment.

  3. To retrieve the usage data, call the Get-AzsSubscriberUsage PowerShell cmdlet:

    Get-AzsSubscriberUsage -ReportedStartTime "2017-09-06T00:00:00Z" -ReportedEndTime "2017-09-07T00:00:00Z"


You can collect usage information for deleted subscriptions by calling the Microsoft.Commerce.Admin service.

Return all tenant usage for deleted for active users

Method Request URI
GET https://{armendpoint}/subscriptions/{subId}/providers/Microsoft.Commerce.Admin/subscriberUsageAggregates?reportedStartTime={start-time}&reportedEndTime={end-endtime}&aggregationGranularity=Hourly&api-version=2015-06-01-preview

Return usage for deleted or active tenant

Method Request URI
GET https://{armendpoint}/subscriptions/{subId}/providers/Microsoft.Commerce.Admin/subscriberUsageAggregates?reportedStartTime={start-time}&reportedEndTime={end-endtime}&aggregationGranularity=Hourly&subscriberId={subscriber-id}&api-version=2015-06-01-preview

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